How To Find A Job?

How To Find A Job?
How To Find A Job?

How to find a job?

For a long time in search. I send out my resume, pass tests successfully, and sometimes get invited for an interview. "We will call you back …" This always ends or almost always. I can't figure out what's wrong. Let's look at the psychological reasons that are not visible to the eye, but often play a decisive role. We will understand how to find a job without acquaintances and cronyism, regardless of age, education and skills …

"We will call you back …" This always ends or almost always.

For a long time in search. I send out my resume, pass tests successfully, and sometimes get invited for an interview. I look neat, I answer evenly. Do not take. During this time, I managed to take courses, my resume became more interesting, and there was no sense in it.

I can't figure out what's wrong. Lack of knowledge? Experience? Did you face it? No luck? Is it really impossible to get a job without acquaintances and connections?

What prevents you from finding a job? Removing obstacles

We will not analyze the cases when the applicant tries to get a job as a physicist or choreographer without the necessary skills and education. Let's talk about those cases when, according to all formal criteria, a person corresponds to the position, but for some reason repeatedly receives a refusal or cannot step over the notorious probationary period.

Let's look at the psychological reasons that are not visible to the eye, but often play a decisive role. We will understand how to find a job without acquaintances and cronyism, regardless of age, education and skills.

Loser in life

There are people who are sorely unlucky. Everything seems to be in order: ambitious, motivated, knows how to set goals, and failures simply follow over and over again for no apparent reason. And even some strange relief after another failure, as if it should be.

This happens with the owners of the skin vector with a life scenario of failure. It's just that once in childhood, a nimble little child was beaten or humiliated. "Sit quietly, study, otherwise you will grow up as a janitor", "Clutter! Nothing good will come of you! " … The flexible psyche of a person with a skin vector has adapted stress by releasing opiates to smooth out the pain. One time, another. And now the child does something specifically to be punished, humiliated, beaten again. To get your "dose of endorphins" again. So the psyche is retrained to rejoice not from successes and achievements, but to receive scanty pleasure from opiates, which are allocated in order to compensate for humiliation.

Such a child grows up, consciously sets himself large-scale tasks, aims at success, but unconsciously will always do everything so that failure overtakes him. When we become aware of childhood traumas hidden in the unconscious, they cease to control us, we become masters of our lives, able to plan and achieve goals.

Job? What's the point?

Holders of the sound vector in depression gradually become indifferent to everything: both family and work. They live by inertia, trying to do what everyone else is doing, although they do not understand why. Why get up to work, why communicate, why start a family, why live. Just so that later generations will live in the same way?

Such questions torment the sound specialists, who cannot find the answer to their inner sound question - the most important one for the owner of the sound vector: “What is the design of the universe? Why do we come to this world? Endless questions without answers, endless running of thoughts in my head, nights without sleep.

People, everyday conversations, the noise of the big city are irritating. I would like to escape from people somewhere on a desert island or a lonely mountain. The owner of the sound vector in depression looks strange, indifferent, out of this world. He does not answer immediately, extensively and abstractly. During the interview, it is clear that he does not really want to work, that his thoughts are busy with something else. This is often the reason for rejection. Moreover, if you ask the interviewer, he will not even say why he refused. This choice is made unconsciously.

In addition, it is the sound professionals who can often change hobbies, place of work. They light up with a new idea, then, not finding answers and meaning in it, they are disappointed, apathy, indifference sets in. Until the next idea.

Depression, rejection of noise, misunderstanding of people go away when the sound engineer finds the answer to his inner, not always conscious question about the meaning of life. At the training "System-vector psychology", the owner of the sound vector reveals that the answer to the question "why?" hidden in the human psyche. What he so desperately sought outside the universe or in philosophical books is in ourselves.

Revealing how a person is arranged, the sound engineer feels joy and gradually finds answers to all his questions, even those that seem to have nothing to do with people. This gives fulfillment to sound desires, depression recedes, the sound engineer begins to pay attention to simple everyday things, they cease to be meaningless to him.

Weak spots

The owners of the anal vector can be hampered by resentment or delayed life syndrome. Grievances keep a person in past states, make him suspicious, touchy, clumsy. This prevents him from communicating, prevents him from showing his best features, concentrating on work, and showing himself as a professional who knows the business.

Procrastination forces you to postpone things until tomorrow, next week, for a month at the expense of work, deadlines, quality, in the end - at the expense of yourself.

In some states, it is very difficult for the owners of the anal vector to take the first step, start a new one, fit into a new team, get used to a new position. They love to study, feel comfortable with it, constantly improve their qualifications, but sometimes they do not go well with work where they can apply the knowledge gained.

How to find a job picture
How to find a job picture

The owners of the visual vector can be hindered by excessive emotionality when, in stressful situations, they cannot hold back emotions or tears. This often makes it difficult to pass an interview and perform well during the probationary period. But stress resistance and emotional consistency is a prerequisite for almost any position in the modern world. The competition is so intense now that the inability to cope with stress can become a serious obstacle to career growth, even if you have all the other qualities necessary for the job.

Down with false attitudes

There are reasons that can interfere with the owners of any vectors, in any condition.

A superstitious attitude towards money and the inner conviction that money is evil prevents many of us from finding work and getting paid for our work.

