The Peak of School Individualism, or Why Western Teaching Methods Don't Work for Us
Repeated attempts to introduce elements of school individualism into our education system have not led to anything at best, and in most cases have worsened the picture of academic performance, increasing only the burden on teachers. The reason for this situation is not even in the level of funding for educational institutions, because private schools showed the same picture. The essence of the problem lies in the psychological differences between children in Western and post-Soviet countries, which is clearly explained by the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan …
In the era of information technology, you want to keep up with the times. The availability and variety of teaching methods for children creates a real problem of choice for their parents.
Western teaching methods are becoming more and more popular as the most effective, adaptive and flexible. They are based on an individual approach to each student, where most of the time the teacher works with each student, and the student deals with personal materials. The success of this method is assessed by the number of successful students who passed the exams with excellent marks, and, as a result, who entered universities after that.
Also inspiring is the fact that these teaching methods give impressive results there, abroad, in those schools where they were introduced for a long time.
And what about us?
Repeated attempts to introduce elements of school individualism into our education system have not led to anything at best, and in most cases have worsened the picture of academic performance, increasing only the burden on teachers. The reason for this situation is not even in the level of funding for educational institutions, because private schools showed the same picture. The essence of the problem lies in the psychological differences between children in Western and post-Soviet countries, which is clearly explained by the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan.
Success "in their own way" and success in our way
Western Europe and North America carry a skin mentality, that is, in the society of those countries, the values of the skin vector are generally accepted: productivity, organization, rationality, economy, logic and His Majesty the Law. The main driving force in the development of each person is productive competition, self-organization and dedication. Success is measured by property and social superiority over others.
We live more with our hearts than with cold reason, impulsive impulses, rather than logical thinking. Our sequence of thoughts is impossible to predict, and we just don't give a damn about laws. Our society is based on the urethral-muscular mentality, formed in the harsh climate of cold steppes and dense forests.
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan shows that the leader's thinking is atypical, decisions are unpredictable and unexpected, because the future of the whole pack is under his responsibility. The dominant urethral vector is a complete intolerance of any restrictions, since this is an attempt to encroach on its rank, and as a result, a lack of respect for the law. The life principles of the leader are justice and mercy, embodied in the well-known slogan "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs." This is the shortage urethral distribution.
Amazing urethral tolerance coexists with the firm conviction that the worst crime is a crime against the pack, an action committed to the detriment of a common cause, the great goal of moving the entire society into the future. Which is punishable by public contempt. That is why social shame was the most powerful deterrent against breaking laws in the former USSR. It was simply a shame to be a criminal, a quitter and a parasite, but it was an honor to work for the benefit of future generations.
We all carry a urethral psychological superstructure in the form of the mentality of the Russian people. For this reason, the urethral properties are manifested in us even without the presence of the urethral vector as such. We can say that this is the vector of our society, the environment where we grow and live all our life.

Individualism in fashion, collectivism in the head
By the age of six or seven, when a child comes to school, he already has some elements of the urethral social superstructure and continues to form it, developing in the urethral society. That is why any teaching methods based on skin principles do not give the expected success - the properties of these two vectors are too contradictory.
An emphasis on productivity, speed, individualism and healthy competition - this all works well in a skin society, harmoniously fitting into the life principles of the whole society and each individual student. When education runs counter to the main psychological direction of the rest of social life, special results are not expected. The results that such education in the West produces, where everything is complementary to the mentality, is organic and understandable, where there is no internal conflict.
The child learns according to a new methodology, it provides for everything individual - tasks, desks, lockers, pace of learning, etc., even elements of competitions, where everyone is for himself, solving problems at speed, winners and the like. There is no practice of "bailing", "pulling up the laggards", helping the whole class to those who are not doing well. In everything, every man for himself!
But at the same time, the child goes out into the street, and there is the urethral gang, at home - urethral education, in the head - the urethral mentality. It is initially larger, higher in rank, wider and more voluminous, it is dominant. Anyone who has undergone training in the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, it is obvious that it is impossible to teach a urethral to be a skinny. This is a failure. Yes, he will receive knowledge, perhaps even very good training, but he will not create in his head a coherent method of self-realization according to the skin type. Not because he is dumb, but because he is different.
One for all and all for one
The law is not needed if there is mercy and justice. Property and social superiority does not matter if the enjoyment of life is in bestowal, altruism, alien to the skin mentality. Personal success does not matter if it is not the success of the whole pack.
These are all attempts to teach the child to "be less" than he really is. It doesn't fit into the collective psyche, there are no results.
The more we try to tear the child away from the team in everything: in education, leisure, sports, games, communication - the worse for the child. Him to live in this world, whatever it may be. It is impossible to build your own strictly individual paradise behind a high fence. So it is impossible to teach to live happily according to the skin principles of the urethral child. He is initially above that. He must be taught to live in the categories “we”, “my flock”, “my world”, to learn to take responsibility for others, to live for the future, to set big goals.
The whole class should be strong, not me, Vassenka, that's such a fine fellow. No, Vasya, you are not great if there are lagging students in your class. So you didn't help! And further. The best should be not only the team, but the whole school. Learn to get pleasure from pulling everyone up! Instead of perching on other people's backs the most intelligent / fastest / cunning and pushing them down.
Strict rules and regulations do not work in the urethral community. A more effective approach of big goals is a “five-year-in-two” approach, in which the teacher is assigned the role of a friend as a helper or advisor, rather than as an overseer-controller.
The parental phrase “this does not concern you” is not fully perceived by our children, they cannot but concern them. The expression “if not you, then who?” Is closer to them, is more understandable, dearer, more harmonious, more natural. Our children are initially ready to take on great responsibility, including for others, and individual education / upbringing purposefully lowers this high bar. What for?!
We are different, our children are different, we have such a value - the urethral mentality. Such principles are close to us, and we, who out of ignorance, who are in fashion, who are for the company, begin to educate from our children those who they are not. Yes, it is quite easy to influence children, but their potential is higher than the bar that we set for them with this approach to business.
It would also be wrong to say that our children are better than Western ones in some way. They are simply different psychologically, therefore, to maximize the development of their properties, they require different methods of education and training.

The society of the future begins today
Each new generation of our children is born with more and more temperament. The power of their desires significantly exceeds the temperament of their parents, so it is more and more difficult for us to find a common language without a deep understanding of the psychological differences between our generations.
For people of such a high temperament, the ability to realize themselves in society at the highest level becomes vitally important, otherwise the voids from the lack of realization threaten with the most powerful psychological suffering.
The disappointing results of the introduction of various Western methods into our education system make many teachers think about creating their own approach to organizing the school educational process. Here, a real breakthrough can be the knowledge of the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, which provides clear and observable answers to the most pressing issues of school education.
For a teacher who owns systemic thinking, the basic principle of the formation of a class as a self-organizing system becomes obvious, the individual characteristics of all students manifest themselves in all their glory, from which the optimal approach to teaching everyone follows.
For the parent, Yuri Burlan's training in system-vector psychology gives a clear vision of the entire potential of his own child and thereby creates guidelines for choosing a teaching method, selecting home literature, choosing circles and sections according to the interests of the child, creating an optimal atmosphere at home for the full and maximum development of congenital psychological properties of a growing personality.
The success of school education in any society is not in copying other people's methods and approaches, but in creating conditions for a harmonious process of development of the entire class, where each student feels like a part of the whole and contributes to the success of a common cause - gaining knowledge, developing intellectual potential and the ability to realize him in adulthood.
The nearest free course of online lectures on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan is coming soon.
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