Size matters. On the true reasons for success in women
Any man can be concerned about the issues of relationships and intimacy with a woman. But different men can push different reasons for this. Someone will have a healthy desire to be the best for their woman, and someone will experience great inner tension from just the thought of upcoming intimacy.
Buy this pill and increase your organ tenfold! You can also do exercises according to a special system, for which you also need to pay. If this does not help, you can listen to the "masters" and start convincing yourself that it is not size that matters, but special secret techniques in bed.
So we will go around without result, trying to change the external form and behavior. Nothing will change until you understand the real laws of attraction between a man and a woman, the reasons for the pleasure of intimacy with a woman.
Why are men worried about size?
Any man can be concerned about the issues of relationships and intimacy with a woman. But different men can push different reasons for this. Someone will have a healthy desire to be the best for their woman, and someone will experience great inner tension from just the thought of upcoming intimacy.
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan differentiates the sexuality of people depending on the presence of a particular vector. A vector is a set of desires and properties of the psyche, which sets a person's life line, unconsciously pushing him to certain actions. There are eight vectors in total. Depending on how developed and realized his properties, a person has more or less satisfaction from life. Including in relationships with the opposite sex.
A man with an anal vector has great sexual potential, he has a strong libido by nature. He is able to be the best husband and lover for his woman, the most caring family man. With such a man, a woman feels like behind a stone wall, if he is developed and realized.
However, if in the process of development such a man receives some kind of trauma, false attitudes, becomes a hostage of the past (especially the first) negative experience, then he becomes incapable of normal relations with a woman. It is these men who can be very insecure in their relationships with women, and sometimes have an unconscious dislike for them, even be rude, even sadism. These are the two opposite poles.
Men with a cutaneous vector, active, rational, purposeful, have a low balanced sexuality that lends itself to limitations. In its evolutionary development, this type of psyche most quickly approached the state of modern man, and therefore has a weaker animal smell, in fact, through which the primary attraction between the sexes occurs. Unconsciously feeling this, such men try to master various sexual techniques (the Kama Sutra is just for them), to increase their social status in order to increase their sexual attractiveness. In addition, this type of psyche corresponds to the desire for novelty, change of impressions, variety in sexual life.
Different vectors have different characteristics in the development of sexuality.
The joys and sorrows of pornography
In general, the reasons for the emergence of negative attitudes in men with any vectors can be the peculiarities of upbringing in the family, in a particular culture and social phenomena. For example, the modern availability of pornography is causing tremendous harm to a boy's psychosexual development. In addition to false stereotypes of behavior in bed with a woman, his psyche can receive a huge trauma, and such a boy loses the potential ability to create a real intimate, deep connection with a woman in the future.
A man brought up on pornography will reproduce sexual relations in form, but neither he nor his partner will be able to experience deep emotional content. Pornography provides a quick, simplest outlet for your sexual desires, but it deprives you of the real great joy and deepest feelings of intercourse with a woman.
The sinfulness of sex in Christian culture
Our Russian urethral mentality is not typical of religiosity in content, only in form. In Soviet times, religion was abolished. However, a certain cultural continuity has been preserved in the attitude towards sexuality as something sinful. The primary childish infantile sexuality - masturbation - was also viewed as something forbidden. A whole generation of Soviet parents made sure that their children did not do these shameful things.
And from the side of nature, these are completely natural manifestations of early sexuality. And when this is harshly suppressed, then psychological "anchors" are hung on the child, which will manifest itself as difficulties in future relationships with the opposite sex. Depending on the vector characteristics, a person can have serious problems, up to the inability to have intimate relationships.
A real attraction between a man and a woman
Male and female sexuality is structured differently. In fact, attraction does not depend on the size of any organs, but on odors. Those smells that we do not recognize consciously, but feel unconsciously, the so-called pheromones.
A man is attracted to a woman from attraction pheromones. In other words, according to natural mechanisms hidden from us, he is attracted to a certain woman who smells just for him. Nature has wisely decreed that we experience mutual sexual attraction to those partners with whom we are able to produce healthy offspring that society needs in this place and at this time.
First, a man unconsciously reacts to a woman by smell, and only then he will find a rational explanation for his attraction, depending on his vector features. For example, that he drowned in her eyes. This is what a person with a visual vector will think. For the viewer, the owner of a huge emotional amplitude, a connoisseur of beauty, eyes will be a reflection of the soul, and imaginative thinking will form in his head the most magical image of his chosen one. But it will be later. The primary attraction is set by the lower vectors: urethral, anal, cutaneous and muscular. And the direction of sexual experiences is determined by the upper ones: visual, sound, olfactory, oral.

A man with an anal vector, without realizing it, will enjoy an outstanding rear view of his woman. Maybe she will fall in love with him. A sound man, whose soul is looking for the intangible meaning of life, at some point will feel that it is good for him to be silent with her. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan provides an accurate scientific understanding of the features of various vectors and the laws of their combination in a pair.
In women, sexuality is arranged somewhat differently. Their attraction to a man, first of all, occurs according to ranking pheromones, that is, the social viability of a partner. This unconscious program came from antiquity, when a woman could save herself and her offspring only thanks to a man.
She already experiences secondary attraction from the pheromones of attraction, and the upper vectors form in her certain values, according to which she chooses a man. Just like a visual man, a visual woman needs a manifestation of sensuality, a deep emotional connection, and poetic love. A sound woman needs a deep emotional interpenetration with a man.
Does size matter?
Size does matter, but the size of the emotional bond, the deep mutual sensibility between a man and a woman. It is worth noting that on the topic of female orgasm today everyone is parasitizing. In fact, if a man is naturally assigned the ability to have an orgasm, then a woman does not have such a natural ability. And today she is just learning to experience it.
This can be influenced by various factors: physiological characteristics (for some women it is easier, for some it is more difficult), and to a greater extent - psychological. For physical pleasure, a woman should feel complete trust in her partner, feel absolute safety and security.
When a strong emotional bond and trust is created between partners, the woman is much more prone to orgasm. Another key to female sexual pleasure is her ability to say no if she is unwilling or unprepared for intimacy. Such simple and understandable at first glance things, but such often difficult to implement, are a guarantee of a happy sexual relationship.
You can learn more about how to learn how to get real pleasure from intimacy, realize and solve your internal problems in matters of sexuality at the training on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. For those who have already completed the training, their sex life began to bring ten times more pleasure, which they write and say in their reviews:
In the sexual sphere, confidence appeared in what I had just assumed before, but did not go further. I began to understand my partner better.
Dmitry Sh., Odessa Read the full text of the result
One of the important results is the realization that by giving love to your soul mate, you get even more love in return. Thanks to this, sexual life has radically changed, it has become of a higher quality (it began to blow my head away from pleasure and not need any millions) …
Ivan B., Perm Territory, Lysva Read the full text of the result
Register for the introductory free online lectures on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan at the link.