This is a feature of the Russian urethral-muscular mentality. It is connected with the peculiarities of our history and the formed perception of the world. Harsh climatic conditions did not guarantee our ancestors a harvest, even if they worked tirelessly all year round. Now drought, then rain, then frost. The harvest was enough only for survival, there was no time for luxury and supplies. Will you starve or not - did not depend on labor and effort, but more on the weather, luck, "a miracle from above." Therefore, we perceived taxes as levies, when our money was taken away from us. We called them a tribute, not a tax on profits, because, in fact, there was no profit, only elementary survival.

So the Russian people are used to feeling that "you cannot earn chambers of stone with righteous labor." An honest person cannot be rich, it does not depend on labor. Having such an unconscious mindset, we do our best not to be “on the side of evil” - not to have money. We consciously set ourselves up for success, and unconsciously we are embarrassed to take money even for the work done.

In recent years, modern psychopathology has been added to this mental feature. We see corruption and nepotism every day. When only their own people are hired, when it is not work and professional qualities that are important, not fulfilled fire safety requirements, but the amount paid in an envelope past the cash register. When in the news we see how, according to a formally legal decision of the court, honestly grown crops are taken away from farmers, how the inventor cannot implement the idea, because the bureaucratic system does not let it through, because the allocated grant was stolen along the way …

Even if we see all this at a distance, only on TV, it still affects our attitude to work, to work. I no longer want to invest, make efforts, I want to find a simpler, hassle-free place. Or, on the contrary, we make a choice in favor of a specialty where they promise high wages, and not one that we are burning with and where we can really take place as professionals. And we often do not consider that, perhaps, we do not have the necessary qualities to work as a manager, salesman, agent.

One way or another, but these attitudes knock down our internal guidelines, affect the mood, attitude towards ourselves and towards life, and the search for work.

Are we all personal? Use it

When hiring a person, the employer often makes a choice irrationally, guided not by whether the person fits the position, whether he has the necessary education and experience, but by feelings, an impulse that sometimes cannot even explain to himself. “I liked it - I didn’t like it, I liked it - I didn’t like it”, “I don’t like him, some strange, not ours. But this one is a good man, let's take him. So our mentality affects us, where everything is personal. And this is also very important to consider in the interview.

When we are in a balanced state, we are truly, and not only outwardly confident in ourselves. When we are not tormented by resentment, depression, when we are open towards people, towards the world - this is reflected in the attitude towards us. A harmonious, positive-minded person looks and smells attractive to everyone. No, not by spirits, although they will not interfere in some situations, but at the level of pheromones that are unconsciously read by others. It is precisely because of the smell of pheromones that one cannot hide a bad internal state with a beautiful suit, memorized answers, or a professionally written resume. The employer himself does not understand why he takes one candidate and refuses another, but in fact he makes an unmistakable choice in favor of a psychologically more stable person.

When at the training we work out our internal states, the heaviness leaves the soul, the internal state is harmonized, as a result, the smell changes - a signal about the state that our body sends. And it helps us win over people. This is not superfluous in order to successfully pass the interview. And even if the candidate does not meet individual requirements in terms of experience, age, gender, education, but radiates positive and inner balance, the employer, guided by an irrational impulse, will make a choice in his favor.

For details on how to get interviewed, see How to get interviewed for your dream job.

How to find a job you like? Find yourself

And yet, the most important component of success is work to your liking, which is interesting, which you don't just want to go to - you want to run. Work you burn with. And this burning is visible to everyone, it infects with enthusiasm, next to such a person you want to act. Therefore, they will gladly take him, even if there is no vacancy, even if someone's relative was offered for this place. Such a worker will be met halfway, if only he works and does his job.

How to find such a job to your liking? How to understand what is your true desire and what is an imposed attitude? What is an innate predisposition to, and what is not yours at all?

Understanding your psyche will tell you where to put your strength, and what kind of employment can turn into hard labor.

If you are a sociable owner of a visual vector, you are unlikely to be satisfied with working within four walls without people. Rather, you should try a place where you can make contacts, arrange holidays, work in a protocol service. If you are the owner of the anal vector, then you will succeed, for example, as a master, a cook, and as a sales manager you will fail over and over again, accumulating not an amount in a bank account, but a bad experience.

Night shifts are suitable for many owners of the sound vector, and the early start of the working day is unbearable. And they absolutely need silence. Therefore, working at a construction site or at a factory, as well as at the checkout in a noisy store, is hardly suitable. But a sound engineer can become an excellent copywriter, editor and work remotely or in the office next to the same silent sound people.

How to interview for your dream job picture
How to interview for your dream job picture

An anal-visual person can become an excellent designer, tutor, and a dermal-visual person can become a journalist. The dermal sonicist is the best interpreter (the anal vector will slow down the speed of work), and the anal-sound one is the written one (the dermal vector will interfere with bringing the work to perfect quality, without a single mistake).

A person with any vector set can find his place. And even the level of education and age will not be a hindrance. When a person reveals the unconscious - that which was hidden from him, when he accurately and definitely sees his innate desires and properties, he simultaneously reveals in himself the source of energy and inspiration, courage and daring. In this state, you can even master those skills and knowledge that are not enough for the dream job.

Read and see the results of people who, after the training, were able to solve problems with the workplace:

Are you looking for or want to change your job? Register for a free online training "System Vector Psychology".
