What If A Child Asks For A Pet?

What If A Child Asks For A Pet?
What If A Child Asks For A Pet?

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What if a child asks for a pet?

If your child asks for a hamster, guinea pig, rabbit or dog-cat, then this article is for you. There are such sweet-sweet children with beautiful expressive eyes who look straight into your soul.

If a child asks for a hamster, guinea pig, rabbit or dog-cat, then this article is for you.

There are such sweet-sweet children with beautiful expressive eyes who look straight into your soul. Often these eyes are "in a wet place", just a little - tears pour into three streams. Such children love and regret everyone: animals, flowers, and toys. They are open, sincere, sociable, very emotional. They are afraid of the dark, ask to sit next to them while they fall asleep, or at least leave the lights on.

Not all children behave this way. If you recognized your child in the description, you can be sure that your child is the owner of the visual vector.

What does it mean? What is the best way to raise and develop such a child? What mistakes to avoid?

The main thing to know is that for a visual child to develop correctly, an emotional connection with his mother is extremely necessary. If there is no such connection, he will establish it with a doll, a teddy bear, and then he will start asking him to have a hamster, rabbit, kitten or dog …


It is the visual child who asks to buy him an animal. How can you refuse him? Let him rejoice, let him learn to care, this will instill in him a sense of responsibility, and the mother will be less distracted - there are many convincing arguments in favor of the baby getting his pet.

The kid will be happy. She will love him, tenderly and tenderly take care of him. How can this be bad? What is the danger?

Small animals do not live long. Only the baby fell in love with his hamster with all his soul, and he fell ill and died! Breaking the emotional bond is a disaster for the visual child. In any stressful situations, a protective mechanism works, but if in adults the psyche takes the first blow, then in children it is still immature, and the body takes the blow. When something brings suffering, a person unconsciously abandons those properties through which this suffering comes to him. The loss of a loved one is a sharp blow to the sensor, which almost inevitably entails a deterioration in the child's vision by several diopters. Moreover, there is a direct dependence of the degree of vision loss on the strength of the emotional connection and on the degree of the child's defenselessness. A child developed in the visual vector to the level of love for a person will not go blind,his emotional bond with humans is stronger than his bond with the animal.

To this day, ophthalmologists all over the world do not know why children's eyesight deteriorates sharply. Parents sin on unjustified loads at school, harm from using a computer, prohibit children from playing computer games and watching TV. And the vision continues to fall … Why? What to do and how to avoid such a development of events?

The development of a visual child is the development of his emotionality. Fear is the primary emotion of every little spectator. His fantasy knows no bounds and can terrify him even from the smallest booger or spider. It is necessary to bring this fear out. How? Let the mother read good fairy tales to the baby, teach him to sympathize with the heroes of fairy tales. Don't stop the visual child from crying out of compassion for others. Then his fear will come out - this is compassion when he is not afraid of himself. Teach your child to read as early as possible and give him good literature. The transition from fear to compassion and love is the pinnacle of the development of the visual vector. Such a person is wonderful! Just as every developed and realized person is wonderful with any vectors.

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emots bond 2

You may have seen in your stairwell or seen on TV reports about "animal lovers" who keep at home 20-30 cats or dogs gathered from all over the area. Unlike animals, they do not like people and do not spare. Such people forever stopped in their development at the level of pity for animals, continuing to cling to an emotional connection with them. Pity for animals is not a bad thing. It's bad that they never reached the level of full-fledged compassion and love for a person. After all, we can experience real, full-fledged happiness only in interaction with other people.

What is an underdeveloped visual eye? This is a hysterical person, a person who is afraid even of his own shadow. These are followers of esoteric sects and teachings, lovers of fortune-tellers and astrologers. These are adults who do not part with plush toys, lovers of horror films and other emotional races. These are, finally, potential victims of criminals. Fear lives in them, which destroys their own life and disturbs the people around them.

Come to the training "System Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan. Start with free lectures, feel the depth and precision of this knowledge!

You will understand how to ensure the correct and harmonious development of your child.

You will know exactly how the personality is formed, which fairy tales can be read to visual kids, and which not, and why.

You will understand everything about raising children, how to ensure the correct and harmonious development of your child.
