I Can't Concentrate. How Do I Get My Head To Work?

I Can't Concentrate. How Do I Get My Head To Work?
I Can't Concentrate. How Do I Get My Head To Work?

I can't concentrate. How do I get my head to work?

A person with a sound vector develops from a person focused on himself (on his thoughts, ideas, states) into a person focused on other people. Then he becomes able to consciously track the unconscious, to observe the forces that live by man on the air …

I can't concentrate at all … My head doesn't work, as if stuffed with cotton wool. You look at the world as through a cloudy glass, as if everything is not happening to you. The body is lethargic, and I don't want anything. Just sleep…

What is this condition? So I want to return the time when my head was clear and I could ponder for a long time, ponder. How do I get my head to work again?

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan will help to understand this issue.

Ideal: focus of attention - outside

Concentration problems are especially troubling for people with a sound vector. Concentration, its depth for a sound engineer is a matter of life and death. No other vector has this.

Each vector develops into its opposite. The owner of the visual vector - out of fear for oneself into empathy for another. The owner of the skin vector - from an unrestricted earner and a thief to a person capable of obeying the law. A person with a sound vector develops from an absolute introvert to an absolute extrovert. Of course, this does not mean that by nature a silent, self-absorbed sound person should evolve into a party-goer and joker.

A person with a sound vector develops from a person focused on himself (on his thoughts, ideas, states) into a person focused on other people. Then he becomes able to consciously track the unconscious, to observe the forces that live by man live. Such a state - no thought of oneself, only an intense comprehension of the external - is called in the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan the extraversion of the sound engineer.

This is the ideal. But, unfortunately, the overwhelming number of people with a sound vector are in a state of self-focus today. The symptoms of this condition are painfully familiar - it is impossible to concentrate, as if the head is stuffed with cotton wool, there is no strength, I do not want anything …

Diving into yourself over and over again

A person with a sound vector from birth has a very sensitive ear - both to sounds and to meanings. If in the process of development, in childhood, he is surrounded by unpleasant sounds (loud, annoying, etc.) and unpleasant meanings (swearing, swearing), then the sound engineer involuntarily tries to reduce contact with the outside world.

Do you really want to listen with your most sensitive ear to the rumble or insults addressed to you? Not. Already in childhood, such a sound engineer learns to live in detachment from the outside world, fenced off from it. He is constantly self-absorbed, likes to wear headphones, a hood and listen to music loudly.

The essence of each of the eight vectors is desire. In the sound vector, this is a powerful desire to reveal human nature, the forces that are the Primary Cause of all that exists. Find the meaning of life. And normally this desire is realized - outside. The sound engineer focuses on others: he feels other people's states, analyzes them, comprehends. He is engaged in psychoanalysis, expresses the results of his knowledge in words.

But with a bad experience during development, listening to the world outside is painful! All the power of the sound desire is closed on itself. The soundman intensely reflects on himself: in what his thoughts, feelings, actions are hidden the reasons for his states - apathy, lethargy, absent-mindedness. Without even realizing that the reason is the very focus on yourself.

Not finding answers, the sound engineer feels the meaninglessness of everything that happens and concentrates even more on himself. And even more so he does not find answers. And it goes even deeper into itself … Conditions are getting worse - sleep disorders, depersonalization and derealization, obsessive suicidal thoughts may appear …

Live in detachment from the outside world
Live in detachment from the outside world

Exit to the other side

All ingenious is simple. As soon as the sound engineer focuses his mind and heart on what is happening outside, on other people, bad states loosen their grip.

The sound engineer faces two obvious problems here. First: how to focus on other people so that you can fulfill your sound desires and get rid of the symptoms of sound deficits? And second: how to overcome bad experiences, the irrefutable impression that other people are a source of suffering?

The answer to both questions is given by Yuri Burlan's training "System-vector psychology". In the process of passing it, the participant gains the skill to involuntarily determine the psyche of another person, to see his vectors. This type of concentration - systemic - is what a sound engineer needs to fill his overdominant vector desire - to cognize the First Cause.

After training, the skill to understand the psyche of other people only deepens. Indeed, over time, thanks to observations and comprehension, an ever-increasing "database" is being developed - a system of differences. This person has a skin vector, he has such and such desires, and this one has an anal one, his aspirations are radically different. Both of them have a visual vector, but they have different degrees of development and fulfillment, and this is reflected in their preferences, thoughts, feelings, life scenario …

The more people a person includes with his mind and heart, the deeper he focuses on them (leaving in the past intensified reflections and experiences about himself), the more a general picture of forces appears before him - drives, desires that govern people in particular and in the whole. In such a state of absolute sound extraversion, neither apathy, nor depression, nor reduced concentration of attention are terrible - they simply do not arise. Moreover, the answer to the question "What is the meaning of my life?"

There is also a dangerous obstacle along the way - a bad experience. After all, I know that people hurt, it is unpleasant to concentrate outside! How to retrain yourself? Only by replacing a bad impression with a good one.

Man is the pleasure principle. Thus, a sound engineer, having completed Yuri Burlan's training "System-Vector Psychology", begins to understand other people, their actions, and he develops an unusual, irrepressible interest in other people. At first, little by little, he tries to be focused outside. 10 minutes a day, 20 minutes a day … If he does everything right, then the feeling of revealing the secrets of the human and world structure delights him. This good experience gradually replaces the bad one. So a person with a sound vector can retrain himself and no longer sit locked up in the shell of his I, but be a sensitive locator, catching the slightest movements of the human soul.

In this state, the intelligence of the sound engineer shows its real capabilities. The ability to concentrate, think, analyze and experience genuine pleasure from this increases significantly.

Restoration of mental abilities
Restoration of mental abilities
