Teaching The Oral Child: If The Child Talks Constantly

Teaching The Oral Child: If The Child Talks Constantly
Teaching The Oral Child: If The Child Talks Constantly

Teaching the oral child: if the child talks constantly

The verbal intelligence that oral children have is special, it is strikingly different in its essence from the generally accepted concept of thinking in society. “Think first, speak later” is the key to healthy thinking, according to school psychologists and the curriculum, which is usually based on the traditional approach. But in the case of the oral, it is different.

School education can be perceived as an inevitable obligation for a child and his parents, or it can be a happy time for acquiring the necessary skills for realization in life. It all depends on a competent approach to the child.

Children with an oral vector, as a rule, willingly go to kindergarten and school. The secret is that these talkative kids want to be heard and are drawn to other children, finding their audience in them. You can read about parenting oral children here. In the same article, we will talk about teaching children with the oral vector at school.


Education at school is an important stage that sets the direction for the development of children's intelligence, which in the future will provide a person with a high level of realization in society.

Developing intelligence is not an easy task. And first, the parent needs to find out the type of intelligence of his child. The verbal intelligence that oral children have is special, it is strikingly different in its essence from the concept of thinking accepted in society. “Think first, speak later” is the key to healthy thinking, according to school psychologists and the curriculum, which is usually based on the traditional approach. But in the case of the oral, it is different.

Verbal intelligence differs in that at first such a person speaks, and then he already understands what he said. Verbal intelligence is given to the oralist to fulfill his specific role. Since his task is to notify the flock of danger, then he must do this immediately, without slowing down the execution by thinking. Here a natural question arises: what, then, does the oral child say while studying? He says something that will attract the attention of parents, his environment as a whole, because he wants only one thing: to be listened to. Based on this, and should build his education in school.

Little talker

“The child is constantly talking. The requests and rude shouts of the parents finally do not help to shut up,”are the usual complaints about the oral baby. He torments his relatives and all those who are within reach with his conversations, and the more they cut him off and do not listen, the less his speech develops. Since the oral child feels the need to speak, he usually begins to do this early, and at first his speech itself is characterized by speed, indistinctness, incoherence, lisp, during conversation he can even spit saliva, rushing to speak as much as possible. It takes a lot of effort to develop the speaking ability of an oral child who has the potential to become a genius speaker.


First of all, I would like to warn all parents: he will speak constantly. You can throw out the radio and TV - the background noise in the house will last as long as your oral baby will be there, and you will not need anything else. The parent's task here is not to make the child shut up and think "to himself", in his case it is impossible, but to make the "noise" he makes to be meaningful and competent speech.

When teaching your child to read and count, teach him to speak new information. He will not silently ponder what is written there. He needs to say it, taste the word "taste." Have your child repeat aloud whatever you go through with him, no matter how tiring it may be for you. In this regard, the domestic industry of children's textbooks took care of the parents: there are talking books on sale. They are useful for children, but are especially important for oral children. Because repeating the pronunciation of letters, words, numbers published by a book or computer program is not only informative for him, but also useful. He, repeating the same letters in different ways, recognizes them better and better. At the same time, the parent himself may be absent for a while, the computer will take over the listener function (especially if the pronunciation control is configured there).

Of course, it is important for such a kid to read aloud and, of course, to have a listener. When moving with your child outside the home, ask him to describe everything he saw around. If the visual child can do this involuntarily and selectively, then the oral child needs to point out several accents: speaking should be fully descriptive, he should not miss anything if he is distracted by his own reasoning or questions, then only regarding what he saw.

In the course of his speech, he needs to be corrected and what he heard is clarified so that he speaks correctly and cleanly. Teach your child that telling fables and inventions is inappropriate, and you are only interested in the real state of affairs. Guide him in choosing topics for conversation and listen to him, this is important. The belief that they are being listened to gives the oral child a basic sense of security, which positively influences his development.

When entering the first grade, parents need to be prepared for the fact that the child will immediately make friends with the whole class, joke and joke, enjoying the general interest. Teachers often complain about such children, because the oralist easily interrupts, “talks” the teacher, attracting the attention of the whole class and not responding to comments. Therefore, it is important to switch its properties into a constructive channel.

From the first grade, it is advisable to connect him to all children's social events: performances, speeches, etc., as well as to electives in reading and the development of public speaking skills. Let your child speak out where appropriate.

