Games For Emotional Development Are The Basis Of A Child's Social Adaptation

Games For Emotional Development Are The Basis Of A Child's Social Adaptation
Games For Emotional Development Are The Basis Of A Child's Social Adaptation

Games for the emotional development of the child

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains: so that the development of a child is not one-sided and flawed, his intellect must be completely balanced by the same volumetric development of feelings …

Emotional games are a puzzle that sometimes falls out of sight when raising a child. Why are these games necessary? What is their feature?

Our children grow up in an era of great informational loads, so we try to provide them with the development of intelligence early with the help of developing methods and classes in children's clubs. However, we often miss the main thing: the baby will have to live among other people. This means that without adequate development of emotions, the child will inevitably face difficulties in social adaptation.

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains: so that a child's development is not one-sided and flawed, his intellect must be completely balanced by the same volumetric development of feelings.

At the same time, to achieve the maximum effect, the game on the development of the emotional sphere of children is selected based on the psychological characteristics of a particular child.

Outdoor games for the development of emotions for an active child

  1. "Guess the mood." The goal of the game is to recognize emotions, express them through movements. Children play the role of bees. Each bee has its own mood. At the command "The bees flew!" a child or group of children expresses emotions and mood in movements. At the command "The bees have landed!" babies freeze. The presenter (one of the children) approaches each "bee" in turn and names what mood she was in. In response, the "bee" can tell her story (what happened to her, and why she was in such a mood). This will help children identify emotions more accurately.
  2. Role-playing game "Sculpture". One or more children are selected for the role of "clay". The rest are "sculptors". The goal of sculptors is to "blind" a figure or composition that expresses certain emotions of children. For example, the figure of a child who has lost his mother and is crying. Or a composition of two kids (one allegedly hit, the other calms him down). The options can be very different. In addition to developing emotions, this game contributes to the formation of such a social skill as the ability to negotiate. Children experience positive experiences from group collaboration.

  3. "Man and Reflection". One of the participants demonstrates emotions in the game, actively moving (playing the role of "person"). The other becomes a "reflection", exactly repeating the actions of the first. If there are many children, they can be paired. At the command "Stop" the pairs stop. The one who played the role of "reflection" should name the feelings and emotions of the child "man". The participants then switch roles.

A common characteristic feature of such games is the expression of emotions through movement, action. Most of all, they will appeal to children, who by nature have special flexibility and dexterity of the body, love movement and exercise. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan defines them as carriers of the skin vector.

It is more difficult to keep such babies over books and board games to develop emotions. In an active game, it will be easier for them to express emotions. In addition, their “gutta-percha” body allows it to convey the nuances of various feelings and states through movement.

You can use such games for emotions for preschoolers, in kindergarten groups. And for schoolchildren - during children's leisure. In addition, any of the described game options can be simplified and used at home, in a child-adult pair.

games for emotional development
games for emotional development

Didactic aids and board games for the development of emotions for an assiduous child

There are other games for the emotional development of children - calm ones, carried out sitting at the table, because not every child is delighted with running. Didactic manuals and board games for the development of the emotional sphere come to the rescue:

  1. "Subject pictures". Children are given pictures, the general sequence of which represents a single plot. Each picture expresses certain emotions of the child - the main character. The adult tells the story, and the children have to guess from the story which picture is the first, which is the second, etc. The goal is to put together a single sequence according to the plot. During the game, they discuss the emotions and feelings of the protagonist, the reasons for the changes in his mood. This version of the game is suitable for the preparatory group of a kindergarten. Can be used individually with a baby 5-6 years old.

  2. Find a face. This version of the game for the development of emotions can be used for a younger age (from 2 years old). The set should contain plot pictures, and in addition - "emoticons" with different facial expressions. The task for the child: define the emotions of the hero and choose the appropriate "smiley". It is very easy to make such a game with your own hands.
  3. “Guess the pair”. There are many options for such a game on sale, although you can also make it yourself. The cards are pairs. Each pair expresses certain feelings, emotions. The child selects a pair to his card (finds one on which the hero's feelings are the same).

Babies with an anal vector receive the maximum positive emotions from board games with cards. They are naturally slow and very assiduous. In an active game, they can feel uncomfortable. Their body is not at all as flexible and dexterous as that of skin people, and physical exercise is not easy for them.

But in board games, such a child will be able to perfectly prove himself. He is attentive, has an analytical mind. Notices the smallest details, analyzes information carefully and thoughtfully.

