"System-vector Psychology" About Books And Reading

"System-vector Psychology" About Books And Reading
"System-vector Psychology" About Books And Reading

"System-vector psychology" about books and reading

As far back as she can remember, she always read. When, by the age of four, all the children's home books were mastered and she took up the weighty volumes in dark cherry bindings with gold displaced letters TSB (Great Soviet Encyclopedia), her older sister took her to enroll in the library …

As far back as she can remember, she always read. When, by the age of four, all the children's home books were mastered and she took up weighty volumes in dark cherry bindings with gold displaced letters TSB (Great Soviet Encyclopedia), her older sister took her to register in the library, where she was given a real form in her own name. Rows of multiple shelves with multi-colored book spines - what a wealth! - delighted her, she folded two books in her pile, and the librarian aunt with a light blond bun of her hair smiled at her with a kind smile.

Who on the set of vectors could that girl from the library be? Vector-book-reading and non-reading - what determines the attitude of each vector psychotype to reading, to books of all formats and genres in all earthly languages and dialects?


Systemic distinction in relation to reading

Let us begin differentiation in relation to reading with systemic types, in which there is almost no relationship, the functional conditioning of which does not require the development of such a property.

A) quartel of space - cutaneous and muscle vectors

B) a quartel of energy - olfactory and oral vectors.

Also, there is no need for reading and the outer part of the quartet of time - the urethral vector, it has its own tasks to ensure the survival of the flock and the advancement of living matter into the future.

What vectors do they read?

Readers in the true sense of the word are vectors from the complete quartet of information - sound and visual, as well as the inner part of the quarter of time - the anal vector.

Anal vector and reading

To become a real pro in his field, an anal person needs to study the field of professional skill with his usual thoroughness and memory for details. That is why developed and realized analogs read. If they are without upper vectors, then they often read only specialized literature that is necessary for work. For example, at a self-respecting and respected craftsman, carpenter or carpenter, you can see his books, placed in even rows on neatly nailed shelves, and everything according to his specialty, nothing irrelevant. Thorough reading of specialized books allows this person to "polish" his mastery of the specialty, to become a real professional, a master of gold.

Quartel of information and books

The very name of the quartet of information implies a direct relationship to the literary and book branch of human life creation. Indeed, both the writing and reading brethren in the overwhelming majority have sound and visual psychological properties, with the exception of specialized reading in the above example of an analnik without a top.

Writers mainly write through the sound-anal combination of vectors, without such a combination a great, large, or even just average writer rarely happens. Almost all books at all times and in all territories were created by anal sound specialists, ranging from short-lived clay cuneiform tablets, birch bark letters, slightly more durable silk scrolls. And then Gutenberg, with his medieval information revolution, ensured the mass and availability of books coming out of the printing press. And, finally, today the printed word has lost its usual material medium, it has become virtual, Internet, online. Nevertheless, the creator and main consumer of it is still a person from the information quartet.


Skin and sound Richard Bach is a rare exception that confirms the basic rule of vector career guidance for writers. The small volume of his books in printed sheets is a clear evidence of the fact that creating thick volumes, like the great classics of Russian literature Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, can only be done by a person who writes with the presence of an anal vector. By the way, the pilot career of Richard Bach, thanks to which his pen is well "sharpened" in the presentation of subjects requiring knowledge of aerodynamic information, is also a confirmation of his vector set, with which they very often go to the pilots. Adding a visual vector to a classic writing set gives an extra visual dimension to creativity. So, Gustave Flaubert was definitely with a visual vector,this is also evidenced by the story with the visual background understood by system readers, which happened to him while writing a story about the poisoning of the heroine of his book with arsenic. The manifestation of his visual vector, imbued with the experiences of another person as his own (even a literary character who does not exist in reality) made the writer's body react with symptoms of poisoning.

Sound vector and reading

And what do sound people read? Of course, everything that does not belong to the everyday essence of simple earthly existence: fantasy from fantasy, esotericism, philosophy, spiritual literature - both supposedly "spiritual" and real, spiritually filling. Depending on their occupation and interests, they also read theory in any field of science. Terrifying the environment "deprived" of information by the quartel, the sonic teenager can even read quantum physics, calling it "quanta" in casual professional slang. The need for the development of the abstract intelligence inherent in the sound vector makes the sound child amaze his family, taking, as they believe, serious reading material beyond his age.

If the sound vector is filled with music, such children are able to read the score in silence, without instruments. There is such a sound talent - directly from the notes with flats and sharps to translate the musical language into sounding in the neurons of the brain, of course, only in the sound head.

Like all manifestations of all vectors, the selection of sound reading depends on the state of the sound vector. A sound vector that has not received proper development, or is prone to depressive states, can get stuck at the level of the "sandbox", in low-quality mysticism and children's esotericism.


The introverted abstract intelligence of an audio engineer requires deep concentration to develop. Realizing his inner unconscious mental aspiration as a result of the training "System-vector psychology", the sound person is able to determine exactly what he needs to receive natural pleasure in his properties. Including reading which books is most favorable for the implementation of the abstract sound intelligence given by nature.

Sight vector and reading

The outside of the information quartet is also a very readable public. Learning early to distinguish the shapes of letters that form words, visual people know how to enjoy reading, often scroll like video sequences in their heads, imbued with the life twists and turns of literary characters. Often one hears from the audience: "Oh, such a disappointment with the adaptation of the novel, I represented the main character in a completely different way." Let us remember Sonechka in the story of the same name by Lyudmila Ulitskaya - the heroine seemed to go headlong, fell into reading, found in him rest and salvation in difficult moments. Bearers of the visual vector, accustomed to reading good literature, usually remain reading for their entire life.

It is very important to teach a visual child from childhood to high-quality literature, which will develop the natural properties of the visual vector - empathy, compassion. The most appropriate reading for such education of feelings - from children's books, where the theme of sympathy sounds, to classic literature. This is an important moment in the formation of the personality of a visual child.

There is a difference between a book and a book, and an illiterate, unsystematic choice of books for a child can harm the visual baby, grow not empathy out of innate natural fear, but even greater fear and the beginnings of phobias. The seminar on the visual vector at the training "System-vector psychology" also gives parents a criterion for selecting books. Directed censorship in this case is a boon for the developing visual intelligence with a huge emotional amplitude. As Yuri Burlan says, if you have a visual child, throw away the books of all the "sadistic brothers" and other authors of children's horror films. When in a scary tale children are taken to the forest to be eaten by wild animals, then for a visual baby with his multifaceted imagination this can cause serious mental trauma. The horror imprinted in the child's mind brings great suffering,serves as a brake to get out of dark innate fears: through empathy and sympathy - to a developed visual state of love. To the most beautiful state of the visual vector, the potential of which is inherent from birth in every visual person. Unleashing this potential or blocking in fears from early childhood depends on many factors, including the choice of literature.


So, we saw that such functions of Homo sapiens as reading, as well as writing literary texts, are systemically differentiated. Understanding the reading process through the prism of "System-Vector Psychology" provides broad practical opportunities for qualitative improvement in all areas where we meet with this process - in upbringing, education, writing and publishing, etc.