Reading is something that is directly related to speaking. From the first to the last word, the oral child should read with expression, maintaining the pace, correctly setting logical stress, pauses. If visual and sound children do it themselves according to the meanings of the text, then the oral child needs to be instilled. Initially, it tends to reproduce an emotionless speech stream, sometimes very dense. The sooner he can be divided into intonational and semantic nodes, the better and more clearly his speech will be delivered. Over time, the child will get used to using it.

When silence is not golden: listening to our children

The reproduction of information by an oral child is especially specific. Homework should be done at home using the same principle of speaking. Only in the books of child psychologists who do not know what they write can you find the phrase that a child's talkativeness slows down his mental development. Let's say right away that an oral child will easily refute this statement when he begins to talk out loud about what he does not understand in his homework.

In the process of speaking, he begins to deduce the main thoughts from what he heard, leading to the correct answer. As a result, insights come to him. He seems to be asking himself a question and answering it himself. This is due to the fact that an oral person always pronounces subconscious meanings, and consciously perceives them only after voicing.


Teach your child that, after reading the condition of an incomprehensible task, it would be nice to say it out loud: to voice the question. In elementary grades, it is legitimate to do this by reading the conditions of the problems aloud. In high school - no longer. To speed up thinking for an oral child, tasks for describing the situation are useful. Speaking it, he deeper understands and is aware of the material. With each subsequent task, he accumulates the necessary baggage of primary concepts for himself, thanks to which he will subsequently be able to not speak aloud the tasks received.

Thus, the oral child, preparing at home for school, should do this by talking. If the parents are at home at this moment, they can be convinced that their homework is done by believing their own ears. It is advisable to always leave the doors open when doing homework, so that the feeling is created that the child has a listener, for whom, in fact, he says this.

It is very important not to lock such a child at home alone with their homework. During the day, he must have time that he must spend with friends, in the company of other children, also besides school. If this is not a courtyard, then let it be any nearest creativity development club or discussion club.

In your free time, you can talk about school affairs with an oral child, but not from the point of view of rumors, gossip or descriptions of events that have occurred, but discussing the completed tasks, all that new and interesting that he learned at school. Such conversations will help him systematize the material received by verbalization.

The role of literature in development

Nowhere does the star of oralt shine like it does in literature lessons. Of all the school disciplines, this is the key to healthy mental development for such a child. Starting in grade 5, it is important to focus on this discipline. In order to speak cleanly and competently, you need to know the language and perceive it correctly.

Poetry recitation is a regular performance in front of a class in high school. Discussions of literary works, retelling, oral writing are a significant stimulus to the development of an oral child. All this allows him to extrovert his properties in line with a good and competent base of classical and fictional literature.

In many schools, there are electives and separate courses of classes on expressive reading and storytelling, in which the child masters the figurative and expressive means of the language, learns different modes of storytelling, most importantly, practices them. After making sure that the program of these courses has a good literary base, the oral child can be sent there to study until the last school bell. After all, it is important not only what he says, but also what cognitive meaning his message carries.


Speech communication and unification on the idea

The implementation of the oral vector is not just a speaking process, but speaking for someone, for real listeners. One way or another, the child will attract these listeners to himself, but in what ways he will learn to do this - this is already a question that should concern parents. Lying, telling tales and gossip, or ecstatically voicing important meanings, fooling around with abusive anecdotes and jokes, or conducting meaningful, literate speech - in the case of an oral person, all options are possible.

Developed verbal intelligence is a powerful tool for bringing people together. And this plays a key role in the development of oral skills. Therefore, in addition to the fact that during school studies the oral child learns to speak beautifully, he must always unite in his own words the group of people in front of whom he speaks. Moreover, this unification is possible at different levels: at the lowest - when we physically relax, dying of laughter, or at the highest - when everyone is united in one impulse by a common idea. A higher level means a higher realization for a person, which means more joy and pleasure from life.

In order to be able to unite people at the level of an idea, one must feel this idea oneself, as well as have developed oratorical abilities. Whether a child reaches the maximum level of realization of his natural capabilities depends on his development until puberty, which is provided by his parents and school. A systematic understanding of the child's characteristics provides all the necessary tools to do this as correctly as possible.
