How to improve concentration and concentration
A modern city dweller is born with a set of 3-4 vectors simultaneously. Therefore, the problem with concentration of attention can be complex and consist of unfavorable conditions in different vectors. And our problems are also fixed physiologically. It happens as follows …
We live in an age of huge information flows and crazy speeds. To be successful today means constantly processing large amounts of information. Unmistakably separate valid data from false, useful from useless. Learn what is needed and use your knowledge constructively. When it is difficult to cope with it, we lose our competitive advantages and remain outside of life. And many people have a question: how to increase concentration?
Where does distraction come from
The moment you intently read this article, the lion's share of your attention can go to waste, for example:
- from time to time you fall into your thoughts, deep into yourself and lose the thread of meaning;
- your thoughts go in a circle, for the hundredth time replaying a situation where you looked ridiculous, you were ashamed or offended;
thoughts flicker, jump from one topic to another, and it does not come out to keep attention on the necessary information;
- concentration goes astray when suddenly the heart trembles treacherously, and once again the emotions that you once had a chance to live will flood.
Obviously, a huge share of attention is spent on some unconscious processes, and it is not very easy to manage this flow. What to do?
Let's put aside the unnecessary: what methods of increasing concentration do not work and why
On the net you can find a variety of recommendations on how to improve concentration. In general, they can be divided into three large blocks:
Logic puzzles, crosswords, puzzles.
They are designed to provide a kind of field for reflection and help a person through constant brain training. This method can be partly useful for older people who, due to their age, have lost their social realization, and they have nowhere else to apply their abilities. But even in this situation, it is clear that at least partial implementation in society will bring much more benefit. We see many famous personalities who maintain a clear mind to a ripe old age - and they are all socially active. A real field for focusing the mind is always much more effective than a fictional one.
If you are young and able-bodied, such "brain exercises" will do nothing at all. The problem is not that there is nothing to think about (there are a lot of options: study, work, creative projects), but that it is impossible to concentrate.
How to increase the concentration of the photo -
Medicines or folk remedies to improve concentration.
There are times when a doctor's consultation is necessary. Sometimes a problem with concentration is just one symptom of a disease. Therefore, if there are other accompanying complaints (nausea, headaches, loss of energy, etc.), it is worth contacting a competent specialist. It is especially important to do this if you have suffered a head injury or if you have a disturbance in the functioning of the central nervous system.
To exclude possible pathology, it is better to be examined.
But if you do not find any objective health problems, then the problem of reduced attention is most likely psychological. In this case, attempts to drink herbs or medications to improve concentration usually do nothing. Because they do not eliminate the cause of the problem.
- Meditation and other ways to control the flow of thoughts.
Those who have guessed that the main obstacle to concentration is our "thought mixer" or "thought phone" suggest another way. Try to control your mind, control it. It also offers a huge mass of exercises in which you either need to think about nothing at all (completely clear your mind), or focus on something specific (a flower, a stone, any object).
The problem with all these techniques is one thing: no result. Even if it is possible to follow the rules for the duration of the exercise, then in a real situation everything goes the same again. Either we "fall into ourselves," then the head is spinning not at all what we need.
Why is that? For a visual picture, imagine that you have a hell of a toothache. Will it be possible at such a moment to really focus, watch or listen with involvement? Hardly. And in our case, a person's soul hurts. Whines, twists, sores about something of his own. Or just longs for peace and quiet. So much so that she doesn't care about any other information.
There is only one working way to increase the concentration of attention in this case: to free yourself from those psychological problems that do not allow you to live and constantly occupy thoughts. Then a huge energy resource is released, which can be directed in the right direction.
What prevents you from really concentrating
First, you need to determine how your psyche works. From nature, people are born with different properties, qualities, talents. Their full set is determined by the vectors assigned to a person from birth. Depending on how nature created you, problems with distraction can manifest themselves in different ways and have different reasons.
Let's look at some examples.
1. The tendency to "fall into oneself", into one's inner dialogue or into one's inner silence, is inherent in the owners of the sound vector of the psyche.
A peculiar effect arises: I read the text, but purely mechanically, I did not perceive the meaning at all. Or listened to the words, but in fact heard just a set of sounds: the meaning was not realized. At some point, a person notices this, and he has to shake himself, go back and re-read everything or listen to it again. There are deep psychological reasons behind this feature.
Sound people are innate introverts. They are given the talent of abstract intelligence. And the internal questions of the sound engineer are also often abstract in nature: why do we live, what is the meaning of everything that happens? Who am I, what was I born for, what is my destiny?
When the sound engineer does not receive answers to these deep questions, his inner background of dissatisfaction with life, its emptiness and meaninglessness, grows. What people usually enjoy (family, career, love) seems empty and hackneyed for centuries. There is a feeling that you are called to do something more significant and global - and you mess around and delve into nonsense and trifles.
The world outside is causing more and more rejection. Cozy and comfortable only in silence and loneliness alone with your thoughts. And even when there is an objective need to focus on some information, a person involuntarily “falls out”, “turns off” after some time.
In addition, the sound engineer has a naturally high hearing sensitivity. Therefore, the more noisy outside, the more people nearby scream and gush with emotions, the faster the sound engineer loses concentration, “falls through” into himself, hides from what brings painful sensations. And within himself, he just rests, enjoys inner silence.
2. The feeling of an avalanche of their emotional states, which prevents concentration, is inherent in the owners of the visual vector of the psyche.
They are natural extroverts, emotional, sensitive. Unconsciously, a visual person always strives to live an emotionally rich life, to experience a bright palette of experiences.
It is easy for such a person to perceive information when it is presented through visualization (pictures, videos). After all, his especially sensitive sensor is his eyes. But it is even more important that the information is presented emotionally. Monotonous mumbling leads to the fact that the concentration of attention falls. And then the spectator hovers in his dreams or is sad about his own, depending on the state.
The question of how to improve concentration of attention becomes really painful for the viewer when the internal emotional states absorb all attention. For example, you are experiencing deep drama from breaking up with a loved one or the bitterness of unrequited love. Feel intense anxiety or fear for yourself and loved ones.
In this situation, the viewer is difficult to involve in the material being studied, even if there is a great speaker in front of him with a sparkling sense of humor. For some time there is a slight emotional revival, a smile. And then it fades away - inside a bottomless longing, deep sadness or anxiety and fear.
3. Worried about how to increase concentration, and the owners of the skin vector. In certain states, they have such a problem: thoughts non-stop jumping from one topic to another, and the person himself literally cannot sit still, flickers. It doesn't work out to concentrate.
The fact is that the carriers of the skin vector are naturally fast and mobile. Agile and dexterous in body and just as quickly switched mentally. In favorable conditions, such a feature brings many benefits: only a leatherman is able to do several things at once. He writes with one hand, holds the phone with the other, talks. At the same time, he manages to simultaneously view messages on the computer, and even respond to them.
But it happens that such a person experiences severe stress - for leather workers, this is a demotion in the career ladder, low income, loss of property, or simply any humiliating position - as a blow to ambition. Or he simply lacks realization in society: there are not enough connections, contacts, trips with a change of place, the opportunity to realize his leadership qualities, innovative initiatives.
Then, instead of useful switchability, another effect arises - a person fidgets and fusses. Moreover, there is no real sense from these actions. He alternately grabs one thing or the other, dropping everything halfway. Today he is seriously going to do one thing, and tomorrow he already runs to try himself in another field. With the same speed can change emotional attachments and partners.
The same confusion arises in my thoughts - they jump from one topic to another. And instead of the ability to keep attention on several things at once, the opposite result is obtained - in general, it does not work out on anything. It is important to realize your nature here, and then it will not be difficult to solve this problem.
4. Amazingly, even those people who, by nature, have a phenomenal talent for focusing on every little thing, are concerned about the question of how to increase concentration. These are carriers of the anal vector of the psyche.
In general, these are very assiduous and attentive to the smallest details people. They study any information carefully and unhurriedly. The analytical mind is still "at the entrance" puts all the data on the shelves, and this takes time. Therefore, the owners of the anal vector are detailed people, focused on quality. For deep assimilation of information, they need multiple repetitions of what they have learned, systematization of knowledge.

Problems with concentration of attention in such people can also arise in conditions of a lack of social fulfillment, or under severe stress. A successful realization for such a person is to accumulate the experience and knowledge gained by humanity, and then pass them on to a new generation. They can be amazingly competent in their field, experts. But when the analytical mind isn't busy with this, it gets stuck in the endless scrolling of its own personal problems. Huge inhibition for the owners of the anal vector brings procrastination and resentment.
Family and children are of particular value for carriers of the anal vector. With problems in this area, severe stress arises. Such a person especially suffers during separation and divorce: by nature he is aimed at the constancy of relations. The pain is caused by the lack of respect and honor in the family and at work - this is one of the basic values of the owner of such a psyche.
A special focus on the past is given in order to collect and transmit all the information accumulated by people. But when this is not realized in useful activity, then a person is literally plagued by his own personal past. Again and again in my head thoughts about how everything was. And the ability to assimilate relevant, current information falls significantly.
How psychological problems affect our brain function and concentration
A modern city dweller is born with a set of 3-4 vectors simultaneously. Therefore, the problem with concentration of attention can be complex and consist of unfavorable conditions in different vectors. And our problems are also fixed physiologically. It happens in the following way.
Throughout our lives, our brains make neural connections. This happens under the influence of the surrounding world on our senses, which send appropriate signals, impulses to the brain. Gradually, these impulses pave neural pathways along which other impulses will run easier and faster in the future, processing new information.
Such familiar neural pathways are most efficiently formed in childhood. Therefore, psychological problems that originate in childhood have an impact on our whole life - we do not even realize the reasons for our actions and states. Let's look at some examples.
A sound child needs an atmosphere of silence for successful development. When it is noisy or people are scandalous around, it hurts especially sensitive hearing. But the child does not deaf - he simply withdraws into himself. Selective contact arises, solitude becomes more and more preferable for him. After all, man is the principle of pleasure, he avoids pain and seeks to receive pleasure.
Neural pathways are formed in such a way that at the slightest stressful impact, already in adulthood, a person reacts by “disconnecting” from the outside world. But the less he is in contact with others, the more alien he feels in this world. He does not find a place in him, cannot comprehend his purpose, plunges into depression.
A visual child in childhood needs special sensory development. He should not be frightened, so that the natural fear of death does not become entrenched and in the future does not become the basis for panic attacks and anxiety states. You can't forbid crying and showing emotions. Gradually, such a baby is taught to show his emotions through compassion for other people.
But if the conditions of development are far from ideal, a person is more or less fixed in a state of fear. In this case, he has a tendency to anxiety or panic. Reacts with an internal catastrophe to a break in emotional connection with others. For a long time he can get stuck in longing and grief and cannot get out of this state.
Paved since childhood, the usual neural pathways direct our impulses "along the beaten track" every time. This happens unconsciously, against our will.
They receive constant further reinforcement - and we have a bad experience that repeats itself over and over again. Therefore, even forcing ourselves to "clear consciousness" or concentrate on something specifically, we can do little. But there is another way - to open your psyche, your unconscious.

How to increase concentration for a long time: an effective way
In a short article format, you can only give examples of situations. And to get a real result, to increase the concentration of attention for the whole life, you need to know the entire volume of the psyche. This is provided by the training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan. It reveals the structure and evolution of all 8 vectors that make up our unconscious. How it works?
- When you open your psyche in all the nuances and details of its formation, you become aware of any trauma, anchors and false attitudes that have influenced the way both your psyche and your brain work today.
- In the future, any unconscious behavior begins to be realized. As soon as thoughts run "along the beaten path" to nowhere (into yourself, into your emotions, into the past, etc.), there is a simultaneous understanding of what is happening now and why.
- This awareness makes it possible to make another, conscious choice, to realize your desires, which were hidden, then other thoughts will arise. New neural connections will be formed. Gradually, they become stable, and not only the very thinking of a person changes for the better, but also his whole destiny.
In addition, two more critical issues are being addressed, which in fact are a trigger for our bad conditions:
- Stress resistance is significantly increased. Your natural values and priorities will not change: a visual person will always comprehend life in love and warm emotions, and the owner of the anal vector will appreciate family and children. But for any problem in a significant area, you will be much more successful in adapting stress.
- By realizing how your psyche works, you can find the maximum realization of your natural talents in society. Send them back on track. Then excessive emotions or other states (in each vector - their own) will no longer interfere with you actively living your life and assimilating large flows of information.
Those who are seriously interested in how to increase concentration of attention, we invite you to free online lectures by Yuri Burlan. Already on them you will get an understanding of many processes of your psyche and your first results.