Excitement Is A Resource

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Excitement Is A Resource
Excitement Is A Resource

Video: Excitement Is A Resource

Video: Excitement Is A Resource

Excitement is a resource

Human nature is not only biology. Consciousness distinguishes us from the animal world. It is the awareness of the mechanisms of our psyche that gives the exact answer what excitement is, translating the language of the unconscious into understandable to us, practical guidelines for life …

The unconscious is trying to tell us something with trembling knees, a frantic heartbeat, a lump in the throat and sweaty palms.

Dark room. The spotlight is directed towards the center of an empty stage. The sharp grinding of speakers disrupts the performance of young artists. Suddenly one little girl runs out onto the stage and mischievously starts a song without any equipment. Affection, applause! Show must go on!

Such a girl is unlikely to ever wonder what excitement is. But not everyone can do that. Thousands of adults tremble, turn pale, turn into a cold immovable stone, if the usual course of events is disrupted and the attention of other people is drawn to them.

And then a presentation, a competition, a date, an exam, a meeting, an important trip, a phone conversation, or a chance meeting with a classmate - all become a stress trigger. When you are worried, you are not able to express yourself at the maximum of opportunities. All previous efforts are crumbled into dust from the quirks of the psyche.

There is no longer a mystery covered in darkness. The entrance to the unconscious is illuminated and available online.

What is excitement in modern psychology?

A well-known neurophysiologist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences PV Simonov, back in the 70s, derived a formula for the emergence of emotions [1]. In short, the strength and quality of emotions directly depend on how much we understand what we want, and can predict the likelihood of achieving the desired result.

Since then, science has stepped far forward, sorting out on the shelves with which neurochemical processes in the brain structures the appearance of certain emotions correlates. So, fear is associated with an increase in the level of norepinephrine and a deficiency of serotonin in the amygdala. Different parts of the frontal lobes enhance or extinguish the danger signal [2]. However, brain researchers do not hide the fact that the process of birth and interpretation of emotions by the brain is far from fully understood.

Human nature is not only biology. Consciousness distinguishes us from the animal world. It is the awareness of the mechanisms of our psyche that gives the exact answer what excitement is, translating the language of the unconscious into practical guidelines for life that we understand.

Anyone can experience a certain nervousness in a significant situation. But for someone it quickly disappears, is transformed into action, and for someone it paralyzes, interferes with moving with ease through life, rejoicing.

Excitement is a signal that there is a significantly greater emotional range than others. There are only 5% of such people on earth. They say about them “with a big heart”. It is the owners of the visual vector that are not indifferent to burning forests, doomed rats in laboratories, abandoned dogs and cats, and other people. They sincerely empathize with those who fell ill, lost their homes, were born with pathology, were left without a family, just lonely.

They know how to look into the soul of another, respond to feelings in it and accurately display any emotion on canvas or photographic film, on the stage of a theater or an assembly hall of a school, in business negotiations or in a frank conversation at a table in a cafe. They are not indifferent to the pain of all living things, because by themselves they know how scary it can be.

And the first jug was full of water, And - just like - the second was filled with water, And the third was full of … one kindness!

Novella Matveeva

It is vital for such people to be a conductor of emotions. Once such a "sensation" is given, it requires use. Imagine a woman's handbag: what is tiny, what is large - will be filled. The volume of the soul, given by nature, also requires filling. Either uplifting feelings or emotional distress.

How the excitement gets into our big sensual "bag" and how to displace it from there - read on.

Physiological and psychological signs of anxiety

The innate properties of the psyche affect whether we tend to worry and how it will manifest itself in everyday life.

Signs of anxiety:

1) the owners of the visual vector are noted:

  • tantrums, tearfulness,
  • freezing of the limbs,
  • reduced immunity,
  • nightmares,
  • sweating;

2) for the owners of the anal vector:

  • abdominal pain, irritable bowel syndrome,
  • stupor, inability to act in a stressful situation,
  • awkwardness
  • heart rhythm failure,
  • inconsistency of speech, the desire to start the phrase again, if interrupted, stuttering - in situations of prolonged stress;

3) in the presence of a skin vector:

  • tremors of the limbs, tics,
  • fussiness, lack of coordination,
  • irritability,
  • the habit of biting your nails, biting your lip, and fiddling with your hair or clothing
  • obsessive bill.

Excitement is fear's little sister

What is photo excitement
What is photo excitement

The discoveries of modern psychology explain why certain people unconsciously expect bad things and are so anxious.

Anxiety is based on two root fears:

1) fear of being eaten

“Anxiety is as if a predatory animal is behind you and will tear you apart. You want to run."

In the realities of a modern metropolis, the business pushes the bright, smiling, kind Masha forward like a submarine's periscope. Scouting the situation, conducting initial negotiations, impressing the future customer with a figurative presentation, agreeing where this is impossible - such tasks are often attracted visual people. And in a balanced state, they happily and successfully perform them. But if there is a failure of the internal program, excitement is a feeling that overwhelms at the moment when it is time to get out of the bushes.

The ancient fear of the leopard is at the root of the psyche of any person with a visual vector, but only sprouts are different. Once upon a time, a predator was constantly at arm's length from a person. Imagine going hunting, looking for prey. And someone with sharp fangs is watching us from behind the bushes and preparing to jump. We were mined more often than we were. Only the big-eyed owner of the visual vector could notice the threat in time, no matter how the predator mimicked the landscape. And she was always on the edge of danger. How does it feel to walk alone into the unknown?

This is how the most ancient human emotion arose - fear. Being eaten is the worst fate. And if you managed to vigilantly save yourself and the hunters from an insidious predator - this is happiness! Nobody else can do this! Only a fragile heroine! If she managed to notice the danger in time, all love and admiration for her. This is where the enormous emotional range comes from: from mortal fright to heavenly euphoria due to universal adoration. Two ingredients of one soul.

There is a great temptation not to get out "on the front line", since it is so scary and exciting. The catch is that only in emotional contact with other people, a person with a visual vector can taste happiness.

2) fear of dishonor

"To the blackboard!" - and everything shrinks inside. Stupor. The stomach grumbles, the head does not work.

Life is a continuous test. With all your heart you want to get only A's and you cannot forgive yourself for a mistake. First you need to think over everything, prepare yourself mentally, study the issue thoroughly, and you do this with great diligence. But everyone is pulling, everyone is running somewhere. The tension is growing, because inside there is its own high bar of quality, which others seem to have long ago spit.

Perfectionists find it easier to figure out how to deal with anxiety if they know where the experience comes from. Exactly, clean, perfect, professional - the owners of the anal vector for internal comfort so need the feeling that they are respected and appreciated. If the unconditional love of the mother was not enough for such a child in childhood, if he grew up with the feeling that he was somehow wrong, he also experiences great stress from communication with adults, unconsciously strives for the praise of others. He is constantly torn apart by experiences that he cannot meet all expectations.

In order to feel the ground underfoot, a person with an anal vector wants to study all past experience on the topic. But the modern race often prevents him from doing this, especially if he is working out of place. There is no inner confidence in your knowledge, in your need for others - it is unbearably scary to go forward. Without reliance on the past, fear of the future arises.

Our psyche has precise physiological manifestations. In anticipation of stress, these people suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. This psychosomatic illness is removed when we realize in the psyche the mechanism that is projected onto the body.

If a person also has a skin vector, then anxiety can be caused by situations associated with the threat of material loss or a decrease in social status.

How to deal with anxiety?

When I was little, I always slept with objects. Everyone laughed at me terribly. But what about sleeping with a hoop? I put the hoop by the bed. I believe in it. It seems to me that everything living on earth is absolute, so you need to love your objects. I kiss them sometimes before going out. Or a ball, or clubs, or skipping ropes.

Alina Kabaeva, Olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics

World-class competitions - not only mother's peace of mind, but also the honor of the country depends on you. How to get rid of the excitement of waiting for the X-hour of this degree of importance?

A sensual heart can only be calmed by feelings and only right ones. Many public people say that they have a special attitude to their sports equipment, microphone, guitar, pointe shoes, sneakers, suit that have brought success. It is as if it gives strength before starting or going on stage.

So what now to inflame feelings for the tablet so as not to get nervous during the presentation? The training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan allows you to see deeper dependencies and to know exactly what it is worth directing our feelings to. Then the excitement before a significant event will not spoil it.

People with a visual vector feel safe and able to express themselves fully only if they are bonded with other people by strong emotional ties. That is, they love and are loved, they feel and open up, they respond with their souls.

She is so in love with what she is doing, and so much in love with those who

look at her that there is some kind of invisible thread. Everyone is in love with her!

