From Losers To Olympians. System Analysis Of The Film "Eddie Eagle"

From Losers To Olympians. System Analysis Of The Film "Eddie Eagle"
From Losers To Olympians. System Analysis Of The Film "Eddie Eagle"

From losers to Olympians. System analysis of the film "Eddie Eagle"

Michael was born in the small English town of Cheltenham in the family of a plasterer in 1963. Since childhood, he was a clumsy boy with poor eyesight. His father dreamed of transferring his skill as a plaster to his son. However, little Eddie always dreamed of getting to the Olympic Games and constantly tried himself in jumping, running, skiing, often getting bumps and going for treatment after another injury …

Every four years, thousands of people follow the sporting events of the Winter and Summer Olympic Games. Spectacularity and scale of the competition cannot leave spectators indifferent. And for athletes, the Olympics are much more than just an opportunity to earn another medal. This is the goal of the entire sports career. This is the main event in which future Olympians devote most of their lives to sports.

If for most athletes the Olympics becomes the main result of their achievements and a real take-off or even the logical end of their careers, then for one English guy named Michael Edwards it was only the beginning. His story became famous after the 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics. Moreover, in 2016, the film Eddie The Eagle was released on the wide screen, largely based on real events from the life of an athlete. The film attracted a lot of viewers and renewed interest in the fate of this man.

Desire and work will grind everything

Michael was born in the small English town of Cheltenham in the family of a plasterer in 1963. Since childhood, he was a clumsy boy with poor eyesight. His father dreamed of transferring his skill as a plaster to his son. However, little Eddie always dreamed of getting to the Olympic Games and constantly tried himself in jumping, running, skiing, often getting bumps and going for treatment after another injury.

And so, in spite of everything, in 1988 the whole world applauded this man. What helped an awkward boy with big ambitions make it to the Calgary Olympics? Let's look at this story from the point of view of Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology.

As a rule, we can characterize the majority of athletes as purposeful people with a good athletic figure, agile and fit. These qualities are characteristic only of people with a skin vector.

The main thing is to get what you want

For people with a skin vector, the main aspiration is material superiority, success, and high social status. It is the desire for healthy competition that helps athletes devote years of grueling training in order to win the competition in order to win and become the first. The natural thirst for constant movement allows the carriers of the skin vector to get real pleasure from the change of activity.

They can easily restrict themselves to food, adhering to a strict diet for the sake of achieving results. The desire for economy and limitation helps people with the skin vector to be realized not only in sports. Combined with logical thinking, it makes them excellent design engineers who create unique apparatus and devices that propel technological progress forward. They are successful entrepreneurs who can quickly adapt to unexpected changes in the economy and keep their business at a high profitable level. They are great organizers, great leaders in any organization.

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Best out of competition

Our hero Michael Edwards also has a skin vector. Only this can explain his dedication and unbroken desire to get to the Olympics. However, he never tried to be a prize-winner in competitions at any cost. Eddie was realistic about his chances relative to other athletes. He only practiced ski jumping for a couple of years and, of course, could not compare with those who got on skis as a child.

However, the savvy Michael understood perfectly well that he would still be the first: the first British skier in the last 60 years to represent his country at the Olympics in this sport. His 71.5 meters is still the UK national record.

Tenacity and perseverance

Without the desire to win (but only to participate) in the Olympic Games, Michael does not fit the purely skin type of mental. In addition to the cutaneous vector, Michael also has an anal vector. According to Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology, the owners of this vector love and know how to make something with their hands. By nature, they are endowed with excellent memory and the ability to systematize and transfer the knowledge gained. People with an anal vector have a slow metabolism and therefore tend to be overweight. They find it difficult to switch from one activity to another. It is important for them to finish any business they start, otherwise they feel extremely uncomfortable.

Now let's look at our Michael. He perfectly mastered the plastering craft. This helped him to earn money for the first competitions and sports equipment in his life. He had no sponsors, and this made the situation extremely difficult. His figure, stocky and far from athletic, was noticeably distinguished by its awkwardness and angularity. Later, his first and only ski jumping coach, Chuck Berghorn, recalled: “There was something about Eddie that won over me. This is the senseless will to win, fearlessness and perseverance. If he got this idea into his head, then nothing could knock it out, he did not listen to anyone."

It was the combination of cutaneous and anal vectors that helped Michael not to give up, but stubbornly, step by step, to go to the end. Only thanks to his perseverance and desire to bring the work started to the end Eddie "Eagle" was able to "fly" to the Canadian Olympic Games. Michael could not please the audience with his repeated performance at the next sports games. The Olympic Committee vehemently criticized Eddie's unprofessionalism and tightened the rules for participating in such competitions.

Despite this, Michael Edwards still became famous and was able to earn a round amount of money by lecturing and publishing a book about his sports achievements.

I came. Had seen. Lost

Michael's life is a vivid illustration of the contradictory combination of cutaneous and anal vectors in one person. The desire to achieve the goal at any cost and lack of interest in victory, amazing athletic performance and outward clumsiness, the ability to make a business out of nothing and developed craft skills - this is the portrait of a person with these two vectors, whose values and aspirations are mutually exclusive.

However, if a person is clearly aware of his desire, he always has the strength and ability to realize it. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan helps us understand our innate abilities, talents and desires.

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Systems thinking opens your eyes to everything that happens in life. You begin to understand not only yourself, but also all the people around you, their true motives of behavior. The ability to communicate with each person in his language appears, seeing him from the inside. Build relationships with family, friends and colleagues. There is an inexplicable feeling of happiness from communicating with people, and therefore from life in general. A good movie becomes not only a beautiful picture and entertainment, but also an interesting journey into the inner world of a person.

To master all these skills, register now for free online lectures on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan at the link:
