Attempts To Revise History. Search For Truth Or Self-Destruction?

Attempts To Revise History. Search For Truth Or Self-Destruction?
Attempts To Revise History. Search For Truth Or Self-Destruction?

Attempts to revise history. Search for Truth or Self-Destruction?

Were our grandfathers and grandmothers really "stupid scoops" who were forcibly, threats and bullets driven to the front, to military factories? Why do we so easily trust those who stipulate and rewrite history? And is it really important to know and remember what happened then? Maybe it doesn't really matter? After all, there are almost no veterans left, a country called the USSR too …

On the eve of the most significant holiday for us, Victory Day, the winners of the competition for school research essays on history were awarded at the House of Cinema. It would seem a great undertaking. Here is just one "but". The main goal is that schoolchildren should study an alternative history, in which the idea that the Nazis brought European values and culture to the world is vigorously promoted, and the Soviet leadership forcibly drove people to the front, forcing people to resist the troops of the German army out of their own selfish malicious reasons.

More and more often we hear: “Was it worth fighting ?! Why was Belarus burned to the ground, in which only burnt chimneys were left ?! Why did our soldiers lay down their heads in battles ?! Why were tired, malnourished women and children struggling in the rear at military factories ?! Why did the inhabitants of Leningrad die a painful death by starvation ?! We had to surrender, and now we would live in a culturally prosperous Europe. And everything would be fine. Everyone would be rich, well-fed and satisfied."

Over the past two decades, several dozen monuments and obelisks erected in memory of the heroes who died during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45 have been demolished on the territory of the former Soviet republics and in a number of European countries. Within the framework of the law on decommunization, monuments are being dismantled on the territory of Ukraine. In 2013, in the Russian city of Taganrog, under a plausible pretext, they tried to demolish the Oath of Youth monument, the memory of the schoolchildren and young children brutally tortured by the Gestapo - heroes of the underground organization who bravely fought against the Nazis who occupied the city.

We are almost used to such conversations and events. They have become commonplace. We stopped being surprised. It is no longer shocking, does not hurt the eye and ear. Some of us oppose this, some argue, some pass by, some do not even notice.

This is how the feat of the Great Patriotic War veterans is devalued. This is how our history is crossed out. Why is this happening? What is it? Indifference? Simple lack of culture? Irresponsibility to the past and the future?

Are our grandfathers and grandmothers really "stupid scoops" who were forcibly, threats and bullets driven to the front, to military factories? Why do we so easily trust those who stipulate and rewrite history? And is it really important to know and remember what happened then? Maybe it doesn't really matter? After all, there are almost no veterans left, the country called the USSR too.

An interesting view of the problem is offered by the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan.

Many different "truths"

Each person sees and perceives the world around him through the prism of his experience, his system of values, his inner world. In Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology, the set of innate properties and desires of a person that determines our worldview, our aspirations, hobbies and interests, value system, talents and professional preferences is called a vector. There are eight vectors in total. One person can have one or more of them. The combination of vectors, as well as the level of their development and implementation, affects how we evaluate certain events and people's behavior.

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For example, the owners of the visual vector, impressionable and emotional, can subtly feel the beauty of color, shapes, lines, play of light. Possessing by nature a figurative intellect and inexhaustible potential of sensuality, with proper development and implementation, they can love the beauty of nature and the animal world, appreciate the beauty of the human soul, empathize with someone else's misfortune and someone else's pain, perceiving it as their own. All these qualities allow them to be realized in the profession of an actor, designer, doctor, psychologist, volunteer. At the highest level of development, the visual person experiences love for all of humanity and devotes his life to selfless caring for the suffering and disadvantaged in charitable organizations.

People with a sound vector, on the contrary, are outwardly emotionless. By nature, they have an interest in the secrets of the universe, the structure of the universe, and comprehension of the meaning of life. These are people with abstract intelligence who are looking for realization in philosophy, religion, literature, physics, programming, and exact sciences. There are no material desires in this vector. Family, children, career, success, honor are outside the sound person's value system.

People with a skin vector have logical thinking. They are fast, flexible, dexterous people. In their actions, they are guided by the concepts of benefit-benefit. They are individualists who have a great sense of space and time. Their natural qualities allow them to take place in sports and business. By developing the values of law and discipline, they can become lawmakers. Having learned to save space and time, resources and information not only for themselves, they become engineers, inventors, those who develop scientific and technological progress.

For people with an anal vector, the most important thing in life is family, children, as well as honor and respect in society. They respect traditions passed down from generation to generation. They can take a great interest in history, archeology, literature. Analytical thinking, excellent innate memory and attention to detail give them the opportunity to become teachers, professionals of the highest category.

Private opinion or truth?

Possessing the qualities inherent in us by nature, we unconsciously measure the world around us, people, events and actions "by ourselves", that is, in accordance with our internal guidelines and system of values, in accordance with what we ourselves think is important and significant.

In addition, our assessment is influenced by the level of development and realization of our innate properties. Not having enough realization in society and in relationships and, therefore, not experiencing the proper satisfaction from life, a person suffers from shortages, frustrations. In this case, it costs nothing to convince a person of anything, to "slip" any false information and unconfirmed opinion on him, playing on his weaknesses.

A visual person, feeling the special value of each individual human life, will sympathize with the victims of concentration camps and mourn the soldiers who died at the front. In an insufficiently developed and realized state, feeling fear and pity only for himself alone, he will believe that not a single "sane" person will go to the front, fearing to be killed.

The owner of the anal vector can be easily convinced that a single family is more important than the state and the general state of affairs in society. Anyone who potentially can be the most real patriot of his country and his people, as is the case with a person with the anal vector at its best, in conditions of insufficient implementation, suffering from frustrations, instead of loving his people, begins to hate the stranger.

Mind and conscience, or resentment and criticism?

It is especially offensive and humiliating when outwardly smart, educated and intelligent people, writers, journalists from the pages of books, newspapers and magazines, from TV screens openly say that it was not worth fighting, that it was necessary to surrender, that the heroes "for nothing" gave their lives in the fight against fascism. They speak confidently, even make arguments that seem logical at first glance. And we can even be deceived: “After all, we have an educated person. How can you not believe him ?! " They convince us, they teach this to our children.

The owners of the anal-visual ligament of vectors, without realizing it, have become the main tool in the information war. Growing up in hothouse conditions, when knowledge workers were honored in society, when anyone could get an education, just study, when only the best selected samples of foreign literature, poetry, cinema and painting came to us through censorship, they did not develop any critical thinking, no skill to distinguish truth from falsehood.

Those of them who did not become the best of the best, who “did not gain recognition”, were offended and looked for those to blame for their insufficient solvency. It became “fashionable” and “smart” to stipulate and criticize the Soviet regime. Those whom we used to regard as honor and conscience, a stronghold of morality and culture, began to stipulate the country and history, giving out their personal opinion, their shortcomings and grievances as truth. We listened, believed, and many even bought into a collective agreement.

After the collapse of the country, representatives of the intelligentsia found themselves at a "broken trough": impoverished research institutes and universities, lack of government funding for cultural workers, miserable salaries of teachers and doctors. They never understood what had happened.

As Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology shows, a deep destructive resentment has been added to the lack of critical thinking. Resentment against the state, which has ceased to give them a sense of security and safety. To a society that has ceased to respect their work. On the oligarchs who “grabbed everything” and “robbed the people”. On the "rude" youth who do not honor their elders and live their own way. They are stuck in the past. And they continued to stipulate the power and the state, giving their hostility an outwardly decent form of "criticism and opinion of an educated person." And in fact, simply throwing off their shortages and poisoning society with their criticism.

Intelligentsia - a weapon of information war

Various Western organizations and individuals did not fail to take advantage of this, which began to finance pseudoscientific research, historical and other foundations of the offended Russian pseudo-elite.

We could all watch the results live, when schoolchildren from low-income families were awarded for essays on history, in which fascists who burned old people, children, representatives of "unclean" nationalities, "ordinary Germans" who used the slave labor of thousands of stolen teenagers and women in stoves, were called "cultural bearers" who wanted to "save the unfortunate Soviet people living under the yoke of a tyrant."