Irina Viner about her student

In the process of development, a child with a visual vector seems to be training to love, to build this emotional thread with everyone and everything that is important to him. His favorite teddy bear, a table lamp with a fancy shadow, slippers with sewn eyes, a bush with "horns", a lantern in an imaginary hat, a cloud-hippo, a hoop that will always support you come to life in his imagination.

Everyone knows a nice feature of children's perception: "Since I can't see, then I can't be seen either." A similar analogy is with feelings: "Since I love, then they love me too!" And immediately calm and joyful in my soul. In this spiritual simplicity there is an exact pattern that grows and is projected, in a good scenario, no longer on objects, but on other people.

Growing up, the visual soul needs more emotions. Not enough "responsive feelings" from the doll or ball. This means that your feelings need to be reoriented. To cope with the excitement before the world championship or Olympiad, city competition or the first entrance to the field, skating rink, carpet or stage under the sight of millions of eyes, the spectator who himself has chosen as a priority other people, his spectators, listeners, colleagues, students. Then, feeling a wave of warmth from them, he turns excitement into fuel, which gives strength to please those who love him and to whom he himself takes care.

I understand the attitude of people: Isinbaeva is a world record, but it is not perceived separately. Today a whole stadium gathered for the competition, and everyone expected this from me. If I had not set the record, then all these people would have been disappointed, I'm sure. I didn't want that.

Elena Isinbaeva, two-time Olympic pole vault champion

A person realized in his natural profession knows how to transform excitement into responsibility before people for the worthy performance of his work. The more real feelings there are, the less fears and destructive emotions.

Excitement is a photo resource
Excitement is a photo resource

What to do with excitement?

Turn around, turn around! And run through me like a red thread.

Konstantin Meladze

Most people suffering from anxiety, panic attacks, uncontrollable anxiety, accurately determine their main feature. They say that these are diseases of the smart and not indifferent. They understand that they simply cannot "take it to heart", they cannot not reflect. This is their nature.

On histological sections several microns thick, if a human brain is cut, fields exist and their boundaries are visible. Each field is functionally adapted to a particular function. Say, to vision, hearing, movement. And the brain is composed of such fields. And he is individually changeable. That is, each field is different for different people. One person, for example, a good photographer, can have three times more in the "visual" area than any other. And these are billions of neurons, billions of connections. You can never explain why one sees what the other does not. It's the same with a musician or scientist.

Sergey Savelyev, Doctor of Biological Sciences [3]

Now there is a sure way to determine in which areas our brain is more fortunate by nature and which mental properties are associated with this. This does not require cutting the main organ of the nervous system. It is enough to master systemic thinking.

The owners of the visual vector are carriers of figurative intelligence. These are those who see and feel in a special way and, accordingly, have enlarged brain lobes responsible for the perception and processing of visual signals.

"Do not take to heart!" - says 95% of humanity to them. And it brings the sensitive and sensual into a joyless and full of anxiety, excitement and fear, a dead end, if they listen. Super-emotionalism was given to them not to neglect their gift, but to skillfully use it.

Remember, in "Fight Club" the hero found temporary comfort in groups of terminally ill? There he found compassion for himself: "When they think that you are dying, they really listen to you, and do not wait for their turn to speak." And most importantly, I could feel the pain of another person: "They sobbed louder and louder, and I sobbed louder."

We used to be afraid of heavenly punishment, otherwise there were microbes that brought us diseases. We just haven't seen them. To combat them, there has long been a microscope and antibiotics. Now we are scared because we do not see how the psyche works, neither our own nor someone else's. But it is also visible at a glance, if there is an instrument. When we acquire the skill to identify the invisible, anxiety and fears recede.

What the huge emotional generator will work from is our own choice. It determines whether we feel safe in society.

Links to sources used:

[1] Information theory of emotions P. V. Simonov (date accessed: 2020-25-01).

[2] What part of the brain deals with anxiety? What Can Brains Affected by Anxiety Tell us? (date of access: 25.01.2020).

www.brainfacts.org/diseases-and-disorders/mental-health/2018/what-part-of-the-brain-deals-with-anxiety-what-can-brains-affected-by-anxiety- tell-us-062918

[3] Are the possibilities of the brain endless? Russian newspaper - Federal issue No. 121 (6989) (date of access: 25.01.2020).
