Euthanasia of the XXI century - I decided that life is over
We will help you to move, help you build a business, help you die quickly and painlessly! The era of consumption makes any service in demand possible. Now you can buy everything with home delivery - from pizza to hugs. But the suffering sound gave rise to a new request - the request for death. And the modern society, built on the principle of benefit-benefit, is ready and easy to provide.
Soon death can be booked in advance for everyone. Holland is considering a new bill, according to which medical termination of life will be available not only to seriously ill patients, but also to everyone who "decided that their life is over."
You heard right, the Dutch parliament considers it normal to help kill healthy people. It is only necessary to adjust the legislative framework so that there is nothing to complain about.
Euthanasia for physically healthy people - why such a request? Who can suddenly decide that life is just time to end? The System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan will help to understand this disturbing social phenomenon.
Life according to the principle of pleasure or not life
We want happiness and hold on to every second of life, if there is one. If it is not yet there, but a goal capable of making it happy is visible somewhere on the horizon, we move our paws with all our might in anticipation of the longed-for pleasure. We know for sure that it is possible.
And if there is not the slightest hope beyond any horizons of this meaningless world that it will be even a little easier? No gap. Solid darkness inside. No desires. No pleasure. No wiggling of the legs. What for? If everything in this world is indifferent. Flat. Empty. There is nothing to cling to. To let go of the ninth floor.
Suicidal thoughts, as Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology explains, nowadays often come to mind of the owner of the sound vector. The vector sets the course for our desires and aspirations. The more desires are fulfilled, the more pleasure, the more energetic the move. The faster we go further in order to get even more pleasure.
What fuel does the sound engineer lack?
But not everyone succeeds. There was a massive breakdown in the "motor" of sound people. The stop valve has worked. The machine of life takes itself to the landfill, because the sound vector does not find answers to its main questions, it suffers without proper implementation in the modern world. He does not know where and how to apply his voluminous abstract intelligence, thirsty for understanding everything. And he suffers immensely from this.

The owner of the sound vector, according to the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, who has the highest intellectual potential, invented an engine and a computer, an iPhone and a Mars rover. He is able to put together a model of the entire Universe in his head. But there is one black hole in this model - he himself.
The soundman is trying to understand what kind of cog in the machine of the world order he personally is. Why is he here? For what? Who needs it? This is where it crashes. It stuck and does not go further. Dead end. A bird hit the turbine. And the plane of sound thought flies down without even having time to take off.
If you can't see the sky, then why try to fly?
How to die fast is one of the most popular requests for a jaded sound engineer. He sees no point in floundering. It is unbearable for him to live without understanding this very life. Such a delusion is born in his head: in this world I feel bad → only the body connects with it → I will get rid of the body → I will get rid of suffering. But the suffering of the soul with a voluntary choice to die is immeasurably greater.
We will help you to move, help you build a business, help you die quickly and painlessly! The era of consumption makes any service in demand possible. Now you can buy everything with home delivery - from pizza to hugs. But the suffering sound gave rise to a new request - the request for death. And the modern society, built on the principle of benefit-benefit, is ready and easy to provide.
Paid suicide
84.5% of the referendum participants in Switzerland decided that the so-called assisted suicide is normal. Arguments are voiced that this is humane, democratic and completely ethical. It is not announced that this is also no less pragmatic. Each such procedure costs from five to ten thousand euros. Every year hundreds of tourists come to Switzerland to say goodbye to life. Significant investment in the country's economy!
Although, what are you, what are you! We are not concerned about ourselves. We do everything for the good of society. After all, the individual suffers, and the society around suffers. We must somehow solve the problem, comrades parliamentarians!
And voila - instead of providing adequate assistance to the sufferer, we give him the opportunity to simply choose death. So as not to waste time thinking about what, perhaps, there is more that you can catch hold of in this life. So that I don't even look for other ways. You just call the Swiss office and the guys will do everything in the best possible way.
Guides to the underworld
It would seem that now people have a much better chance of a happy life. Instead, they are offered to die comfortably and cleanly. Not to look for the causes and ways of solving an acute problem in society, but to make a procedure for paid killing - this way is now blindly choosing humanity. Isn't it time to open your eyes?
The term "suicidal tourism" has already appeared. So far, it refers only to terminally ill people who go to Holland, Switzerland, Belgium to end a life doomed to the physical impossibility of enjoying it. At such a pace, soon, tormented by unresolved internal issues, sound engineers from all over the world with one common disease - the meaninglessness of existence - will rush to Holland for their lethal dose.
Soft bed, friendly staff and deadly cocktail. And the sufferer no longer suffers. And the society, according to the principle “out of sight out of mind”, becomes “healthier”. The ailing individual was eliminated - you can run for fun again!
There is a choice
Nobody asks a person if he wants to be born. He is born without choosing a place and time, outside the Moscow or within the Garden Ring, with kind and caring parents or deprived of love from the first moment of life. We do not choose the primordial given, and nevertheless, we have the choice to live a more fulfilling and happier life than the one we are not happy with.

Our suffering is not doom. Each of us has the potential to enjoy life, because each desire is provided with properties for its realization. We just don't know how it works to take full advantage of our potential. The more we use our properties for their intended purpose, the more we realize our desires, the more we experience the pleasure of life. From enjoying life, the irrepressible energy is born to live even more, to want to live even stronger.
One of the important components of how our life will develop is the choice of the environment. Reaching out for those who inspire more by their example, or have the opposite effect - in many ways it depends on us. We have been making the first important choice since the age of six. First, it is a choice with whom to drive at recess, with whom to sit at the desk, with whom to giggle, with whom to discuss books. Then - with whom to share feelings and thoughts, with whom to work, with whom to start a family. We CAN choose our environment, which means we CAN change our destiny for the better. We CAN choose realization and enjoy life.
But we don't know how. And instead of a conscious choice of happiness, we increasingly choose the dead end of self-isolation, loneliness and misanthropy.
How do you want to choose life?
Medicine is developing, charitable foundations raise funds to save people. The value of human life is at its peak, but only for visual measure, and it can no longer cope with the volume of psychological shortages in society.
And the sound measure is bad from a lack of understanding of the general design and its place in it. The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan proves: until the sound engineer finds an answer to the question, what is the meaning of his existence, he daily experiences tremendous suffering from the worthlessness of life. And in the end he goes out the window or comes up with a law on affordable euthanasia for everyone.
But do we have the authority to take away from ourselves what was not given by us for something?
Breath of life versus call to death
If there is no pleasure, if the inside is unbearably bad, a person does not want to live until he understands the source of pain in his soul. This can be done by understanding the laws of the psyche that are universal for all mankind - this is the only way to solve the puzzle of your own destiny in this life. System-vector psychology gives sound thought the ability to fly in this direction swiftly and tirelessly, getting answers to the most important questions.
For pain in the soul in the 21st century, a more powerful remedy has appeared than euthanasia - self-knowledge. Free online trainings on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan give thousands of people the opportunity to feel the joy of life for the first time. Let yourself and you try. Register using the link.