Social Psychology - Welcome To The Matrix

Social Psychology - Welcome To The Matrix
Social Psychology - Welcome To The Matrix

Social psychology - welcome to the matrix

The behavior of a person in a couple, in a team and in society as a whole is determined by the presence of certain properties, desires, abilities that give a person a certain specific role, that is, a function in society.

Social psychology studies human behavior in society, considering each individual depending on national, racial, religious, professional or other affiliation, as well as the psychological characteristics of various social groups.

Social psychology as a science intersects with both psychology and sociology, since it considers both the individual and society.

Previously, it was believed that the behavior of a social personality is due to belonging to a particular social group, where a person performs an impersonal social role, as well as interpersonal psychological relationships of specific individuals.

Studies of system-vector psychology indicate that the behavior of a person in a couple, in a team and in society as a whole is conditioned by the presence of certain properties, desires, abilities, which are called "vector".


The vectors are innate and determine the set of values, aspirations, priorities of the individual, his way of thinking, habits, beliefs, as well as the choice of profession, circle of interests and communication. The vector assigns to a person a specific specific role, that is, a function in society.

Vector systems psychology offers a unique perspective on social psychology. Shows in detail the mechanism of interaction between the individual and society: not only society socializes a person, but the individual himself, fulfilling (or not fulfilling) the specific role assigned to him, affects society.

The vectors within society are contained in a clear percentage that ensures the most effective interaction, where each social individual performs his role. All together, eight measures - eight vectors of the human mental and form that self-regulating matrix, thanks to which humanity has been successfully functioning for thousands of years.

For example, the development of the visual vector led to the emergence of culture and art, representatives of the sound vector became the founders of all world religions and ideologies, and the owners of the olfactory vector laid the foundation for international politics and global financial systems.

The country's mentality is also vectorially conditioned and depends on the type of landscape on which the historical development and formation of the people took place.

Understanding of all eight measures of the human mental, interacting at the levels of a particular, pair, group, social, allows you to understand the essence of all processes occurring in the world. The reasons for such phenomena as an increase in the level of mutual hostility in society, crimes motivated by pedophilia, everyday sadism, a decline in the birth rate in specific regions, a quantitative increase in adolescent suicides and many other phenomena are becoming clear.

Each of these phenomena needs to be written in a separate article. Here we will try to present a general matrix of interaction at the level of the individual and society.

To be continued … Personality and society in the eight-dimensional matrix
