"You will not deceive me, I know you all!", Or His own enemy
The psychological impossibility of an anal person to take a step forward leaves no other option but to cling to little things, classify the essence of information by external factors, such as the appearance of the lecturer, site design, the price for completing the training, searching for analogies (bad), irritability from words and phrases etc. Surprisingly, for some reason this claim seems objective to him!
Something like this begins the acquaintance of an anal person with everything new. It seems that I do not want to miss something important, fateful. But how to recognize this "something" in the stream of information that looks identical, being more than once already disappointed and deceived? Where is something worthwhile, and where is rubbish?
An anal-sound person interested in psychology often already has considerable experience behind him in the form of dozens of completed esoteric directions, a couple of dozen certificates from multi-day seminars and trainings on the most modern psychological developments, and possibly a professional education in the field of psychology.
Having heard about the newest direction in the field of applied psychology, he expects to encounter unimaginable terms and definitions, which are almost impossible to pronounce without hesitation … Having found himself at the training in System-Vector Psychology, he suddenly discovers that apart from Vasya, Masha and the bed between them, in some savannah there is no one else! And the whole principle of the world order is deduced as 2x2 through these two characters and a handful of annoying expressions.
"HA! And they still claim the status of science !!! Do not make me laugh! Here are the breeders! " - thinks our anal.
This is often the first reaction. Many people later say that in spite of the fact that they have already put a bold stamp of unsuitability to the training in their heads, something made them stay. Either the author's artistry, or good reviews about the training, or the number of people at the lecture. And in fact, a thousand people cannot be here at such a late hour in vain?
Hostages of "experience"

The inability to assess and imagine what awaits me in the new knowledge, the fear of everything unfamiliar pours out into an uncomfortable state, which in an anal person is often rationalized in the search for reasons not to go forward. The psychological impossibility of taking a step forward leaves no other option but to cling to little things, classify the essence of information by external factors, such as the appearance of the lecturer, site design, the price for completing the training, searching for analogies (bad), irritability from words and phrases, etc.. P. Surprisingly, for some reason this claim seems objective!
And to hell with her, with this objectivity - the main thing is to return as soon as possible to your usual, native state.
Why is this feeling wrong and what is it fraught with? Let's try to understand this "phenomenon".
When exactly do we feel life best? In most cases, when we are in dynamics and development. And everything static is perceived simply as a swamp. This principle is highlighted in nature everywhere. Life is constant change in everything. And our level of understanding is no exception here, despite the fact that many anal people try to convince others that "everything new is well forgotten (anal) old."
We, analogs, evaluate everything in this world, and especially something unknown to us, unfamiliar, only through the prism of accumulated knowledge. The present development is beyond the bounds of explainable by the past "experience", it is always in the future, which you can try to predict, but never predict with accuracy. That is why it is the future, so as not to be revealed until a certain time.
What's New?
Let's take a simple example. With birth, an amazing journey begins into the great mystery called Life. The symbol of this journey is the walking legs of a person, where one is constantly in support, using the base to push, being the creation of forward movement. The second leg penetrates into a new space, where it begins its action by hovering in the air, and only then, increasing the degree of its familiarity with the unknown environment, the basis for further reliance on it is gradually formed. In every next moment, the new support becomes more and more known, understandable, which means that confidence in it also increases. Do you understand? There is no movement without a "step into the unknown."
The conclusion suggests itself: there can be no static in human development - both the past as a supporting foundation and the future as a prerequisite for the formation of the foundation are in constant dynamics. A developed anal person understands this and uses the past to move forward, and not for inhibitions, memories and life by past experiences.

Despite this, a situation arises when the accumulated past can begin to play a cruel joke with anal people. The illusion is born that they already know enough, and there is no longer a need to go forward. The steps are slowed down to a complete stop. Life turns into one continuous past.
In a sense, you can check whether the development continues or the process of degradation has already begun - if you clearly understand where you are moving, then this is most likely self-deception, in which you simply dragged your past to the position of the future. I recall the words from the song of A. Makarevich: “… we thought that we were racing on a horse, but they themselves just ran in a circle, but thought that we were racing on a horse. … But the century seems to be drawing to a close, and no doubt it will soon pass. But nothing happens to us and it is unlikely that anything will happen …"
You can talk for a long time about what you have no idea about, evaluating it through the prism of past experience. As a person who has undergone training in System-Vector Psychology, I guarantee that no one, at whatever level of understanding he is, can even imagine what he will get from System-Vector Psychology or lose in case of leaving. You can really appreciate this only by entering this level. This happens in everyone's life as he develops - a 6-grade student is also unable to objectively assess not only the disadvantages, but also the advantages of the academician of sciences.
It is wrong to argue about something from the level of development at which we are at the moment, and even more so about the advantages and disadvantages of the next steps!
Many who go to the training, at first and cannot explain to themselves the reason for craving for this knowledge, say that, they say, I feel that it will be useful, I don’t know, but I feel the depth of information. It is important for someone that many different respected sources refer to this information, then you can try to figure it out yourself. And only then does one reveal one's own naivety. That the choice was made not by me personally, but by my unconscious part, and thank God that it happened!

And then there is a difficult process of reassessment of life positions and values. When you have to outweigh the tags "cause" and "effect".
Of course, the first step and the acquisition of a basic level of Systemic Vector Psychology is important. The seeds of new thinking have been planted and now you bear a huge responsibility for how this thinking will be born in you. It takes effort! But the effort is not in vain!
You feel such joy and relief when you clearly realize that this is completely your creation, and not some acquired skill. This phenomenon has one assessment - this is my own thinking. And the most interesting thing is that no one is able to influence your understanding! Even if Yuri Burlan himself suddenly says that he was “joking,” and all his words are a lie, this will not change anything!
And you no longer remember how difficult everything was at the very beginning:
… how, having started the training, I looked at everyone around, trying to disassemble them into system parts, but this did not work out in any way …
… how I could not determine all the vectors even in myself, constantly trying find out from other systems thinkers;
… how with each lesson there were more and more questions …
… how I constantly doubted and painfully sought a refutation of System-Vector Psychology, grabbing for any chance to prove it;
… how he jumped for joy and got everyone who can and cannot, with his only hint of systemic thinking (poor friends and relatives …);
… how I suffered from a lack of understanding where this can now be applied;
… how I suffered from the feeling that I did not receive everything, but that you are only at the beginning of the path …
Promotion is imperceptible. It usually manifests itself in outbreaks. At a certain moment, the understanding comes that thinking has become one continuous X-ray, which is constantly turned on and is used without tension.
Only now the understanding of the scientists' statement that our brain is almost not involved is born inside … Before the training, it seemed that the brain was ready to fall apart.
Sometimes this knowledge makes it funny, and sometimes it becomes uncomfortable and even ashamed in front of a person about whom you understand everything in 5 minutes, even his most secret. You just literally see right through it.
So maybe it's still worth sometimes stepping on the throat of your own song to open yourself in a fundamentally new quality?
To finally understand who I am?
Finally, to understand the other enough to know his desires and thoughts better than his own.
The main thing for us, anal sexes, is to take the first step … more important than ever!
And right now!