Fascism versus communism, or How history was substituted for us
Can these two ideologies be compared at all - communist and Nazi? Do they have something in common? We will conduct a comparative analysis of communism and fascism, using publicly available sources of information and system-vector psychology - a science that allows you to understand the essence of historical, social, and political processes …
The new government of Ukraine banned communism, equating it with Nazism. Communist symbols are legally prohibited in the country (for example, the anthem, flag and coat of arms of the USSR, monuments and even the ideological names of streets and settlements.). The communist regime has been declared totalitarian, and for public denial of the criminality of this regime (as well as for public propaganda of the symbols of the communist party) in Ukraine, you can now go to jail for as much as 5 years.
The initiators of the bill - the Cabinet of Ministers and personally the Prime Minister of the country Arseniy Yatsenyuk - in an explanatory note indicated the rationalization from the same surrealistic opera as the whole new Ukrainian "history". Say, the war was unleashed by two regimes - Nazi and communist, and therefore both regimes should be banned.
Moreover, that part of the population that is incapable of thinking critically, and is most susceptible to the influence of anti-Soviet and anti-Russian propaganda spread by the Ukrainian media, accept this concept.
Right-wing radical political forces have long been advocating the idea of banning communism in Ukraine. For example, the Ukrainian radical nationalist party Svoboda, which openly preaches the ideas of Nazism along ethnic lines. That is, when both ideologies are banned, double standards come into play.
Can these two ideologies be compared at all - communist and Nazi? Do they have something in common? We will conduct a comparative analysis of communism and fascism, using publicly available sources of information and system-vector psychology - a science that allows you to delve into the essence of historical, social, and political processes.
Fascism and communism - a comparative analysis
In fact, there is something in common between fascism and communism. What exactly?
Both fascism and communism are ideas about transforming the world. These are ideas created by people with a sound vector (the sound vector is one of the eight vectors studied by system-vector psychology), but their creators and implementers were in opposite, radically different states.
Accordingly, ideas carry completely opposite meanings. Fascism is the anti-human idea of the superiority of one nation over others, the idea of the destruction and exploitation of other nations. And communism is the opposite idea of equality, of general prosperity, where some people do not exploit others, the idea of creating a perfect social formation.

Fascism translated from Italian means "union", "bundle". Here is the definition of fascism, taken from Wikipedia: “the generalized name of extreme right-wing political movements, ideologies and the corresponding form of government of a dictatorial type, the characteristic features of which are militaristic nationalism (in a broad sense), anti-communism, xenophobia, revanchism and chauvinism, mystical leaderism, contempt for elective democracy and liberalism, belief in the rule of elites and natural social hierarchy, statism and, in some cases, genocide.
"Fascism is a dictatorship of nationalists," wrote Boris Strugatsky 20 years ago, in 1995. "Accordingly, a fascist is a person who professes (and preaches!) The superiority of one nation over others and, at the same time, is an active champion of the" iron hand "," discipline-order "," iron grip "and other delights of totalitarianism."
Fascism, like Nazism, always appeals to pseudo-patriotism (in fact, to nationalism, that is, to enmity towards other peoples and nations).
In Ukraine, we are witnessing an explosion of just such exaggerated "patriotism", demonstrative sharovarism, wearing "embroidered shirts" and painting fences in the color of the national flag. But behind all this there is not love for Ukraine (namely, love for the Motherland is called patriotism), but an artificially cultivated hatred for Russia.
Ukrainian nationalism was formed during that historical period when the western part of Ukraine was under the oppression of its Western European neighbors (the Austro-Hungarian Empire, then the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth). The roots of Ukrainian nationalism are hatred of the oppressors and, at the same time, the desire to be them.
In western Ukraine, nationalism was transmitted as a continuity of generations. Fueled artificially, it served as a good ground for the events that we are now witnessing.
Today, in the information war, nationalism is used to divide and play off a single people among themselves. Pulling on the attributes of "national identity", today's Ukrainian expresses his militant, aggressive, radical right-wing position.
Does the ban on communism and the communist party, openly nationalist legislative diktat, militarization and a multitude of war crimes, political assassinations that went unpunished mean that fascism exists in Ukraine?
Among the Ukrainians there are a certain number of Bandera descendants who willingly believe that their ancestors, who collaborated with the Nazis, were heroes. There are relatively few of them, but they are now "running the show." People with an unhealthy psyche also joined the ranks of radical nationalists (the properties of the anal vector are in a frustrated state, hence the tendency to manifest nationalism, racism and Nazism).

These groups of people influence the new power (which itself is a puppet), and are also supported by it.
The vast majority of Ukrainian citizens approve of the war simply because of their inability to think independently. They take the lies and propaganda of the media for the truth. In their picture of the world, the “separatists” are shelling themselves, and the Ukrainian army in Donbas is heroically fighting the “Russian occupiers”, holding back their expansion deep into Ukraine by all means.
Fascism and communism: substitution of concepts
How did you manage to translate into reality such a surreal scenario: to equate communism with Nazism in the minds of millions of people, including the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, who fought against the fierce enemy - fascism?
The new generation of Ukraine (and these are young people of 20-25 years old) grew up on a substituted, rewritten history. The story, in which Bandera's people are heroes-patriots who just wanted independence for their country and were repressed for this. In this story, the crimes of the “heroes” are erased, such as the burning of civilians in Khatyn, the “Volyn massacre” and many others.
In this story, the mistakes of the Soviet government are presented as "genocide of the Ukrainian people." Of course, the system that existed in the USSR was imperfect. In the severe tension in which the Soviet state was created and rebuilt after the war, many people suffered, including innocent people. But in the rewritten Ukrainian history, the Holodomor took place only in Ukraine (not a word about the famine in the Kuban, the Volga region and the Caucasus), and this is presented only as genocide.
Can this be equated with the crimes of Nazism, as the people who are currently in power in Ukraine are trying to do? Can you compare Stalin and Hitler? Stalin, who led the country to victory against fascism, who embodied the idea of communism, having built an incredible industry in 14 post-war years, and Hitler, who committed crimes in the name of the superiority of his nation over others?
So does fascism exist in Ukraine?
There is an information war, in the whirlpool of which it is difficult for many people to distinguish truth from lies. And the foundation of this war is history rewritten in advance. It is necessary to study it, but referring to the true sources. Not to the "history" that was rewritten for the money of Western "well-wishers", but to the one that was preserved in the archives.

There is a dictatorship of nationalists, neo-Nazi radicalism, anarchy, lawlessness, impunity.
There is a 100% false information field that is believed by millions. This field is the main weapon of war.
There is the same deceitful government that commits a host of political, social, economic and war crimes … And many still believe in this government.
Ukrainians today are faced with harsh realities that are fundamentally different from the sweet promises on the Maidan. In the future, reality will inevitably become tougher.
The future of Ukraine is in the hands of the Ukrainians themselves - the people who will live in this country.