She Gave Birth Herself, She Herself And Feed, Or Why Do Women Not Want To Give Birth?

She Gave Birth Herself, She Herself And Feed, Or Why Do Women Not Want To Give Birth?
She Gave Birth Herself, She Herself And Feed, Or Why Do Women Not Want To Give Birth?

She gave birth herself, she herself and feed, or Why do women not want to give birth?

The modern rhythm of life obliges a woman to be everywhere and at once, to keep up with everything. The woman went to work, but no one took off her household duties. So she turns like a squirrel in a wheel - kindergarten, lessons, sections, house, cleaning, cooking. And having divorced her husband, she also takes on the material support of her small, but still family. After all, husbands, breaking off relations with their wives, often divorce their children at the same time.

- My wife left my friend and took the child. Probably, he will also put on the "counter".

- In the sense - "on the counter"?

- Well, he will give for alimony, he will suck money from him.

- Wait, alimony is for the maintenance of the child. Is he feeding on the holy spirit? Plus clothes, kindergarten, sections …

- Yeah of course! She will spend this money on herself. For cosmetics and go to clubs! No, he will still have to switch from the official salary to the minimum wage. Let it spin! And then her child, and money. What was she counting on?

Demography in modern Russia

We have a free country, democracy and equality. If you want to bring up children alone, please bring up alone. The institution of marriage is bursting at the seams, and traditional relations are becoming an anachronism before our very eyes. By the generation of our parents, the divorce status was perceived as a stigma on a woman's reputation. Today, a condemning tone towards this category of women will likely cause surprise. Many do not reach the registry office at all, even after the birth of children.

The demographic situation only over the last year began to come out of a steep peak - the birth rate exceeds the death rate. But this is a temporary respite. The generation of the 90s entered its childbearing age, the low birth rate in which led to a decrease in natural population growth. We are waiting for another demographic pit.

The demographic policy of the state is aimed at increasing the birth rate in the country. But what can really turn the tide is not behind the massive doors of government offices, but in the plane of human psychology.

All by herself

As Yuri Burlan says at lectures on System-Vector Psychology, the last few generations a woman has by nature a greater psychic: she has new interests, she is no longer only at home and children. She receives education, strives for socialization. The more educated a woman is, the later and less she gives birth. One, maximum two.

Why don't women want to have children?
Why don't women want to have children?

The modern rhythm of life obliges a woman to be everywhere and at once, to keep up with everything. The woman went to work, but no one took off her household duties. So she turns like a squirrel in a wheel - kindergarten, lessons, sections, house, cleaning, cooking. And having divorced her husband, she also takes on the material support of her small, but still family. After all, husbands, breaking off relations with their wives, often divorce their children at the same time.

What do we have

At the same time, you can hear a lot of rationalizations of their behavior from men:

  1. Maybe the child is not mine at all.
  2. There is no certainty that the money will go to the child.
  3. She herself chose to live alone, so let her try how it is to live when there is no real man nearby.
  4. Too much money will have for nothing. She lives for herself, without straining, and give her money for nothing.
  5. She is strong, she can handle it, and the children, when they grow up, will understand me.

The options can be listed endlessly …

Man to man … who?

The principle that they are trying to instill in us - everyone is responsible for himself - is used by men to justify their infantile behavior towards their children. Over the past 25 years, the concept of social shame has been thoroughly blurred. But with our urethral-muscular mentality, the management and limitation of human behavior in society most effectively occurs precisely through the irrational, sensual component - social shame. "Aren `t you ashamed!" - a couple of generations ago, these words were able to put in place any violator of even the unspoken rules of society.

Now everything has turned upside down, mixed. We are ashamed where we should not be ashamed, and we are not ashamed where we should be. A man is not ashamed to hide his income and leave his children. And a woman is ashamed to demand guarantees of material support for a child from a negligent ex-husband, as she considers it humiliating.

To survive during pregnancy and breastfeeding, alimony is needed

It is possible to rationalize each reason why it is not necessary to pay child support. But the fact remains - for the period of pregnancy, as well as when the child is small and completely dependent on the mother, a woman cannot work and provide for her baby. To survive, they need alimony.

The natural desire of a man is to transfer his gene pool to the future, to extend himself in time, that is, the task is not only to conceive, but also to raise a child. It is a man's natural duty to provide for his woman and offspring. Complete alimentation, give a sense of security and safety. It was created by nature. This way the look is preserved. A woman gives birth and brings up offspring - a man provides, and only then is he considered the father of his children.

There are no winners in this war, which men are waging against the women they once loved and their children. Everyone suffers - both women and children. And what is most unexpected - the men themselves.

Not to mention the fact that leaving your children without alimony is a shame. And for those "non-men" who are not familiar with such a concept or have forgotten what it is, the state is already finding strong arguments that contribute to the rapid emergence of a desire to financially provide for the life and development of their own children. And it's worth starting not with the “humiliated and insulted”, but with the middle class. It is these men who, having the opportunity to secure the future of their children, consciously choose to rob them.

So how do you increase fertility?

The decision not to pay child support is not a personal matter for a careless father who decides to ruin his child's life. The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan confirms that each defaulter of alimony undermines the country's demography, which means the future of the entire people. It is no coincidence that in the West the most draconian measures are applied to non-payers of alimony.

Women, surrounded by clear examples of the difficult life of single mothers, do not want such a fate for themselves.

The population explosion will only happen when women feel protected, safe and can count on guaranteed alimony. Indeed, for most women, having a child and not just one is a natural desire.

Why don't women want to give birth?
Why don't women want to give birth?

But this is unlikely to happen until each of us, and therefore society as a whole, condemns men who avoid paying alimony. There is still social shame in each of us, but society sets the guidelines for testing it or not. Under the influence of social shame, the temptation not to pay child support will disappear once and for all.

The feeling of safety and security that provides for a woman and a child will have a positive impact not only on demographics, but also on the microclimate of each family. After all, a mother, confident in the future, is able to communicate this important feeling to her child as well - the feeling of security and safety that every baby needs for his normal development. Children are our future, mentally healthy children are a guarantee not only of family well-being, but also of a stable future of any state.
