Happiness to see the world as it is, even if you are in the kingdom of crooked mirrors
Our life today is similar to this allegory. Fakes surround us, lie in wait at every step, even where you don't expect … And so that our life itself does not turn into falsification, we must distinguish the real from the fake …
Imagine that you are in a magic kingdom and find yourself among the reflections of thousands of crooked mirrors. And the only way to get out of obsession and find freedom and happiness is to find from the many crooked mirrors the one that shows the correct reflection.
Our life today is similar to this allegory. We are surrounded by fakes, lying in wait at every step, even where you do not expect … And so that our life itself does not turn into falsification, we must distinguish the real from the fake. Everything depends on it - both the quality of our life today and our common future.
A systematic view of the TV series "Uninvented Life"
The series "Uninvented Life" is an example of changing the viewer's perception by means of a certain arrangement of accents. You just look and you are interested, and in the meantime, values are being substituted imperceptibly inside …
The difficult fate of the main character, Ekaterina Trapeznikova, is intertwined with the historical events that took place in the Soviet Union. The plot of the series does not leave viewers born in the USSR indifferent. Although almost 30 years have passed since the collapse of a huge country, today many have nostalgia for those times.
Interesting storyline, good cast and great acting make the series popular. The plot is based on a real biography, although the creators of the series kept the real name of the prototype of the main character a secret.
We are happy to see how Katya gradually becomes a mature and confident woman from an inexperienced girl. Throughout the series, we are captured by the stories of Katya's love and friendship, a relationship with her only daughter.
Katya is a trade worker. In the film, she is presented as an honest and decent person. Speculation, fraud and unearned income are not about her. She is not a "huckster" at all, but a sweet, intelligent person. Even the fact that she ended up in a colony looks like an injustice: she was framed … The accents in the series are placed in such a way that they evoke sympathy for the heroine, or admiration for her intelligence and courage.
All the problems of her life are a reflection of the problems of the country in which she lives, the Soviet Union. At the end of the film, she leaves for her daughter in the United States.
How to see everything?
However, if you wish, you can see and hear something different in the same series. To do this, you need to want and concentrate - and then you will be able to appreciate what you see and hear quite consciously. This allows you to form your point of view, and not swallow the version that is presented to us. How a fish swallows a hook disguised as a worm.

The ability to focus on people and events and a deep understanding of life are formed in the course of the training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan. This is what I saw in the TV series "Uninvented Life" with a systemic mindset.
Already at the beginning of the story, we can observe how, as a young girl, Katya masterly gives a bribe - deftly and with a smile on her face. The authors of the series do not give any condemnation of her act. Today we are seeing the consequences of what this monster of bribery has grown into: corruption is a terrible disease of modern Russia that permeates the state and society at all levels. And questions the future of the country.
Further, we observe the development of Katya as a specialist in the field of trade. All her appointments to good places are under the patronage of her father's friend and lover. Problem situations are also resolved through their connections and influence. And we know that nepotism is another social ailment of Russia: by pushing our own people, we deprive the best, worthy and talented of opportunities … As a result, in different spheres of life we face incompetence. But this fact is presented in the series as a norm.
We see how the heroine dresses more and more luxuriously, lives in a grand style. A nanny, a housekeeper works in her house, she has a car with a personal driver, and she visits restaurants. She is interested in collecting antique jewelry. Any problems can be easily solved with the help of "connections" - it is worth making one call to the "right person". And her alleged manifestations of kindness are the "kindness" of the lady, and not at her own expense, but at the expense of the state. Nevertheless, the authors of the series continue to convince the viewer that you cannot find a person worthier and more honest than Catherine …
The main character justifies her actions by the fact that in the state where her front-line father was repressed, it is not necessary to observe the laws, because there are none. It even violates international laws - it organizes the smuggling abroad. And even this criminal fact of her biography is presented as dexterity and talent.
More always includes less
A person is not what he says about himself and how his relatives perceive him. A person is judged by his contribution to society. It is important to answer the question: does a person care only about himself and his family, or does he take into account the interests of other people in his actions?
The authors of the series "Uninvented Life" invite us to empathize with the life of the heroine, but not the life of the country and the whole society. I would like to ask: what about all the other Soviet people - honest workers, without connections and unearned income, without servants and valuables? Who are they in the understanding of the authors of the series?
And who are we, born in the USSR, who fondly remember our happy Soviet childhood? Today one can observe nostalgia for those times, but the TV series "Uninvented Life" once again casts doubt on the importance and uniqueness of this period of our history. But history requires a thoughtful and careful attitude.
Society is always more than an individual. The authors of the series propose to focus on one individual destiny, and the life of the entire people is just a decoration for this story. Even a superficial glance is enough to understand: this lovely woman is good only for her own people, and how the country lives - it doesn't matter, as long as she and her family feel good. This approach to life inevitably harms society as a whole. Today we see this in an exaggerated form every day. But Katya Trapeznikova stood, one might say, at the origins of the burst of social pathologies of nepotism and corruption, which began with the rise of Khrushchev to power and reached unprecedented proportions after the collapse of the USSR.
Why are crooked mirrors harmful?
We live in a time of speed and flow of information. But modern civilization offers not only gifts - high technologies, advanced medicine, a high level of comfort. We are exposed to information attacks every day. Today information is a weapon with which people can be easily controlled.
To fit into the modern fast-changing world, you need the skill of instant filtering of information: separation of expert information from incompetent and error-free recognition of outright lies and information fakes.
You can hear another opinion: why should I know the truth? I am a small person and still cannot change anything. As the saying goes, "the less you know, the better you sleep." I would say it's a matter of happiness. Everyone wants to be happy, but true happiness requires a sober look and precise action for the benefit of oneself and other people. And when we believe everything that they want to convince us of, disappointment is inevitable.
Every day life presents us with challenges, poses questions that require quick and accurate decisions. The fate of an individual, family, collective, even society as a whole may depend on the correct decision. To make the best decision, you need to see the situation as it really is, and not as someone imagines it.
How to live your best life
Surprisingly, as a result of such a perception of the world and people, which is formed in the course of Yuri Burlan's "System-Vector Psychology" training, not only does it become possible to soberly assess situations and events, but the fear of difficulties disappears and life questions no longer seem insoluble. It is this perception that allows you to use a unique opportunity given only to a person - to realize freedom of choice and will! Not imitating others, but only making our own decisions and making our choices, we get a chance to live the best version of our life. This is the way to achieve real, not fake, happiness.