Social phobia - from isolation to fulfilling life
“I feel paranoid… On the street it seems to me that everyone is looking at me, evaluating my clothes, my appearance, the way I walk and speak. If people laugh, then I think over me. I prefer not to leave the house at all. How can you help yourself? How to get out of this doom to loneliness? Is this even possible?
“I have a strong social phobia. Because of this, I don't work, I don't study. I am 25 years old, and I sit on my parents' neck, I feel like a complete insignificance …"
“I don’t even go to a hairdresser, because if the master comes across talkative, I will feel constrained all the time. This is some kind of torture - to communicate with an unfamiliar person, to the extent that it jaws."
“I feel paranoid… On the street, it seems to me that everyone is looking at me, evaluating my clothes, my appearance, the way I walk, I say. If people laugh, then I think over me. I prefer not to leave the house at all."
This is how those who suffer from social phobia - fear of people - describe their condition. From the outside it seems that this is a whim - just force yourself to go out to people, and everything will pass. However, sociophobes don't think so. They have tried, and more than once, but the states that overwhelm them when meeting people are so unpleasant that they choose loneliness.
How can you help yourself? How to get out of this doom to loneliness? Is this even possible?
Maybe. At Yuri Burlan's training "System-Vector Psychology", this "ailment" is 100% cured.
Social phobia symptoms
There are people who consider themselves social phobia and are even proud of it, preferring loneliness to communication. They call themselves empaths and introverts, natures "with a fine mental organization." They are a little bit snobbish, a little egocentric. Today it is even fashionable to consider yourself a social phobia. However, when the situation calls for reaching out to people, they do it without problems.
It is simply impossible for true social phobes to force themselves to go into society. The symptoms of social phobia are as follows:
- It is difficult to communicate with people both in person and on the phone.
It seems that everyone is looking at you and evaluating you. It fetters.
- It's scary to leave the house. Slightly more relaxed social phobia feel only at home behind a closed door.
- Sociophobes avoid eye contact.
- Communication can be accompanied by physical manifestations - trembling, stiffness, shortness of breath, and even panic attacks.
- Social phobia often goes hand in hand with depression.
Sociophobia significantly complicates a person's life, making it difficult to adapt in society. Very often it affects young people who, unable to overcome their fear of people, drop out of school, and then cannot work in a team. It seems that you want a normal life and communication, friends, but for some reason it does not work out.

Why tips don't work
All kinds of advice do not hear people suffering from social phobia. For instance:
- You have to force yourself to communicate, then it will be easier.
- You have to imagine that there will be no one to support you in old age - fear will push you into society.
- You need to think about the fact that people are no better than you, and in general, they do not care about you.
It is easy to say - "force yourself". After all, this is an irrational fear. With your head you understand that it is all true, but you cannot do anything with yourself. Therapy with drugs gives some effect only for the period of their intake, and then the symptoms return again, because the main cause of social phobia - psychological, has not been eliminated. Until there is an awareness of where this fear comes from, it cannot be eliminated.
Causes of social phobia
At Yuri Burlan's training "System-Vector Psychology", we learn that people with the visual vector suffer from social anxiety in the first place. These are people with a rich emotional world. They live by feelings.
However, feelings can be different - from fear to love. It all depends on how the visual person is developed sensually and realizes his potential given by nature. If he doesn’t realize, then he lives in fears.
The main fear in the visual vector is the fear of death. Why - in detail and logically, through cause-and-effect relationships, it is explained at the training. All other fears and phobias are derived from this main fear. They can take many forms - from fear of spiders to social anxiety.
Sometimes a social phobia also has a sound vector that makes a person a deep introvert. The sound engineer prefers solitude and silence - in such conditions it is more comfortable for him to think. He likes to think. When the sound desire for solitude and social phobia in the visual vector are combined, a person cannot force himself to go out to people. He has an inner excuse not to. But it is in the sound-visual social phobia that depression develops from prolonged isolation, thoughts about the meaninglessness of life arise, desires leave.
Against this background, symptoms of derealization may arise, when everything around seems fake, illusory, and you yourself feel like an alien element.
So a person with the most powerful abstract-figurative intelligence, with a gigantic sensory potential, finds himself on the sidelines of life.
How to cure social anxiety
How do you get out of the trap of loneliness caused by social phobia? Just knowing where the fears come from gives relief. Awareness of their properties helps to implement them correctly.
Feelings are given to us to enjoy life. Instead of fear, we can feel joy, love, happiness. You just need to direct your feelings outward, to other people, to fear not for yourself, but for them, to sympathize, empathize. Sociophobia occurs in those visual people who are strongly focused on themselves, their feelings and emotions.
The sound vector adds fuel to the fire if it is not implemented as well. Instead of being interested in other people, their psyche, their structure, the sound engineer concentrates on himself, his states and does not want to know anything about other people. At the same time, the inner emptiness only intensifies. And then depression inevitably comes, when it’s not like communicating - you don’t want to live. I don't want anything!..
Knowledge about vectors helps to understand oneself and the reasons for one's states, to reveal and overcome internal barriers that prevent communication, in a new way, to deeply see people, their features. Concentrating on other people in an effort to understand what drives them, a person better understands himself, finds the realization of sound desires. An interest in life and in people appears. I want to communicate, to reveal the inner world of another person. This is how the sound-visual people who have undergone Yuri Burlan's training describe the withdrawal of social phobia: