Sound abstractions, or the Talent to speak without an accent
According to the demand, a mass of courses, methods and methods “how to learn a language?” Appeared, in which the authors promise an inspiring result in the shortest possible time. However, it is worth remembering that any market product is aimed at making a profit, and learning a language without taking into account your own psychological characteristics is unlikely to give such a stunning result as advertisements promise …
How to learn a language without inclination
An addiction to languages, a tendency, a talent in learning languages - you can often hear that he is either there or not, and the person is unable to learn a foreign language.
It all depends on the conditions and desires of a particular person. It's one thing when we find ourselves in a foreign country, in conditions of increased pressure from the landscape. And it is completely different, when a person has a desire to learn a foreign language, he enters the faculty of foreign languages, goes to language courses or studies on his own.
The differences and characteristics of these two situations are clearly explained by means of system-vector psychology. In a situation with moving to another country, almost any person is able to master a basic level of language, sufficient for an elementary conversation. The subsequent depth of immersion in a foreign language will depend on the innate psychological characteristics of each person.
For example, an average conversational level with some technical elements is sufficient for representatives of the skin vector. They will know the words and expressions that they need for work, business, negotiations, complex literary turns are unlikely to be of interest to them. In learning a language, the skin person relies on efficiency and speed, because his time is his money.
The correctness of the composition of sentences, the use of tenses and verbs, competent written speech is important for representatives of the anal vector. Attentive and scrupulous, assiduous and consistent, such people do not spare time for learning, it is more important for them to follow the rules and the ability to express their thoughts in detail, for this they are provided by nature with a phenomenal memory and analytical type of thinking.
A different way of learning languages from people with a visual vector, they think in images, so it is easier for them to memorize all kinds of visual associations, whole phrases and expressions, separate blocks of text.
Today, in the context of globalization and ample opportunities for movement, the need to learn foreign languages has increased significantly.
According to the demand, a mass of courses, methods and methods “how to learn a language?” Appeared, in which the authors promise an inspiring result in the shortest possible time. However, it is worth remembering that any market product is aimed at making a profit, and learning a language without taking into account your own psychological characteristics is unlikely to give such a stunning result as advertisements promise.
Understanding the nature of your psyche with the help of the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, on the contrary, makes it possible to choose the most suitable option for you from the existing abundance of proposals, both in terms of the method of study and the rate of assimilation of information.
Polyglot without an accent or a weird silent
Separate perception of foreign languages in people with a sound vector. The ear is a particularly sensitive sensor of sound professionals, capable of picking up the minimum shades of each word, distinguishing accents, and therefore, reproducing them.
In the same way, the sound engineer is able to distinguish meanings, each word for him is, first of all, its meaning. Only a sound engineer, if he wants, can study a foreign language to the level of his native one, speak, write and translate depending on the lower vectors.

Moreover, the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan says that languages can become a real passion of a sound engineer, he may well create a new language, a new world, another reality, as, for example, Tolkien created Middle-earth.
Sound specialists have always been and are looking for meanings in sounds, for them it is not enough just to know how to pronounce a particular word, it is important to understand its meaning, variants of use, combinations with other words. This is one of the ways to express your own inner search for answers, an attempt to verbalize your desire for comprehension, self-knowledge, an attempt to answer the question Who am I, why am I here, and what is the meaning of everything around me?
Listening to the sound of each word, the sound engineer tries to hear something else behind it, something bigger, more significant, seeks to understand its meaning. A low-speaking, prefers silence and silence, the sound engineer has the largest vocabulary. There are 200 thousand words in Dahl's dictionary, the same in Shakespeare and Pushkin.
The word is always a lack, it is about us, people, about what we want and where we are going. Focusing on the meanings of words and deeds, the sound engineer creates thought forms. This is all part of the process of finding life. The sound wants not only to feel the meaning of life - namely to REALIZE THE MEANING OF LIFE.
Learning languages is good for sound professionals, if this is their desire, it is not difficult for them to "swallow" several foreign languages and speak without an accent, conveying the sound of words exactly the way they were heard from native speakers, in the original pronunciation.
Oral or written translation is one of the ways of realizing sound specialists, they are filled with work with a word as a unit of meaning, a combination of words, as the birth of new meanings, other meanings.
Written translation is most often done by representatives of a combination of anal and sound vectors. This type of activity is most consistent with their psychological characteristics. Written literary translation is the transfer of the essence of the work, such work requires analytical thinking, concentration, the search for the most successful analogs of each word, suitable in meaning, perseverance, perfectionism - these are all properties of the anal vector. An example is Pasternak's translation of Shakespeare.
Interpreting is different, simultaneous translation, colloquial, without deep thinking and analysis, transferring more words, without deep analysis of the entire text. Much faster thinking, logic, flexibility, adaptability are the properties of the skin vector. Depending on the lower vectors, the sound engineer can realize himself in both written and oral translation.
Today, with each new generation, it is more and more difficult for sound professionals to find activities for themselves that provide the most complete filling of sound properties. The potential for innate properties grows from generation to generation. Desires thirsting for their embodiment are forced to go in search of any opportunities.
A modern sound engineer, looking through promising and interesting industries for him yesterday, such as linguistics, philosophy, physics, music, religion and others, often does not find the expected content. The voids in the sound give rise to a lot of negative states (apathy, depression), which push the sound people to the illusory relief of their condition - into gambling addiction, drugs, even suicide attempts.
Changes in thinking after training in system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan give the sound engineer a filling of such intensity that most negative states go away by themselves, losing the basis, the reason. This is evidenced by the numerous sustainable results of the people who have completed the training.
Gaining the ability to think in systemic categories, realizing the previously hidden true desires of his own psyche, a person with a sound vector is able to independently choose for himself the activity that best meets his needs, properties and desires.

Learning foreign languages, like other intellectual activity, requires significant efforts from each of us, overcoming our own laziness, inertia, getting out of the comfort zone, investing mental resources, time, and possibly money. However, understanding the potential satisfaction of filling with sonic properties makes the process much more engaging and interesting.
You can learn more about the properties, nuances and mechanisms of the work of your own psyche at the next free online lectures on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. Registration via the link: