Gone By The Net. My Kai's Snow Queen
Bloody egocentric! Unfortunate misanthrope! Again he locked himself in his room, silently, without comment - think what you want! What did I say? Nothing, I have nothing to do with it. Tantrums are useless, I already understood that! Save your strength. Now he does not care about your tights, your mother and your family budget, and he is especially annoyed by your "inappropriate" expression about the above.
Sensual brute! I love you, he says, but your face is stone! If only that! He brought me to hysterics, and then, like an instinct, repeated "I love you", then he locked himself in his closet and spent a day in solitude! Where is Love? I put on a new dress. Spun and so and so - does not see! Point blank! He doesn't notice me at all! Sits among the books and his calculators - so that they all burn out - for days on the Internet! Let him die himself!
Bloody egocentric! Unfortunate misanthrope! Again he locked himself in his room, silently, without comment - think what you want! What did I say? Nothing, I have nothing to do with it. Tantrums are useless, I already understood that! Save your strength. Now he does not care about your tights, your mother and your family budget, and he is especially annoyed by your "inappropriate" expression about the above.
This closet with dusty books, this bed, not yet old, but already bored to the point of madness, this fucking Eskimo! How tired of everything! I want change so much! After all, he is not even jealous of me, and he did not pay attention to his neighbor Valya, although I asked her to flirt with him properly …
The endless expanses of the north in the face of a sexually mature man. Beautiful words or someone's reality? How to understand that you have crossed the line, where the ice slowly creeps through the capillaries, through the vessels to the heart, forever erasing from the memory everything that was before …
And at home everything is as usual. Silence, the only source of light is the computer screen. But then something was heard: shuffling, rustling … Programmer Kai came out from behind the door in slippers, a dressing gown, with an emerging bald head and a bouquet of flowers.
I froze on the threshold and after a few seconds of silence, I asked:
- That's for me?
- Yes, to you. I… wanted to… well… apologize… we haven't gotten along very well lately.
This was not entirely true, since we "did not get along" almost from the first day of living under the same roof. Probably, it all started when I, having returned home, found him - crumpled on the floor, pale as death. They called an ambulance, I was going crazy, wondering - cancer or anthrax? Or maybe syphilis ?! Oh! Then I’m probably sick too!
I could not even imagine that the cause of such a malaise could be … exhaustion. You have to be such a jerk! He just didn't eat. How many days? I don't remember, he says, I forgot. Why didn't you eat? I just forgot. Laughter and tears. The mother-in-law came - and as soon as she found out … Why are you, he says, for a wife like that - you don't feed your husband?

I had to urgently learn borscht and other wisdom … No, well, that's okay ?! He forgot, but to me - disentangle!
I decided: on His birthday, everything should be so that everyone would understand that my husband has a loving wife! Started cleaning. In the second hour of work, I realized that you can't put things in order with a nail file in your hands. At the third hour - that the cleaning is beyond my strength … Hey, I say, Kai, help, be a good husband!
The third time he responded.
- Cleaning? What for?
- So it's your birthday tomorrow!
- A … Yes? Ah … well … I will help. And what to do?
- Like what? Put things in order!
I had to explain to him, the unlucky one, that there are such things that ladies with a manicure are not comfortable doing. For example, cleaning the floor. “Ah… wash the floor. Yes, okay, I'll wash it,”Kai replied. To the question "when", he answered that from minute to minute. And he was gone. Here, I think, an infection! Okay, it's his birthday. I washed it myself. Broke two nails! That's what this floor has cost me!
I told him that I washed the floors, complained about my fate, he just mumbled something in response. Went to bed. I'm madly tired. At night I woke up from some noise. I raise my head. Kai washes the floor. At four in the morning. I laugh. First, I giggle, then I just laugh. And he froze, looks … I understand that he does not understand why I am laughing.
- I told you, - I say, - I said that I put things in order, washed the floor!
- A … Yes? I was probably asleep at that moment. I don't remember … Bli-i-i-in …
When are we going on vacation? But you promised! No money? So make money! Stop sitting on the stove, go to a normal job, I understand that it is more convenient for you to freelance and sleep when you want, and who will dress your wife? Don't you love me?
Of course, it wasn't always bad. Do you know how we met?
I, so beautiful, beautiful, somehow went to the library to hand over books, but while I was waiting, I took out a candy from my purse, opened it, crunched … Hearing the noise, he looked at me so that I immediately understood - I fell in love, eyes five kopecks staring at me! Then he fidgeted in his chair, looked down at the book. I look at him: he is so shaggy, snub-nosed, sad eyes … In general, I also fell in love, can you imagine! I eat the candy, but I hold the wrapper in my hands, well, I begin to fiddle with, rustle, twist, fold, lay out, I don't look at it, so - I only keep it in my field of vision. And now he looks at the book, now at me, now at the book, now at me again!

A few days later, we met by chance in the elevator. I understand that he noticed me, but does not dare to speak. Well, I think ladies - go ahead! And I, I say, recognized you. And he says, and I recognized you too. And it is silent, infection! His face is stony, but he is all over, smoothed, looking at the floor. At that moment, the elevator creaked suspiciously … I was immediately worried, all sorts of thoughts creep into my head, horror! Oh, I say, but we will not collapse down?
And he says: "And you know, nothing happens just like that"! I immediately forgot about everything, only then I realized that I was frightened at first, and he perked up and let's talk about the sky, about the stars, about my dad - he had a priest in the village once, he said about my mother that she was a very kind woman and everyone respected her very much.
While I was listening to him, I thought that such men are probably rare in our time. He is so smart, well-read, moderately well-fed … And then we got married.
And all these memories give rise to new and new feelings in me … And here he stands in front of me with a bouquet of flowers, and I curse him for his permafrost and I cannot hold back burning tears at the sight of a bouquet of red roses …
Okay, I'll give him one last chance!
So where is that short red dress? If that doesn't get it, that's it. I suffered.
I walked into the room, a red dress with a large neckline emphasized my figure in all its splendor, bare shoulders, slender legs, thin waist, chest … I knew I was beautiful. And he must have noticed something. I noticed how beautiful I am.
- Dear, we have a corporate party, the boss promised to show me his new car, can you imagine? He's such a sweetheart! Compliments me every day! Oh, well that's it! I ran, I'll be late! Chmaff!
I defiantly turned around on my heels, nodded to give me my coat, and slammed the door. I went not to the chief, but to Svetka. She cried on her shoulder, all the way she tried to persuade me that it was impossible to live like this, that I was still young, that I had no children, that I would meet a handsome and rich man who would appreciate me!

Drunk, I burst into the apartment in the morning. Hole in pantyhose, smeared lipstick. I kick off my shoes. Oh familiar face!
- Oh, honey, hello. Was not bored? Well, of course I didn't get bored, you don't love me …
I don't even have to pretend, I passed out as soon as I was in bed. Shower, morning tea, no tears - full combat readiness. Today it is warm outside, warm in the autumn, that's great!
- Hello, Svetka! Svetka, I agree! Yes Yes! Introduce me to yours! Aha!
The sun caresses the skin, and the soul - the expectation of new relationships and feelings!