How To Psychologically Tune In To Weight Loss. Negotiating With Your Own Body

How To Psychologically Tune In To Weight Loss. Negotiating With Your Own Body
How To Psychologically Tune In To Weight Loss. Negotiating With Your Own Body

How to psychologically tune in to weight loss. Negotiating with your own body

Constant dissatisfaction, stress - and we start to eat more and more often. To make the enjoyment of food stronger and last longer. To somehow smooth out the severity of suffering. To please yourself with at least something …

I don't like my reflection in the mirror. I want to be fit and slim. I go on a diet, then I break down. Maybe it's not just about calories and exercise? I want to understand how to psychologically tune in to losing weight, so as not to eat more than necessary, and get a high-quality result.

Thousands of men and women dream of losing weight. Striving to become slim and attractive, they storm gyms and spas, eat according to the most modern scientific nutrition schemes, study the psychology of weight loss, and follow trends in weight loss and healthy lifestyles. Some achieve good results and can even keep them. Someone does not succeed. Someone still cannot start and do not believe in success.

How to find the very diet, the very exercises or the very psychological ways to lose weight that will help you? How not to be mistaken in the endless sea of recommendations, miraculous products that burn fat and make you slim and attractive? After all, you can read many psychological books for weight loss, but you still cannot cope with the problem.

Overweight and psychology: why we eat a lot

We all, regardless of gender, age and weight, want to receive positive emotions from life. However, our life is diverse: it has ups and downs, joys and sorrows. And if something doesn't add up, then the easiest and easiest way to get pleasure is at hand - it's food.

Constant dissatisfaction, stress - and we start to eat more and more often. To make the enjoyment of food stronger and last longer. To somehow smooth out the severity of suffering. To please yourself with something.

That is why, at individual or group psychological weight loss trainings, special attention is paid to finding an interesting activity for yourself that would give positive emotions and distract from thoughts about food.

This is the psychology of food addiction: to understand what is wrong in our life and find something more interesting than food, something that will fill our life with joy and pleasure.

Everything would be nice if it was possible to quickly and accurately determine what will captivate us so much that it supplants the consequences of daily stress, normalizes our need for food. Is it possible to solve this problem not by brute force? After all, all people are different in their inner qualities and desires.

Thin or Thick? What is your reaction to stress

The solution to this problem is provided by the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan. System-vector psychology distinguishes all people according to eight vectors, which at birth endow us with certain mental characteristics. These internal features are manifested in appearance, character, in the sphere of human interests, as well as in his attitude to food.

As you know, not all people seize stress, some, on the contrary, lose their appetite and lose weight even more.

System-vector psychology explains that there are people who, by nature, are able to naturally and painlessly restrict themselves to food, choose only healthy foods and lead a healthy lifestyle. Moreover, even to receive satisfaction from the very fact of limitation. In the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, they are defined as the owners of the skin vector. Their reaction to stress and dissatisfaction is a complete refusal to eat and problem skin.

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The main cause of unhappiness for other types of people is psychological dependence on food and sweets. The more diligently they try to limit themselves in their favorite dishes, the higher the stress, the more they are drawn to "seize" the stress. And when they "break down", they feel guilty, scold themselves for lack of character and willpower.

These are people who, by the definition of system-vector psychology, have the so-called anal vector. Such people do not have a natural ability to limit, but they have willpower. For them, a diet is a real torture that does not give any results, except for the feeling of guilt and a host of other complexes.

And they are the first to gain extra pounds: due to innate slow metabolism, natural ability to accumulate and lack of a natural desire to restrict.

Called to accumulate experience and knowledge to pass it on to future generations, such people, in the absence of full content at work and in the family, begin to accumulate kilograms. Therefore, the methods that are offered by slender skinned people from the pages of books, magazines, from the TV screen cannot be effective for them.

Replacing food

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan claims: if you find other ways to fill and enjoy life, you can naturally get rid of any food addiction and bring your weight back to normal. Indeed, the joy of fulfilling desires is incomparably stronger than the pleasure of even the most delicious ice cream, which leaves immediately after being eaten.

By understanding your vectors, you can easily tune in to weight loss and get rid of excess weight. You will know exactly the characteristics of your body, your "I": both mental and physiological. You will see your strengths and will not try to adjust yourself to other people's standards. You will understand exactly the reason for your food addiction: what exactly you are missing in reality and how to get it. Then the desire to eat too much will simply disappear.

Here are some of the results of those who have already walked this path:

“I woke up and fell asleep with the thought of chocolate - the day began with a large bar - now I remember it less and less often and I only regale myself sometimes - the martyrdom, a needle-seated desire and a sick addiction to sweets have gone … The weight slowly but surely leaves … sometimes a little -Slightly returns … but the overall result is minus 5 kg! This is when doing nothing …"

Irina P., administrator of the drama theater Read the full text of the result

"I lost 18 kg, almost returned to my natural weight."

Eva Bolbachan, linguist Read the full text of the result

“How I lost 32 kilograms in 9 months… Before the training, there was a terrible lack of pleasure from life, deep depression and lack of any desires. The main way to get at least some pleasure was the obsessive desire to eat. There is immensely. And I could not do anything with this desire. After training in systemic vector psychology, I came to life, moved, desires appeared, and the opportunity to satisfy these desires appeared. As a result, the obsessive hunger disappeared, began to eat less, move more, things in life increased, somehow everything started spinning. And the weight started to go away …"

Vladimir P., computer economist Read the full text of the result

How to change the taste of chocolate to the taste of life, they tell in detail already at the free online lectures on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. To participate, register using the link:
