When dreams come true to the chimes
If we do not understand ourselves, we seek to realize not our desires, but those imposed from the outside, or we ourselves create obstacles within ourselves for the embodiment of our desires - often without realizing this, simply following unconscious psychological programs - then our dreams will not come true.
What should be done to make them come true?
The New Year is very close. The anticipation of the most beloved holiday of the year fills these last days of December with joy. We see off the old year, take stock, evaluate what we have lived through. And, of course, we hope for the best in the New Year.
We expect that this fabulous night, which makes us all a little children, together with the chiming of the chimes, will bring cardinal changes to our lives. Sometimes we act like children in a fairy tale - we put notes for Santa Claus in a sock under the Christmas tree, burn a leaflet with a desire written on it, dissolve the ashes in champagne and swallow exactly at midnight. Shamanim also believe in miracles, forgetting that “miracles must be done with our own hands”.
How to make sure that a wish made on New Year's Eve is guaranteed to come true is revealed at the training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan. However, not only on New Year's Eve. Thanks to the knowledge gained during the training, we ourselves become the creators of our own destiny.
Why wishes made to the chimes don't always come true
The essence of man is desire. It is desire that moves us through life, gives energy to overcome difficulties, to strive for the intended goal.
However, there is also a pitfall here. If we do not understand ourselves, we seek to realize not our desires, but those imposed from the outside, or we ourselves create obstacles within ourselves for the embodiment of our desires - often without realizing this, simply following unconscious psychological programs - then our dreams will not come true.
For many years already, under the chimes, she diligently made the same wish: “I want to love, I want to meet HIM, my only and beloved, my soul mate,” but HE stubbornly did not appear on the horizon. Didn't she want, didn’t expect a fabulously beautiful love? But for some reason, the wrong men appeared in her life all the time …
How often does this happen to us …

The most important step towards a dream
Systemic knowledge helps to understand yourself. So, a girl who dreams of great love has a visual vector. For her, the meaning of life lies in love, in creating emotional ties with people. And this is her greatest desire, which, undoubtedly, must be fulfilled, because any of our true desires are provided by our capabilities. Such a girl can be the most loving, the most sensitive, the happiest.
But what can hinder her? Anything. Any psychological problems - wrong attitudes, laid down by education, fears, ridiculed love in the past. And it turns out that desire seems to be there, but internal resistance, memory of past pain, inadequate prohibitions do not allow it to be realized.
You can give the green light to your desire only by realizing what is hindering it. And then it comes true in a "fabulous" (but in fact quite natural) way. This is evidenced by more than a thousand reviews of people who have passed the training "System-vector psychology".
The same applies to other areas of life. Someone dreams of career heights and big income, which is still unattainable. Such desires are especially important for the owners of the skin vector, whose value is material success, career, social status. Gaining knowledge about himself, the owner of the skin vector and any other person begins to understand exactly how much money he needs and how he can earn it.
A huge number of illusions disappear that a lot of money can be “attracted” (apparently found in a nightstand), conjured or simply obtained by coming up with some clever scheme. He stops wasting energy and time on workarounds and goes straight to his goal. Therefore, his income is growing fabulously.
There are also people who cannot exactly formulate what they would like. It seems that everything is there, but something is missing. Something elusive, elusive, the most important thing. Something that will make the picture of life complete, rich, meaningful. Perhaps this is the meaning of life? Many owners of the sound vector realized their desires and were able to find themselves thanks to the training "System-vector psychology":
As you can see, dreams can be guaranteed to come true if you know exactly what you want. If you understand why you are the way you are, why exactly you are. All our troubles, but all our strength is contained in our psyche. Only a clear awareness of our desires gives us the strength to build that wonderful life that we dream of.

New Year's Eve potential
We endow this time on the verge of the old and new years with mystical power. But what is so fabulous and mysterious about him? It would seem like an ordinary night, when one day succeeds another. It's just that the New Year's holiday is a tradition, a ritual that we have become accustomed to over the years.
And yet we are able to make this moment truly creative, bringing good, light and joy to our world. Our aspirations at this moment, our wishes for happiness, health, success, create a collective thought that can work miracles.
The power of New Year's Eve is in our positive association. We meet with relatives, friends at a common table, mentally connecting with each other - we communicate, sing songs, dance. Listening to the President, we feel that we are one people. We actively create emotional connections. And this is the greatest pleasure that a modern person can get.
Therefore, we see that on New Year's Eve, new couples are so often created, relations between old friends are reborn, neighbors are reconciled. It happens, of course, and vice versa. But to prevent this from happening, it is important to realize the value of our association, connections between people, to understand each other - it's so simple and pleasant!
Yuri Burlan's training "System-Vector Psychology" gives you a sense of this in full force. Starting to understand other people and ourselves, we begin to see that not only our troubles come from other people, but our main joys are also from them! The most successful, happy person is a person who knows how to live among other people. A person who is involved in a common cause, who is not indifferent to his neighbor, feels the greatest joy in life.
This is the potential for New Year's Eve. That is why we can start a new life with the chimes. Gaining knowledge about ourselves and other people, we begin to live our lives consciously and … become our own magicians.
If you want the wishes made on New Year's Eve to come true, come to the training "System Vector Psychology". Give yourself a life full of pleasure, joy and happiness. Happy New Year! With a new life!