Vladimir Pozner: Social Epidemics, Or How Long Can You Live In A Soviet Country?

Vladimir Pozner: Social Epidemics, Or How Long Can You Live In A Soviet Country?
Vladimir Pozner: Social Epidemics, Or How Long Can You Live In A Soviet Country?

Vladimir Pozner: Social Epidemics, or How Long Can You Live in a Soviet Country?

Vladimir Pozner. Unmistakable insight, unexpectedly aphoristic wording of questions and a deep knowledge of human nature make any of his interviews a real event. Today the genius of the question plays an unusual role for itself. Vladimir Vladimirovich agreed to answer the questions of Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology portal.

Vladimir Pozner. Unmistakable insight, unexpectedly aphoristic wording of questions and a deep knowledge of human nature make any of his interviews a real event. Today the genius of the question plays an unusual role for itself. Vladimir Vladimirovich agreed to answer the questions of Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology portal.

The topic of the conversation - social epidemics - is especially relevant now, when people are leaving Volgograd in panic, and a pandemic of hatred is tearing society apart into separate human souls embittered in their suffering. What is this incomprehensible country that allows you to easily blow up its citizens?

While experts are trying to propose a somewhat suitable paradigm of survival in an atmosphere of growing mutual hostility, the words of V. V. Pozner about what love for one's country is and where it comes from acquire a special meaning. We need to start with order in our heads, he said. But how? How to replace fear with love, insanity from anger with a healthy psyche? What can be done so that the gaping voids of lack of realization stop turning people into killer biorobots?

Of great importance, says V. Posner, is a positive attitude towards their country. Interestingly, neither China nor the Arab world is experiencing the devastating consequences of the global frustration of people in life. And here, in Europe, in America, there is a deep disappointment, we do not want to have children in this world. A person does not know how to be realized, he cannot find himself in a family, work, children, he cannot live in harmony with himself.

Can religion help? The answer of Vladimir Pozner is no. Humanity in its spiritual search has long gone beyond the limits of religious dogmas and church rituals.

Can modern psychology help? When it comes to everyday, family problems, probably yes. In solving global issues of being - hardly. Everyone who is familiar with the training "System-Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan is well aware: only a working tool of self-cognition from within the mental unconscious that forms a systemic view of the world outside can help a person to come true.

And what about culture? V. V. Pozner talks about how important it is for the state to set the task of forming a positive outlook on culture. He cites the example of the film "Philadelphia", which once helped American society to get rid of hatred of AIDS patients. An excellent example and, as always, an accurate hit in the main thing is the need for mass culture with its overarching task of limiting hostility.

The only pity is that we cannot wait until our film industry takes care of something like this. There is no time to wait for the state, government, and the president to resolve the burning issues. Vladimir Pozner sees the problem in the fact that "we still live in a Soviet country." Mentally, yes, and no one will give us a break from the habit of waiting for someone else, from above or from the side, to fill our gaps.

There is a way to put things in order in everyone's head in order to once and for all protect themselves from the destructive effects of hatred. The training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan not only poses, but solves the issues of survival in the global world. There are no easy answers. There are faithful ones.
