Depression test online for teens
Adolescent depression is often even more severely tolerated than depression in adults. And at the same time, they do not receive support and understanding from loved ones. Obsessed with their problems, parents may not even notice that their child is in critical condition. And even turning to them for help directly, in most cases he will come across misunderstanding, ignoring and devaluation of his problems …
According to the World Health Organization, depression is one of the leading causes of morbidity and disability among adolescents worldwide. In most cases, adolescent depression is not diagnosed on time, and a person receives help only when his condition reaches its extreme severity. Running depression can lead to dire consequences - up to the desire to commit suicide. How to recognize real adolescent depression in time and distinguish it from conditions that many mistakenly call depression: laziness, bad mood, apathy, boredom? Is there a depression test for adolescents that can accurately and accurately identify or rule out this condition? You will learn about all this in this article.
What is depression?
Depression is an extremely difficult psychoemotional condition that can be characterized as a feeling of depression, meaninglessness, lack of desire and interest in life. True depression can be even more distressing than serious physical illness. But due to the fact that the disease is localized in our psyche, and not in the body, it is very difficult to determine it with accuracy. The very definition of depression is quite new, and not everyone fully understands what it is. People began to call this any manifestation of emotional decline, in fact equating depression with a bad mood.
This devalues the experiences of those who actually suffer from depression - the people around do not take the other person's illness seriously and give rash advice like:
"This is all from idleness, get busy - and there will be no time to think about depression."
"You just do not have enough bright emotions in life, you need to fill it with interesting events, and even better - fall in love."
Such advice can only be given by those who themselves have never gone through this painful state.
Depression test for teens: does it make sense?
It is especially difficult in this case for adolescents. Adolescent depression is often even more severely tolerated than depression in adults. Nor do they receive support and understanding from loved ones. Absorbed in their problems, parents may not even notice that their child is in critical condition. And even turning to them for help directly, in most cases he will come across misunderstanding, ignoring and devaluation of his problems.

There is only one way out - to try to independently understand what is happening to you and how to help yourself. For example, take an online depression test for teenagers. You can find various variations on the Internet, most of them are tests based on the Beck Depression Scale. Their essence boils down to one thing: the test lists various conditions that can indicate depression, and you need to note how often you experience these states.
Why are these tests so attractive?
A person in depression has a feeling of loss and disorientation, a complete lack of understanding of what is happening to him. It's just bad and hard, I don't want anything, and the feeling that it will only get worse. There is only hopeless darkness and hopelessness ahead. Complete misunderstanding of how to get out of this viscous swamp, there is no strength and desire to do something, and it is not clear: what and why? And the test gives the feeling of the soil under your feet - your states are structured and laid out on the shelves. This is no longer just an abstract "bad and that's it," I begin to understand what constitutes my difficult condition: here is the feeling of worthlessness and guilt for myself, here is irritation and hatred of others, and here is insomnia and eating disorders. When our senses are called and defined by a word,they move from the unconscious to the conscious - this gives us a sense of some control over the situation. The fact that the creators of the test list the states that you experience gives the feeling that you have finally been understood and heard - this inspires confidence in the test and its results.
But, unfortunately, such tests for signs of depression in adolescents are nothing more than a little relief; they cannot unequivocally rule out or diagnose depression.
First, an intelligent person will immediately notice that the questions are quite primitive. The answers in each question are clearly divided into gradation according to the severity, and by simply clicking on the option you need according to the count, you can easily get the result you want. This can happen both consciously and unconsciously - but the results of such a test can no longer be called objective. And do you yourself agree to take such a superficial, easy test seriously?
Secondly, even if the test correctly determines your condition, it does not give any answers - why does depression arise and how to cope with it? Here I get the result: "severe depression" or "moderate depression" - and what should I do with it next, where to go?
Why teen depression is the worst
What really happens to a teenager who gets depressed? The exact cause-and-effect relationship of adolescent depression is provided by the training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan.
The transitional age is a very difficult period for any teenager. The fact is that up to this point, the child is psychologically closely connected with his parents, he receives from them a sense of security and safety, confidence in the future. During puberty this changes - there is a "readjustment" of the psyche. The teenager learns to function as an adult. What does it mean? The teenager tries to take his place among other people, tries, looks for himself. Each of us has a certain predetermined role, meaning - a place where a person must integrate in order to ensure the smooth functioning of the entire complex system - society. For this, each person has his own talents and values and his own path to self-realization. These inclinations are determined by our psyche, vectors. Until puberty, we develop the abilities we were given from birth,and after puberty we implement them and thus we ourselves provide ourselves with a sense of security and safety.
There is a small percentage of people who find it especially difficult to find their place in life and their meaning in it - these are the owners of the sound vector. Already from 5-6 years old they can shock parents with non-childish questions of the universe and the meaning of life - that is, from childhood they show a tendency to learn about those that other children do not even think of. At school, sound children often feel alienated from the team, experience loneliness and detachment. And it is really difficult for them to find friends - because the sound child usually feels older, smarter than his peers and does not find common interesting topics for conversation with them.
During puberty, when every teenager is trying to take his place in society, the sonic teenager may have the acute feeling that there is no place for him in this society. Suddenly, there is a feeling of complete meaninglessness of your own life. Why get up and go to school every day? Then to get higher education - and then what? Go to work and continue your daily hard labor until this meaningless life ends. Why grow up, start a family, strive somewhere - what's the point in all this? These questions may not be formulated in the mind of the sonic teenager, but every action and event in life will taste meaningless and empty for him.

So, real depression occurs only in adolescents with a sound vector. The following symptoms may indicate it:
- a sense of the meaninglessness of your own life;
- feeling alien to this world, isolation from all the people around;
- the desire to close into one's own shell, escape into a long sleep or computer games, isolate oneself from the outside world with heavy music;
- intolerable heaviness of being, indifference to the physical needs of the body.
Failure into depression can happen in a child with a sound vector imperceptibly to others and is experienced more difficult than depression in an adult. At the same time, the prerequisites for depression are not so much external circumstances as the state of the psyche. Against the background of prolonged depression, psychosomatic changes may also occur, but they will be secondary. Therefore, in order to cope with depression, it is necessary first of all to understand the mental, that is, to know yourself - who I am and what is the meaning of my life.
How to help a teenager
Outwardly, a depressed, sound adolescent may appear alienated, reject any attempts to establish contact and communication, and react dryly or with irritation. But, paradoxical as it may seem at first glance, they should not be left alone.
It is extremely important that next to a teenager in such a state there is a person who can truly understand him, show sincere sympathy and support. Who will help him figure out what is happening to him.
You can understand the peculiarities of the human psyche with a sound vector at the training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan. Sound children are really special, and for them adolescence - the most difficult time in the life of any person - is twice, three times harder than for others. But with the right knowledge, you can help diagnose depression in such a child - accurately and accurately. And most importantly: know exactly how to deal with it.