The film "Class of correction". What is behind the brutal reality?
Based on the plot of the book by the school psychologist Yekaterina Murashova, the director shows the audience the difficult story of the guys, whom fate united into one class of correctional education. Children with various disabilities, such as epilepsy, speech defects, the consequences of birth trauma and meningitis suffered in childhood, try to graduate from school, go through an important commission for each of them and get a ticket to a normal adult life.
"Class of Correction" - a film by Ivan Tverdovsky, released in 2014, many critics call art house cinema. Opinions are divided: to classify the painting as "chernukha" or an outstanding debutant work, for which the author received an award at the "Kinotavr". In his work, the young director tries to walk the fine line between feature and documentary films. He wants to show topical topics as if from the side of a direct observer-participant, sometimes in an almost amateur shooting. What exactly the author succeeded in, each viewer will decide for himself.
We will look at this social drama using systems thinking and try to understand the true motives of the characters' behavior, their desires, their thoughts, their dreams. All the secrets are revealed to us by the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan.
It all starts with a school bell
Based on the plot of the book by the school psychologist Yekaterina Murashova, the director shows the audience the difficult story of the guys, whom fate united into one class of correctional education. Children with various disabilities, such as epilepsy, speech defects, the consequences of birth trauma and meningitis suffered in childhood, try to graduate from school, go through an important commission for each of them and get a ticket to a normal adult life.
Excessive severity and even cruelty on the part of teachers towards the correctional class, of course, is striking. The director of the school is distinguished by too demanding, picky attitude towards the children, towards their problems. The level of teacher empathy, which logically should grow in working with non-standard children, practically dries up here. Reporting, formalities, disclaimer of responsibility are what drives most of the teachers in this school. Students in the correction class don't even participate in the September 1st holiday lineup. In a separate wing of the building, with a separate corridor, the entire school life of the correctional class takes place. And after lessons they all run to the "piece of iron", where, for the sake of fun, lie under the passing trains.
We have a new one in the class
The film begins with the arrival of a new girl, Lena Chekhova, in the correction class. Sick and disabled at about the age of ten, Lena spent six years at home teaching. And now, during the period of remission, she had the opportunity to study at school again, pass exams and get the hope of entering a university.

On September 1, Lena's mother drives her daughter to school in a wheelchair. At a railway crossing, they witness a tragedy - a boy who studied in the same correction class as Lena was hit by a train and died. This episode sets the viewer in an alarming mood from the very beginning.
Sweet, gentle and beautiful Lenochka with a skin-visual bundle of vectors immediately attracts the attention of all classmates. From the very first day, she unconsciously unites around her, it seems, kind and quite sympathetic guys, who take turns escorting her from school and helping her get home.
After spending many years at home teaching, Lena is sincerely happy with new friends. Much more advanced than her classmates, she brings a piece of culture to the correction class. Through sympathy for the deceased classmate, through fear for the boys lying under the train, Lena realizes the properties of the visual vector. Lena behaves according to her natural role. She brings love, beauty, tenderness, sympathy to society.
However, less developed classmates cannot fully reciprocate Lena's sincere feelings. Cynically mocking the photograph of a deceased classmate and smearing his image with porridge, they absolutely do not feel any loss and condolences. “You behave like animals, like freaks,” Lena tries to awaken sympathy in them.
She manages to very quickly create an emotional bond with the guys and become at first an object of adoration, and later, a scapegoat for her classmates. Unfortunately, this is also a pattern: at all times, the skin-visual woman caused envy and irritation among her fellow tribesmen by the fact that she attracted all men. Lena also evokes the same feelings among girls classmates, who in the end push the boys to a terrible ending.
The main thing in life is love
But while we are seeing the nascent love between Lena and her classmate Anton. Graduation class is the perfect time for the first serious feeling. During this period, the bond between children and their parents weakens. Nature prepares children for adulthood, so that in the future they can build a new bond and create their own family. In the meantime, the rehearsal is going through the test of first love.
According to Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology, the most vivid feelings flare up between two people with a visual vector. Living with feelings for them is as necessary as eating and breathing. So, skin-visual Lena at first sight falls in love with the charming anal-visual Anton. Unable to resist the crazy smell of the skin-visual beauty, Anton kisses Lena without hesitation in front of his classmates. Obeying an unconscious desire to feed his girlfriend, Anton collects untouched sweets and cookies in the dining room and treats Lena. He stands up for Lena before the school principal, throwing a glass of water in the woman's face when she calls the girl names.
On another day, Anton runs away from the police with a girl in his arms. With his behavior and care, he gives Lena a feeling of safety and security, for which she sincerely wishes to give her love and herself. Putting on her mother's stockings, she asks Anton to lubricate her legs with cream in the school toilet. But the cleaning lady who suddenly came in accuses the guys of having sex and reports this to the school principal.

Mom knows better
In the film, we see two moms with anal vector. Lena's mom is a kind anal-visual woman, the best mom in the world. She does everything for the sake of her daughter, with dignity enduring all the difficulties of caring for her disabled daughter. She reacts calmly to the news of Lena's relationship with Anton, explaining this by her first love. Despite the fact that she is a single mother, she does not carry revenge and resentment for the fact that her husband left them after learning about her daughter's illness. She pulls the strap patiently, trying to give her daughter the best she can.
Anton's mom is an undeveloped anal-skin woman who violently pounces on Anton and Lena when she finds them at home naked. Unable to contain her anger, she attacks Lena's mother with her fists right in the principal's office, when they are summoned to school to discuss their children's love story. It's a shame for her. Moreover, such an early relationship, and even with a disabled girl, is not included in the plans of Anton's mother. She pays for the son of tutors so that he can pass the exams and then go to a normal university.
Under the onslaught of his mother and under the influence of the slander and persecution of the girl by his classmates, Anton does not even look at Lena on the day of the commission, when she is all bruised, humiliated and insulted, comes to school. And these bruises are not from falls at all, as the members of the commission suggested.
Hate unites
A few days earlier, the girl's wheelchair disappeared from the entrance. A classmate in love with Lena, Misha, in a fit of revenge breaks and burns a wheelchair.
His anal vector is not developed and therefore carries a tendency to violence, a desire to inflict pain. The girl who refused him becomes in his eyes a sh … hoi, with whom you can do anything you can, over whom you can abuse. Moreover, the whole class is sure that Lena and Anton have long become lovers.
The general envy of a beautiful and sweet, albeit not walking girl, grew into a huge dislike of almost the entire class for Lena. Having come up with a plan and tricked Lena into a piece of hardware, the guys brutally beat the girl and try to rape her. Realizing that she is still a virgin, and relieving the tension of the general abuse of the poor cripple, they run away. This point in the film is undoubtedly hard to watch. Betrayal, humiliation, insult, pain - that's what Lena gets in return for her sincere love and friendship.
Social drama
Having received a negative response from the commission, Lena is offered to return to home schooling, which means that instead of a certificate, she will receive only a certificate of secondary education and “glue boxes and assemble switches” all her life.
In despair, Lena's mother walks through the school in tears, realizing that all their efforts were in vain. And then there's this anal-vectored cleaning lady taking off her evil on her because she walked across the newly cleaned floor. Then the girl's mother takes a rag and starts cleaning the floor herself, crying and lamenting that the whole floor has become dirty because of their wheelchair.
Despite the severity of what happened, the end of the picture can even be called positive and inspiring hope for a better future for Lena. The director shows a girl walking confidently with her feet. The stressful situation worked as a cure for a psychosomatic illness, and I want to believe that the wheelchair will no longer be useful to her.

It can be assumed that the main idea of the author of the picture was to draw attention to the problems of school education, to the relationship between healthy and not entirely healthy people, to the extremely low level of sympathy in society and at the same time an overwhelming dislike for each other. Why are disabled people not recognized in society as full-fledged people? Why they are bullied and instead of help they throw out contempt and hatred on them. What do we see? Cruel youth, perverts, not a tolerant society?
The high level of tension in society, system-vector psychology, Yuri Burlana explains by the fact that we all live our individual life, feeling and aware only of ourselves, not understanding the desires and characteristics of other people. We do not fully understand ourselves either, this leads to an erroneous realization, to the fact that most people are simply lost or are engaged in an unloved business. Not experiencing pleasure from life, and often going into deep frustrations and depression, people try to get pleasure at the expense of each other, splash out their bad states on others in order to somehow relieve tension.
Teenagers are no exception. They are just a copy of what is happening in society. Seeing a cruel attitude towards themselves, not receiving the right upbringing in accordance with their natural inclinations, they do not develop their qualities, do not develop a cultural layer that makes people of us. This means that they grow up incapable of experiencing sympathy and compassion for other people, do not feel the value of someone else's life, because this is precisely the purpose of culture.
This is what the film "Class of Correction" is about. About culture, about society, about us. And about our future. After all, yesterday's high school students are already entering an independent life and are beginning to create our common tomorrow. What will it be? Cruel or Merciful? Unfriendly or sympathetic? It depends on each of us today.