How To Tell A Girl About Her Period - Simple Tips About A Difficult Conversation With Your Daughter

How To Tell A Girl About Her Period - Simple Tips About A Difficult Conversation With Your Daughter
How To Tell A Girl About Her Period - Simple Tips About A Difficult Conversation With Your Daughter

How to tell a girl about her period - the first adult conversation between a daughter and a mother

Now there is no problem to get the information you need. Internet is always available. Each article, each video can tell a child about his period all that is needed, without missing a single detail.

It seems that there is simply nothing to explain about menstruation, the daughter will understand everything herself. In fact, how the girl will accept new changes in herself depends on the mother's reaction and her ability to correctly present information about her period.

Just yesterday you were swinging your baby in your arms and braiding her funny pigtails. And today your girl is preparing to become a woman in every sense. How to tell a girl about her period?

It seemed like there was still so much time ahead of her before she grew up. It happened unnoticed both for her and for you. You understand that it's time to acquaint her with some of the features of female physiology.

How to find the exact words that would help your daughter understand herself and accept all the new changes with the least discomfort?

How to tell your daughter about your first period - do not stand aside

Now there is no problem to get the information you need. Internet is always available. Each article, each video can tell a child about his period all that is needed, without missing a single detail.

It seems that there is simply nothing to explain about menstruation, the daughter will understand everything herself. In fact, this is not the case. You cannot stand aside when your child begins a new period of growing up. After all, it is known that it is the mother who is the closest person, able to support and understand.

To discard false embarrassment and not make mistakes in such a delicate topic helps understanding your child, the mental characteristics of his personality through the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan.

Important conversation

Not all girls quickly adapt to changes in their bodies. It scares someone, it repels someone. And someone wants all this to simply "turn off" and return to its former carefree channel.

how to tell a girl about her period
how to tell a girl about her period

And here the trusting relationship of the child with the mother plays an important role. It is the mother's word that can calm and inspire confidence if the mother understands exactly the peculiarities of the psyche of her child. Information about menstruation should be submitted exactly in the form that the young owner of one vector or another will most favorably perceive.

For example, if your daughter has an anal vector, it may be difficult for her to perceive changes in her body due to her slowness and not very high adaptability. But if you help her understand the meaning of what is happening through her basic values, she will proudly and with dignity carry her role as a future woman.

What are these core values? A girl with an anal vector from a young age has been dreaming of a future marriage and a happy family. You can tell her that the changes that are taking place are preparing her body for the future role of mom. It is important that this information should not contain sexual connotations - you should not immediately explain about unprotected sex, abortion and other horror stories.

The first menstruation - the main thing is not to faint

And the young owner of the skin-visual ligament of vectors has completely different desires and values - you need to talk to her differently. Able to quickly adapt changes in her body due to the properties of the skin vector, she can be afraid of what is happening, since she has a visual vector.

Visual children are easy to spot. The most emotional, the most vulnerable. Now they are happy, light and satisfied with the world and themselves, but after a moment they are sad or even cry. They are able to see the whole palette of colors especially brightly and enjoy color, light and beauty like no other. They can see beauty in everything, even where others do not see anything.

Shy from birth, they are always ready to blow an elephant out of a fly or invent a bunch of non-existent diseases for themselves and sacredly believe in it. The hormonal background of such girls is very fragile. It is they who faint when they discover sudden bleeding. A rich imagination instantly draws a near death from blood loss. At such moments, all the arguments of reason are powerless. By understanding the nature of fear, any child with a visual vector can be protected from injury.

The special fear of death is the root of all fears in the visual vector. With the correct upbringing of the child, this fear can be transformed into the opposite feeling - empathy for others, the ability to build emotional connections and respond to someone else's misfortune.

How does this help with the story of your period? If the mother does not focus on all the physiological “horrors”, the visual daughter will more easily perceive this process, because she will not be fixated on herself and her condition. It is enough to unload her emotions during this period, directing them in a different direction, for example, in some abstract matters related to helping someone, compassion for someone.

how to tell a girl about her period
how to tell a girl about her period

And such a girl will certainly be pleased with the news that she is becoming more adult and independent and will soon be able to wear the same beautiful outfits as her mother. To become a woman for a visual girl is to become beautiful.

Convey the best

Much depends on the mother's reaction and her ability to correctly present information about menstruation. Not only how will the girl accept new changes in herself, but also how she will relate to sexual life in the future. At first glance, this moment is not tracked and for a very long time remains hidden for the grown daughter, partially influencing her life scenario.

If mom talked about the peculiarities of female physiology, as a punishment for a woman, or she herself reacted to them with shame or as an ordeal: “I am suffering, daughter, now your time has come to be tormented,” this will surely affect her daughter, her feeling like a woman.

Your conversation will be remembered by your daughter for many years. Therefore, if you are not confident in yourself, it may be better to give the girl a book on the topic of puberty and offer your comments if something is not clear.

But not only through talking about menstruation, the mother conveys the image of a woman to her daughter. Therefore, it is better if the upcoming conversation with her daughter becomes a serious reason for the mother herself to think about her attitude to sexuality and femininity. Think and not pass on your anchors, clamps and delusions to a growing daughter.

Universal recipe

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains that the success of any educational event is based on only two postulates:

  • the psychological comfort of the mother herself (in our case, her positive attitude towards female physiology and sexuality);
  • the psychological literacy of the mother (that is, knowledge about the nature of the psyche of her child, the ability to choose the right approach).

Having mastered the method of systems thinking, thousands of parents not only found answers to their questions about upbringing, but were also able to get rid of the burden of their own negative experience in order to pass on only the best to their children. Here's what some of them have to say:

Any mother wishes her daughter to grow up and experience real female happiness. And any mother is able to understand how to help her with this. Start with free online lectures on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. Register using the link.