And our grandfathers and grandmothers, who did not spare themselves worked at the defense factories in the rear, without fear of death, fought for our peaceful future at the front, were dubbed "stupid commies and scoops."

Black was called white and white was called black. Omitting evidence and documents about those tortured in concentration camps, about slavery, about chandeliers made of human hair and handbags and lampshades made of human skin. Having justified the enemies of mankind, while slandering and devaluing the feat of those who fought with them. In fact, the Russian intelligentsia, who prided themselves on their intelligence and education, became a plaything in the wrong hands. And instead of carrying morality and culture to her people, she began to destroy them slowly and systematically.

Invincible spirit of heroes

Who were the veterans and heroes of the Great Patriotic War really like? Why did they voluntarily, without hesitation for a second, go to the front, fully realizing that they could die in the very first battle, and never live to see Victory? How did it happen that some young, fragile skin-visual beauties carried the wounded from the battlefield? And others, working as signalers, dragged heavy coils on themselves, stretching out telephone communications between military units under bullets? Unafraid of the roar of exploding mines and shells, they operated on the soldiers in the tent under the dim light of the smokehouse.

Why did women and children work long hours at the machine in the factories in the rear? Who united and taught the boys and girls to resist the enemy in the occupied cities and villages? Why in besieged Leningrad people dying of hunger did not surrender to the German troops, who promised to feed them? System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan answers all these questions very clearly and unambiguously.

The secret of the unbroken Russian spirit lies in our unlimited mentality, which has developed on the boundless territory of the endless steppes and forests of our country. Mentality is a common system of values and guidelines for a people, a worldview and worldview, which are formed in a certain territory under the influence of natural conditions. It is determined by the four lower vectors that set libido, the adaptation of its carrier to life. Our Russian mentality is defined by systemic vector psychology as urethral-muscular.

A person with an urethral vector is a leader by nature, looking into the future and aimed at preserving his flock, his people, ready, if necessary, without hesitation, to give his life for him. It is endless unlimited energy. This lack of framework and rules. There is no need to limit the leader, because he lives according to the principle of justice and mercy, which is above the law and culture. He lives by the principle of total surrender: not for himself, but for others. He leads his people into a future that simply cannot be limited by anything. Otherwise, the future simply would not exist.

The urethral mentality makes us collectivists. And the muscle component of our mentality gives us a sense of community. Each of us feels like a part, inseparable from the whole. Mentally, we do not perceive ourselves as separate from others. We are ready to share a piece of bread and the last shirt with those who are less fortunate. And then, when we need help, this someone will share with us, we help each other.

We all, regardless of our vector set, upbringing and education, are carriers of the urethral-muscular mentality. Hence our open, generous soul, irrational actions based on the impulse of the heart. Hence, the readiness to live not for themselves, but for the future, which we, perhaps, will never see, the fruits and joys of which we will not be able to enjoy, incomprehensible to other peoples.

Our grandfathers and grandmothers, who grew up in the early Soviet state, the structure of which was the closest, complementary to our natural mentality, lived for the future. They were not afraid of misfortune and hardships, the inconveniences of today. They lived for future generations. And they were happy, because that is how they interpreted their lives.

That is why they performed feats and did not brag about them. That is why they were invincible.

We are strong when we are one

The tense political situation in the world, the most difficult martial law in Ukraine, information war, the threat of world terrorism, economic and political sanctions. It seems that all this can undermine and destroy any state, society, break the spirit of any people. But not our people, who are the bearers of the heroic urethral mentality.

In this difficult time for us, the memory of the victory of our grandmothers and grandfathers in the Great Patriotic War, their feat is what unites us. This is our story. This is our pride. What makes us different from others. The point of consolidation that we need so much. This is what enables us to distinguish patriot from traitor, false interpretations of history and modern world events from truth. That which will not allow our country to fall apart into small fragments. And this is what will unite us and give strength to go into the future, which we will choose and create ourselves.

You can learn more about the reasons for the invincibility of the Russian people and why any future difficulties will increasingly contribute to the further consolidation of our society at the training on System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan. Register for free online lectures at the link:
