Dedicated To Fans Of Science Fiction. Life Is More Interesting Than In A Novel

Dedicated To Fans Of Science Fiction. Life Is More Interesting Than In A Novel
Dedicated To Fans Of Science Fiction. Life Is More Interesting Than In A Novel

Dedicated to fans of science fiction. Life is more interesting than in a novel

What is life? Dullness, boredom. And there, on the pages of the novels, unknown battles unfold, an amazing intensity of passions is in the air, and the heart is excited by the genuine power of feelings.

You love to read, especially science fiction. You have studied up and down all domestic and foreign literature and you can cite by heart Ray Bradbury, Stephen King, Henry Oldie, Tolkien, Strugatsky, and you never know anyone else … You can't list them all.

Your favorite leisure is to read a book, plunge into an unknown world full of charm, human wars and hopes. There are battles for justice, a struggle for an idea and true love. One that you read about with bated breath and dream of repeating.

What is life? Dullness, boredom. And there, on the pages of the novels, unknown battles unfold, an amazing intensity of passions is in the air, and the heart is excited by the genuine power of feelings.

Why do we love to read and what does literature give us? Let's consider this issue systematically.

That wonderful world of troubles and battles

Have you noticed that not everyone is so fond of reading books? This hobby is typical for people with visual and sound vectors. People with a visual vector draw a huge emotional charge from literature. Literature enhances their sensitivity to the feelings of other people, expands their emotional range, gives them new shades of feelings, teaches them to sympathize and help the weak. It is important to teach children to read books, because through reading they discover a new world for themselves, acquire an environment of talented classical writers, which has the most beneficial effect on development. This is especially important for children with a visual vector: with the help of compassion literature, a visual child outgrows the emotion of fear with which he was born, and learns to experience love, build relationships.

The book is no less important for the sound engineer - by reading books with deep content, he gets the skill of concentration. Sound people prefer fantastic worlds, everything that goes beyond reality. They enjoy reading about space, interplanetary space travel, other galaxies, aliens and contact with extraterrestrial civilizations. It is important for them to know what is there, on the other side of the known visible and understandable world. They want to find out the solution to the mysteries of the Universe and reveal all the secrets of the human soul. It is they who possess powerful abstract intelligence that is able to penetrate these secrets and make amazing discoveries in the sciences - in physics, mathematics. It is they who are interested in philosophy and esotericism and sometimes they cannot separate one from the other. And this interest can be shown quite early. Already in adolescence, the sound engineer reads all the fantasy and moves on to philosophy and sciences. And his inner search for answers to difficult questions about the meaning of being and the essence of human life does not stop for a minute.

The essence of human life
The essence of human life


Literature expands our emotionality, develops imagination and gives us new thought forms. Choosing good literature for a child is choosing a good fate. After all, relying on literature, he begins to understand what moral actions are and what choices he must make in life in order to act according to his conscience. In a difficult life situation, referring to great literature, a person is able to draw strength from it in order to withstand and be strong.

However, sometimes literature becomes a refuge for a person who is afraid to live, to change something, or does not see much meaning in his own life. People with a visual vector like to read about love: in books they look for that strength of feelings that they lack in real life. But sound people like to read about space and the world of the future - they are looking in books for explanations of the world order that would fill them with a desire to live, which they do not find in real life. They are looking for the meaning that eludes their understanding, which is so necessary for them to live.

Let's generalize. Literature can help us cope with difficult life circumstances and make moral choices. However, some run from reality into books, replacing the realization of their desires with a novel. They experience the feelings of other people and think about laws that work only in a single reality, described by the author of a fantastic book, instead of giving their love to real people, their loved ones or thinking about a real task, for example, developing a space project.

Life is more interesting than in a novel

Unfortunately or fortunately - literature does not fully fulfill our desire for life! You cannot lock yourself in four walls, studying only books. The world is more interesting and huge than any fiction. After all, the author's imagination and talent show us only a small piece of this life. What we are able to experience and experience is incomparably greater!

And then, at the end of years, no one forbids us to write memoirs? But what will we write in them if we spend our whole life reading books? Isn't it time to transfer the wonderful world of worries and battles to reality and make your wildest dreams come true?

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