Theatrical games for the development of emotions for a sensitive child

Unlike outdoor and board games for the development of the emotional sphere, theatricalization requires the maximum experience of the hero's feelings, the child's psychological ability to feel and accurately convey his state. Most precisely, this is possible for children, whom nature has endowed with special sensuality. System-vector psychology defines them as carriers of the visual vector.

To teach the recognition and accurate expression of emotions, these children can be offered the following games:

  1. “What Happened in Kindergarten”. The child acts out a "scene". It is required to convey the state of the baby, whom the mother takes from kindergarten. Is he upset about something? Or maybe scared? Or offended by one of your comrades? The audience must guess and name the emotions that the hero is experiencing.
  2. "Tell me and help." The child acts out certain emotions. The rest of the children help with advice. For example, a person with such a mood should be taken to a doctor: it is clear that he has something in pain. Otherwise, he is simply upset about something - he needs to be comforted. If he is afraid, calm him down, etc.
  3. "Etudes". If the baby, in addition to the visual, is also endowed with a skin vector - he is a born actor. Such a child, through play, expresses emotions not only mimically, but also with his body. In this case, he can act out for the audience any scene, study with a plot. And the audience's task is to come up with a story and describe the hero's feelings.

For the adequate development of emotions, games alone will not be enough for a child. Preschoolers and schoolchildren need special education of feelings - through reading literature for empathy and compassion (we will talk about this below). A visual child can be additionally given to a theater group, since nature has endowed him with a greater emotional range than others.

games for the development of the emotional sphere
games for the development of the emotional sphere

Music in games for emotional development for the little thinker

Recognizing emotions through music has a positive effect on all babies. But children with a sound vector are especially susceptible to music. They are natural introverts, focused on their thoughts. Their facial expressions are poorly expressed, even if a hurricane of feelings is raging in their souls.

In the development of the emotional sphere, games are suitable for such children:

  1. "Fun - sad." Sometimes sad, sometimes cheerful music sounds. Each child has a toy in his hands. Toys "dance" to cheerful music. Under a sad toy, you need to shake or stroke (calm down). You can use this game to recognize emotions in the younger group of kindergarten.
  2. "Pick a picture." Children are given pictures with different moods of the characters. The task is to choose the right picture for the music that sounds. Classic pieces are preferred. For example, Tchaikovsky's Children's Album.
  3. "Draw the mood." Emotions in this game need to be expressed through drawing. Music that expresses a certain mood sounds. The child paints a picture that conveys the emotional content of the music. The game is suitable for a preparatory group, children 5-6 years old.

It is important to remember that children with a sound vector hardly express their emotions outwardly. Low-expressive facial expressions are their psychological feature, and not a sign of a lack of emotion. Games for such a child should be focused on recognizing feelings. In addition to music, the flashcards and tabletop aids described above can help.

Emotion games in children's groups

In a kindergarten group or school class, kids gather with a variety of vector combinations. Therefore, different games can be alternated to develop children's emotions. Active and sedentary, interactive and role-playing, puzzles and musical exercises. The main thing is to take into account the psychological characteristics of children, to give a task that corresponds to their properties.

For example, the slow owners of the anal vector will not strive for outdoor games. Sound engineers avoid them too. Noise is too much of a burden for their sensitive hearing. However, when performing mobile tasks for the development of emotions, such children will perfectly cope with the role of analysts and observers. They can guess the feelings of the heroes, comment on what is happening.

In the course of musical lessons for the development of emotions, children with skin-visual combination of vectors should be given the opportunity to dance or act out a scene. Anal visual children will prefer drawing. A sound child can go headlong into listening to music. In the absence of facial expressions, he experiences musical images deeply. A psychologically competent teacher will not "pull" him and interrupt this concentration.

Competent education of feelings: games are not enough to develop emotions

The leading activity of a preschooler is play, therefore it is of great importance for the emotional development of children. But for the full education of feelings, it is not enough. It is very important to develop the skill of empathy and compassion through reading classic literature to kids:

For young viewers, reading classical literature is a life-changing question. Their huge sensory range is not saturated with play. The development of feelings must be sufficient, otherwise the child will grow up incapable of compassion, hysterical, may suffer from phobias and panic attacks.

For children, the development of emotions and education of feelings is the key to successful social adaptation, the ability to find a common language with other people, to build relationships that bring joy and pleasure.

Psychological literacy of adults helps to cope with various tasks. For example, it allows you to understand how to use games for children that develop memory, and which kids are suitable for games that develop attention. Understanding the properties of the baby is the key to everything, read and listen to the feedback from parents who have undergone training.

Unique knowledge, which you cannot do without when raising a child, awaits you at the free online training on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. Registration by link.
