The psychology of influence. Spellcasters of one Serpent
Sometimes we really want to remake a person for ourselves, make him think the same way, make the same decisions as we do ourselves, it seems to us that this will be better for everyone … How to influence a person? How to inspire employees for labor exploits; how to instill in a child a desire to learn; how to make your spouse change; how to develop several useful qualities in yourself?
The psychology of influence - the art of creating clones or self-deception?
How to influence personality? How to inspire employees for labor exploits; how to instill in a child a desire to learn; how to make your spouse change; how to develop several useful qualities in yourself?
Sometimes we really want to remake a person for ourselves, make him think the same way, make the same decisions as we do, it seems to us that this will be better for everyone.
The search for tools of psychological influence leads us to a variety of courses, seminars, expanding our library and audio library, increasing the fees of psychologists and coaches. What happens in real life?
Communication bridges are being created, the threshold of trust is being overcome, points of contact are found, mutual understanding is growing, the notorious charisma is even developing, but the efficiency of the efforts made remains below the plinth.
Apparently, it was necessary to be born this way … one that is listened to and heard, followed, want to be similar and for which they are ready to change.
Or maybe there is such a universal method of influencing a personality that anyone can master? Like neurolinguistic programming or hypnosis.

Instruments of influence, manipulation, psychological methods of influence, methods of education and the formation or change of the way of thinking or certain qualities of the character of an adult - all this does not work!
Unfortunately or fortunately - it's hard to say, but what doesn't work is a fact.
Each person is born, already having a certain set of psychological properties - vectors - and the power of desire in each of them - temperament. Any changes are possible only within the existing vectors, and only until the end of puberty (12–15 years) can vectors be developed or remain in an undeveloped state. Depending on this, the manifestations of the realization of innate properties will differ dramatically.
The internal state of an already formed adult person directly depends on the completeness of the realization of his innate properties.
During life, vectors do not change, they cannot be grafted or eradicated, just as it is impossible to change the way of thinking, values or priorities - you can only change attitudes through awareness of what is happening, through understanding your nature and the nature of others.
Communication, complementary to human vectors, eliminates the need for any influence, manipulation or coercion.
Understanding who is in front of you, you already know in advance what is in his head, what thoughts, values, priorities, what he can and cannot, so there is no point in forcing, breaking, re-educating, since he will never change anyway, will not become different, will not start thinking differently.
The psychology of influence as a tool of manipulation is losing its relevance, becoming unclaimed, and gradually becoming a thing of the past.

The training "System Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan allows, in a few minutes of communication, to understand the personality of the interlocutor and clearly understand all the properties and traits of a person, speak a familiar and understandable language and create conditions that allow him to fully manifest his best qualities.
Effective influence on personality - where, when and how?
This instruction on the psychology of influence, as it is conveyed by the training of Yuri Burlan, illuminates the very concept of personality from a new angle, which means it exposes the special points of application of influence. And this is in fact the most effective and can significantly affect the personality.
It is possible to influence the personality only before the end of the process of its formation, that is, until the end of the period of puberty. The entire life scenario of a new member of society will depend on the changes that occur in the child's mental during this period.
As for adults, it is simply impossible to have a significant impact on the character, habits or way of thinking of such a person. This is not the case here. Instead of vainly trying to make an eagle out of a duck, you can simply learn to see who is who.
So, in order.
Apples and apple trees
It is difficult to overestimate the parental influence on the development of a child, but how effective it will become depends only on the parents themselves.

In very rare cases, a child is born with the same vectors as his mom or dad, but for the most part our children are separate, completely different from their parents' inner personality.
Any parent can have the most positive influence on the personality of their child by raising a small person in accordance with what his innate qualities require, developing all the properties of his vectors and teaching him to realize his natural desires in the way that is most acceptable for the modern world.
An equally important influence on the formation of personality is exerted by the social environment in which the child grows up. Starting from a very early age (3-5 years), the baby takes the first steps to adapt to society. Losing their innate species roles, ranking, all members of the children's collective acquire the skills of communication and coexistence with their peers, which is extremely important for the further ability to adapt in any collective or group.
At the end of puberty (12–15 years), a teenager for the first time takes full responsibility for his life, the development of vectors stops, the process of realization of innate properties begins at the level to which they managed to develop in childhood. Realization is a continuous process that continues throughout life and on the completeness of which the internal psychological state of a person and even the biochemical balance of his brain depends.
Each property requires its own realization, a person is born to fulfill his specific role, it is for this that he is provided with the appropriate qualities of character, abilities and a certain way of thinking. To impose on him the fulfillment of someone else's specific role is completely unrealistic, to put other thoughts in his head and force him to behave differently is a deliberately disastrous business.

It often happens that a spouse with a skin vector, who immediately determines the benefits and benefits of any situation, reproaches a husband with an anal vector that he is sitting at home, not having a well-paid job, but possessing remarkable knowledge, experience and capabilities. Born to guard the hearth, women and children of the primordial stay-at-home and logistician, she tries to transform into a skin getter, hunter and commander.
Succumbing to the influence of the spouse, such husbands try to realize themselves in such popular and profitable areas as trade, advertising or technology. Getting into an environment that is alien to their entire inner state, that is, requiring a quick reaction, a high ability to adapt to a situation and work in a constant rush, they completely lose the opportunity to concentrate, analyze the situation, draw conclusions and use their vast encyclopedic knowledge or apply highly professional skills.
Not receiving full-fledged realization, being in constant stress, losing one job after another, a person with an anal vector also loses home peace and comfort, as relations in the family deteriorate. This all leads to an increase in mental deficiencies, an imbalance in the biochemistry of the brain and a sharp need to satisfy one's natural desires in any way, which translates into domestic cruelty and violence, dirty tricks on the Internet, and even homosexual or pedophile thoughts.
Charisma, passion, fire in the eyes
We often hear about outstanding people who inspired many to great deeds, kindled with enthusiasm, involved in the implementation of their ideas, followed by many with pleasure and joy, united by a common cause and purpose, but each doing his own job.
Charismatic persons, people of influence, political leaders, military leaders or simply outstanding personalities, to whom people are constantly drawn and are ready to commit even crazy actions for them. Who are they - God's anointed or sorcerers and how do they manage to influence the personalities of the people around them?

These are representatives of the urethral vector, owners of non-standard strategic unpredictable thinking, designed to carry out the advancement of his flock into the future. Born to be a leader, the most merciful and just, he receives pleasure from bestowal, realizing his animal altruism; he takes responsibility for “his own people” - it can be a school class, a team of an enterprise or the population of a country.
Feeling ourselves in the composition of his flock, within the circle marked by his pheromones, we feel safe and secure. Four-dimensional libido and top-ranking pheromones make it attractive and desirable for any woman, because on a subconscious level she feels that the birth of offspring is guaranteed to her.
"Friends" adore him, "strangers" hate and fear him. Any threat to his pack or any infringement on his rank can provoke an aggressive rebuff. The urethral outburst of anger is like a lightning strike - instant, powerful and unexpected, but after a second it went out and forgot about everything. His life and interests are in the future, the past does not interest him.
The psychology of influence of a representative of the urethral vector is due to our desire to be near him, to feel under his patronage, enjoying safety and security, to be inside the circle and to know that the leader takes all responsibility for the future.
His decisions are not contested and not susceptible to doubt, but only accepted for execution, while none of them has personal gain or revenge - only the interests of the entire pack.
There is no coercion or manipulation in his influence - he is obviously superior to that. He infects us with his enthusiasm, inspires and captivates, we ourselves want to be with him and walk alongside, we want to earn his attention, to be admitted into the circle of those close to him. But this does not change us internally, our character and way of thinking remains the same. Without a charismatic urethral leader, any idea loses its value, and our interest in it disappears.
I see spots on your aura …
If a person of influence drags others along with him, then there are people who are very susceptible to any psychological influences.
All kinds of auto-training, suggestions, extrasensory influences, even fortune-telling and predictions, not to mention hypnosis, have a very strong influence on the personality and psychological state of such people.

These are representatives of the visual vector in a state of fear. Sensitive, impressionable and emotional, they satisfy their need for emotional swing in fear, which is evidence of an insufficiently developed state of the visual vector, which is designed for love, compassion and empathy.
They make up the number of visitors to all kinds of fortune-tellers, healers and psychics, perceiving all their failures and fears as the result of induced damage, intrigues of envious people, rivals or sorcerers. Being very suggestible, the spectators are able to invent a problem for themselves, inflate it to huge sizes, having the slightest reason, thicken the colors and add drama to the image, while sincerely believing in everything that happens. They easily interpret every word of a charlatan-psychic in solving their problem, convincing themselves of their insight and superpowers.
It is the spectators who, in fear, replenish various sects, including marginal ones, where the combination of fear and love skillfully turns into an instrument of enrichment for the founder of this sect or the embodiment of his utopian fanatic idea.
I am the voice of God!
All kinds of sectarian gurus are able to exert a sufficiently strong influence on the personalities of their parishioners, turning them into ardent adherents of religion and uncomplaining executors of the will of the head of the sect.
Religious fanatics, founders of sects, convinced of their righteousness and exclusivity, are representatives of the skin and sound vectors. The sound desire to search for the meaning of life, the origins of being and spiritual comprehension of oneself leads to the religious sphere. In this case, religion is considered as one of the options for obtaining answers.
The poor development of the sound vector leads to the fact that its owner concentrates everything on himself, drowning in his own egocentrism and considering himself much smarter and more enlightened, often even a divine messenger carrying out a special mission on earth.

The skin vector in this combination introduces an element of personal benefit-benefit into the activities of the sect leader, as well as the ability to organize a group of people and exercise constant control over them. The low development of the skin vector is embodied in the property or sexual exploitation of their adherents, money-grubbing, an increase in their own well-being at someone else's expense.
Such a skin sounder, often paranoid with a fanatic complex, is fixated on his own internal states and is able to exert an inductive influence on the personalities of the spectators attracted to him at the same low level of development as himself. The psychology of the influence of an inductive psychopath is based on fear: frightening the end of the world, hell and other horrors of death to impressionable spectators, at the same time he gives hope for salvation through worshiping him and fulfilling all his instructions.
Any influence on the personality of an adult can only be temporary and only if the person is not aware of this influence.
Having systemic thinking and understanding the vector nature of each person, it is not difficult to figure out what influence he can have on you.
When you realize the true psychological roots of what is happening, any attempt to manipulate or coerce into anything will cause you only a condescending smile.
The only effective and useful influence on the personality is an adequate upbringing in accordance with innate qualities, which is feasible only until the end of puberty.
The psychology of influence, the art of manipulation, character change, personality re-education - all this is hopelessly outdated with the advent of new tools for the psychological understanding of human nature.
It is impossible to remake a person, but you can absolutely complementarily interact with him, taking into account his innate properties and the level of their development.
Better than an anal teacher, no one will give your child knowledge of mathematics. A skin manager is the best choice when choosing a substitute. The urethral leader is the main indicator of the company's prospects.
There are many such examples, you can learn everything about the skin and anal vector completely free of charge soon at the introductory lectures.