Female Orgasm. The Subtleties Of Self-tuning

Female Orgasm. The Subtleties Of Self-tuning
Female Orgasm. The Subtleties Of Self-tuning

Female orgasm. The subtleties of self-tuning

We live in a new world. We, of course, have a relationship of continuity with past generations, but in relation to us, past generations lived in a completely different way some 100 years ago. We cannot even be guided by dad and mom, let alone grandparents …

Fragment of the lecture notes of the Second Level on the topic "Sexuality":

We live in a new world. We, of course, have a relationship of continuity with past generations, but in relation to us, past generations lived in a completely different way some 100 years ago. We cannot even be guided by mom and dad, let alone grandparents.

Not everyone sees that a woman has grown up, received sexual rights - the right to her sexual choice, sexual pleasure. The marriage is gone. I'm sending … it's over. Those women who have problems in the sexual sphere have not yet come out of grandmother's sundresses. Today a woman naturally comes out, she realizes herself in society. Together with this, she goes to a new level of disclosure of her sexuality, where there is no female bashfulness.

You need to understand that sexuality is different from reproduction and reproduction that monkeys and dogs have. We must be very clear about that human sexuality is an additional desire from an animal nature and nothing else. The man is the first to get his orgasm, even before the creation of culture. A woman gets her orgasm only by correctly revealing the cultural layer. And it is heavy, because it is on the break between grandmothers and grandchildren.

The complexes of the modern woman are a contradiction between the animal modesty of women and the range of sexual acceptability revealed today. How to remove female shyness without harming yourself? Through a moral sense. Through the creation of an emotional connection, the development of sensuality, moral development. Feeling for the other is not limited by animal shame (female bashfulness), it is always outward, and everything outward has no limitation.

Creating a special intimate connection in a relationship is all we have. People have always known to create connections. They simply did not know HOW to create. There were no methods. Today there is a methodology of system-vector psychology. To create a connection is simple - through an attempt to recognize the other, to feel that he lives.


It is easy to penetrate into the soul of another - it is enough to concentrate on him, completely on him. We feel such an intrusion into the psychic as a connection and do not treat it as sabotage, but on the contrary, sympathy arises. It allows you to create a spiritual connection.

Even skin sound scientists are able to create these connections. This is always pleasant because our false cultural inner sense of oneness (there is no one but me) gives the opposite feeling - loneliness. It's very hard. The soundman craves loneliness and suffers most of all from it. When contact occurs on an emotional level, we kind of dilute this loneliness. We do not lose it, it becomes less painful.

A skin-visual woman may be afraid of her own shadow. And when she creates an intimate emotional connection with a man, then she is no longer afraid, as she feels security and safety. This process has its own vector features, but basically it is as follows. It is elementary to create a relationship based on attraction. It is enough that there is sympathy, and you can already create spiritual interpenetration. How? We must SPEAK.

It seems to us that the partner will guess. He will never guess! If he doesn't immediately understand how to please you, it's pointless to wait 20 years. The problem with our grandmothers is that they didn't talk about "this". Therefore, it was possible to understand when they swore - it was about their sexual frustrations. The conversation “about it” until recently was included in the category of prohibitions.

Today, partners in a couple require emotional penetration. Secret, intimate penetration. When trust arises, a woman is able to relax. And having received the opportunity to relax, a woman gets the prerequisites for an orgasm. The woman is not limited to animal nature, so the female orgasm is potentially much greater than the male. But for a man it is given and fixed, and a woman needs to learn how to receive it.

Continuation of the abstract on the forum:


Recorded by Eugene Korol. November 6, 2013

A comprehensive understanding of this and other topics is formed on a full oral training in system-vector psychology
