Fear of old age at 20. Can the inevitable be avoided?
We look at ourselves for a long time in the mirror, and we get scared. We are very afraid that sooner or later we will cross the line when the skin is not so elastic and the body is not so tight, which means goodbye male attention. And how to live then? Old, ugly and useless? …
Youth is a wonderful time in life. This is a time of discoveries that excite the soul with anticipation and expectations. It seems that there is infinity ahead, and the whole world is at our feet. A world longing to be conquered. And we ourselves, beautiful and energetic, are full of strength and hope for a wonderful future.
But some of us have a strange feature: starting from the age of 20, we think about old age, feeling melancholy and anxiety on the eve of every birthday. Hearing such recognition, some people begin to laugh at us, considering it coquetry or a stupid whim. But we are not laughing: we frantically count in our mind the remaining years of youth, which ruthlessly and irrevocably, like sand through our fingers, rushes into the past.
It's scary to become old, ugly, and useless
We look at ourselves for a long time in the mirror, and we get scared. We are very afraid that sooner or later we will cross the line when the skin is not so elastic and the body is not so tight, which means goodbye male attention. And how to live then? Old, ugly and useless? We urgently need to take some measures: go regularly to a beautician, for a massage, buy anti-wrinkle creams in order to win at least a little time from our main enemy - time.
And now we are already 30, and it seems that not everything is as awful as it seemed: we were not covered with cobwebs and overgrown with moss, and we still enjoy success with the opposite sex.
But this does not make it easier: after all, no one has canceled old age, and it seems that from day to day all this attractiveness will disappear from us like a magic spell. Every day we look even more carefully in the mirror, with manic persistence looking for gray hair and wrinkles, upset about each new one as if someone had died.
Fear has big eyes
It is insanely hard to live with such a load of thoughts about a bleak future, which obviously do not brighten up the present. It is impossible to fully and fully enjoy life here and now, when fear is firmly seated deep inside and makes itself felt at every opportunity.
To deal with obsessive fear, let's try to look into the essence of the problem and understand its mechanism using Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology. According to this science of man, there are eight vectors - eight groups of innate desires and properties of our psyche. Vectors define character and give direction to our aspirations in life.
One of them is the visual vector, the owners of which are people with a fine mental organization. They are the most emotional and sensitive. Due to their properties, these people are capable of vivid, deep experiences and a wide variety of feelings. This allows them to both enjoy this wonderful world around them and be scared to death of everything in the world.
Spectators are able to literally live emotions, finding a source for love and empathy in everything that surrounds them: loved ones, loved ones, cute cats-dogs or just a beautiful sunset on the seashore.
According to the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, the root emotion of the visual vector is the fear of death. The innate ability of visual people to be very frightened, once, in primitive times, saved them and all their fellow tribesmen from danger. Being in the wild, the spectator, thanks to his keen eyesight, was the first to notice a dangerous predator, was very frightened and reacted violently. In response to his reaction, the entire human group jumped off and escaped.

To this day, spectators are born with the fear of death as a natural property of their psyche, although its practical meaning has long been out of date in the modern world. This primitive fear today is the cause of numerous fears and phobias in the visual person. The fear of approaching old age is one of them.
It's not scary to love, it's scary not to love
From an aesthetic point of view, only spectators can be afraid of old age. We are afraid that, being old and ugly, we will lose the most important thing - love. After all, it is she who saves us from fear, warming the heart on the most rainy day, inspiring and inspiring. But the paradox is that with such a potential as ours, we are the source of love, and it does not matter how old we are.
We, visual people, are able to love like no other. After all, love is a feeling that arises where fear for oneself gives way to fear for another.
One has only to switch from demanding love for oneself to giving it to others, removing focus from oneself and directing one's attention to other people in need of support, as any fears will pass by themselves.
The world is full of people who have fallen into difficult living conditions, unhappy, lonely and disadvantaged - all those who just need to take by the hand to give, thereby, hope and human warmth.
The very moment we experience compassion, an emotional connection is born that supplants fear. We stop being afraid, forgetting about our fears and phobias.
At the training in systemic vector psychology, Yuri Burlan talks about all the features of the visual vector. This helps its owners to reveal themselves from a new side and get rid of obsessive anxiety conditions forever.
Defeat fear on the shoulder of everyone! And this is not the result of an exhausting struggle, it is a natural result of a fascinating process of realizing oneself, human nature. Start your acquaintance with Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology right now by signing up for free online lectures at this link: