Apathy. How To Overcome The Loss Of Energy?

Apathy. How To Overcome The Loss Of Energy?
Apathy. How To Overcome The Loss Of Energy?

Apathy. How to overcome the loss of energy?

Everyone has their own stopcock that slows down the train of life. Was there a desire? Yes. Efforts expended? What more! Result? Null. If the expected pleasure does not exceed the energy expended on actions, then we will not force ourselves by any persuasion to get up and do something …

Apathy, despondency, powerlessness, fatigue and indifference. There is almost no joy from life. And to change something - there is neither strength nor desire. I understand everything: "we need to get together", "we need to show responsibility", "we need to motivate ourselves." But I can't help it. Yet somewhere deep inside the desire to live smolders. So we live. But living a dull life is boring and wrong. It is not for this that a person is generally given the desire to live.

How to get rid of apathy? How to shake yourself up, if already at 20, 30, 40 you feel like an old man, without desires for anything? Where to find energy and desire to live?

Where do our desires go?

Each person is conceived by nature as a principle of pleasure. Wanted - performed an action - received a result - you are happy.

Do you want a friendly family? I made an effort, gave up love and care from myself - and I'm happy. Want to build a career? I chose a specialty and a company in which you can achieve success, worked, showed initiative, was not afraid of responsibility. And now you are already the head of the department. And you no longer remember how much effort was made, how many difficulties had to be overcome on the way to a dream. Because the pleasure from the realization of desire is many times greater than the energy spent on overcoming laziness, performing actions. And it seems that you get more energy and inspiration from the work itself than from sleep or vacation.

And if it didn't work out? He studied best of all, and the medal was given to the daughter of an official from the administration. I wanted strong, sincere relationships and love, but it didn't work out: the wife turned out to be a walker, and instead of the joy of family life, he tasted the bitterness of resentment and betrayal. He worked on a project, did not sleep at night, but he was given to another. And it’s okay, if I lost in the competition, but gave it to the one who will "fill up" this project. It happens that you yourself do not pull. You invest, you invest, and they tell you: not that! - no matter how hard he tried.

Was there a desire? Yes. Efforts expended? What more! Result? Null.

The man did one, did two, and then waved his hand and stopped doing. And why, if nothing will work out anyway ?! When there is no pleasure, then you don't want to do it. And no motivators can make yourself even lift a finger. This is an unconscious mechanism: if the expected pleasure does not exceed the energy expended on actions, then we will not force ourselves to get up and do something by any persuasion.

Picture how to overcome a breakdown
Picture how to overcome a breakdown

There is another option - when we do not realize our natural desires. I wanted to communicate, work and build a career, but I had to go on maternity leave, my whole life narrowed down to the kitchen, bedroom and children's clinic. I wanted to be a mathematician, but the profession seemed not monetary, but I had to feed my family, so I went to work as a builder. The desire was not realized and exhausted itself.

When we do not realize the pleasure principle, it decreases. The life force begins to contract itself to balance the measure of our suffering. So that it doesn't hurt so much that the desire is there, but is not realized. In a certain sense, this is the mercy of nature: a person inside whom unfulfilled desires boil can be aggressive, his frustration can result in irritation, aggression, violence. And so he just becomes lethargic, inactive, lazy. And gradually fades away.

Unfortunately, today more and more often we observe both in the mirror and around the “sad person”, “the apathetic person”. Why? Some were crippled by children's psychological trauma, which prevent them from taking place in relationships and in society. Others - the lack of skill to overcome laziness. Third - social psychopathologies: it is difficult not to become indifferent when every day you come across deception, lawlessness, corruption and it seems that nothing depends on you and your actions, nothing will change.

Modern sound specialists suffer en masse from the fact that they cannot realize the desire to understand the meaning of life, the human psyche. After all, the intermediate sublimates in the form of literature and philosophy, languages and science, music and poetry have already exhausted themselves, and meditations and hermitism further distance him from knowing himself, because they focus on himself, while you can only know yourself on differences from another person, and the meaning of life can be found only in the connection between people. The owners of the anal vector to take place in society and the family are often hindered by bad experiences and resentments, the viewers - by fears and phobias. Everyone has their own stopcock that slows down the train of life.

How to overcome apathy?

The problem can be solved only by the principle of pleasure, reformatting the hard drive of your life and starting the program again: for taste, for joy, for vigorous activity. Not just perform some actions with the body and mind, but also receive the result from these actions, joy and pleasure. Do not just drink coffee in the morning, because "it is necessary", but to smell, taste and enjoy it. Don't just tolerate work, but live it. Do not suffer in relationships, but burn and be inspired by them.

Then desires and vitality will return. When we unconsciously calculate that our achievements are correlated with the expended energy, then we can perform any action. Then there is energy for physical effort. Then we can even overcome the scourge of modernity - mental laziness: not just copy the actions of another according to a visual-effective principle, but think independently, create more complex thought forms, how to make life richer and more interesting.

Photo eventful life
Photo eventful life

How to do it? How to taste life? How to work through injuries and anchors that prevent you from realizing your true desires? How to get rid of resentment and unsuccessful life scenarios? How to find freedom and joy of communication with people? How to find your business and place in life? How to make sure that stress does not break us down, but makes us stronger? After all, life is multifaceted, and even one faded or cracked fragment spoils the whole picture.

The systems thinking that we get at the training "System-vector psychology" gives us the opportunity not only to work through psychological trauma and the effects of stress, cope with procrastination and depression, acquire stress resistance and realize our inner desires, it gives us a different understanding of the world and people, deeper, more accurate. This allows us to better fit into society and establish relationships with people, to understand the processes that are taking place in the country and the world. This gives us the opportunity to take place and live a full, active life, to cope with any difficulties and obstacles, to be energetic and joyful at any time of the year and at any age.

This is how the trainees of the training talk about it:

You, too, can fight apathy. Take the first step.
