The Series "Treason". "Hochunimagu" As A Lifestyle

The Series "Treason". "Hochunimagu" As A Lifestyle
The Series "Treason". "Hochunimagu" As A Lifestyle

The series "Treason". "Hochunimagu" as a lifestyle

The 2015 series "Treason" is a gripping story about the eternal theme of adultery. In practice, the anatomy of this phenomenon - why, why and what consequences it leads to. The opinion of the creators of the series practically coincides with the opinion of the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan: treason is not a solution to a problem, but its consequence. And this problem lies in the depths of our unconscious.


Asya is a young woman, in her early 30s, an interior designer.

Cyril is Asya's husband, ear-throat-nose doctor.

Anton is a student, brother of Cyril.

Vadim, Nikita, Slava are Asya's lovers.

Dasha is Asya's childhood friend.

Yura is a businessman, Dasha's husband.

And others…

The 2015 series "Treason" is a gripping story about the eternal theme of adultery. In practice, the anatomy of this phenomenon - why, why and what consequences it leads to. The opinion of the creators of the series practically coincides with the opinion of the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan: treason is not a solution to a problem, but its consequence. And this problem lies in the depths of our unconscious.

The heroes of the series are trying to figure out the reasons for the betrayal, but to no avail. System-vector psychology allows you to see the motives of the actions of all the actors. But before we deal systematically, let us plunge into the twists and turns of the plot for a while.

In search of emotion and adrenaline

Asya has been married to Cyril for ten years, but at the same time has two lovers and has just started a third - Slava. For Dasha, who accidentally met her after 14 years of separation, the life of a friend seems like an exciting adventure, in which there are a lot of vivid emotions, adrenaline, stirring up the blood with fear that lovers will accidentally find themselves in front of her husband or in front of each other.

Asya gets a kick from the fact that she “blows the roof off” to all her men, while fully controlling the situation. And he gives advice to Dasha on how to cheat on her husband correctly without unnecessary consequences for the marriage.

But very soon everything changes, and our heroine becomes the epicenter of a catastrophe into which many people are drawn. For a long time she kept on the crest of the wave called "success with men", and suddenly fell off. The situation is out of control. Asya is no longer up to jokes. Her games, the use of men to their advantage became the pretext for a serious drama that threatens the health and even life of people.

Young, assertive and self-confident Slava pursues Asya, wanting to possess her at all costs. Asya's desire no longer counts. Vadim also leaves her no choice, who puts the question bluntly - divorce Kirill and marry me. In anger at her refusal, he almost rapes her on the concrete floor of the apartment they are working on renovating. And Vadim also learns about Slava and beats him half to death. Slava's father suspects Asya's husband Kirill of this and wants revenge.

By chance, the husband finds out about two lovers, and then about the third. The tension grows, and its peak is the abduction of Asya by Vadim. He takes her away from the city, taking away her mobile phone and threatening with a pistol. Asya finally sees in its entirety the work of her own hands, telling Vadim: “I won't run away, because I made you that way”. But how deep is her awareness? Does she fully understand what prompted her into all these relationships?

The series "Treason"
The series "Treason"

What attracts her to the warpath?

Relations between Asya and Kirill are natural and natural, from the point of view of the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan. They are attracted to each other by the lower vectors. Cyril is the owner of the anal vector, unhurried, even slightly "inhibited", as well as weak-willed, indecisive, not knowing what he wants in life.

In his youth, when he already had to decide on marrying Asya, he asked her advice: is it time or not? Then, even before marriage, Cyril cheated on her with her friend Dasha, simply because, according to him, she was "lying badly." This was his only betrayal, in which he never confessed to his wife. Even at the moment when there was no point in hiding anything, when Asya was deciding whether to stay with her husband or not, when the maximum sincerity between them was needed.

And yet, like any man with an anal vector, he is attached to only one woman and does not want to lose her for anything. In addition, Asya is his first love. And for such men, she is alone and for life.

The skin vector that the wife has is opposite to the anal one in properties. The owner of the skin vector is swift, flexible physically and mentally (he can lie if necessary), and also loves novelty and change.

Opposites attract, which is why such a pair is very common in life. But such relationships require awareness, otherwise it is very difficult to maintain them - partners are opposite in everything. One is honest, the other is agile and flexible. One is slow, the other is fast. One is faithful, the other is prone to betrayal in case of insufficient realization of their properties. Asya and Kirill have it that way.

But apart from everything else, Asya is also a skin-visual woman, and this is a separate life scenario. System-vector psychology reveals it to us.

A skin-visual woman cannot be locked up in four walls. She has no desire to belong to one. Unlike other women, she is not created for the hearth and the birth of children. She, the only woman, originally had her own specific role, like men. Since the time of the primitive flock, she went hunting and war with men, was their "eyes", the first to see a predator and warn of danger. She did not have her own man. She could surrender to anyone, creating emotional connections with him and thus fulfilling her great need for emotion and security.

Thousands of years have passed since then, but until now a woman with such a combination of vectors in certain states is able to feel the desire to create connections with many men. Sex and a sense of security are two in one for her. It was here that a saving emotion was born, an emotional connection, behind which the feeling of fear, originally characteristic of a skin-visual woman, was dissolved. And it is love, an empathic thought not about oneself, but about him, that pulls such a woman out of the clawed clutches of fear, giving a feeling of fulfillment and reassurance.


At home, Asya did not receive at all the emotional filling that is so necessary for a skin-visual woman. In the evenings, he and Kirill sat at home and were silent. "Quiet family evenings" very soon bored her. So one lover appeared, then another.

Of course, her betrayal could be an excuse that, when systematically considered, has no basis. Asya knew about Cyril's betrayal in her youth, but it was not resentment and a desire for revenge that moved her, as Dasha suggested. Resentment is a feeling inherent exclusively to the owners of the anal vector, and Asya does not have an anal vector. She herself admitted that she "just loves sex." Still, she is a skin-visual woman and is the creator of sex. Animal reproduction became a sexual, intimate relationship when this sensual woman introduced an emotional connection into intercourse, a special spiritual intimacy.

Perhaps the cruel words of Cyril that "cheating is disgusting" became the impulse that threw her into the arms of Nikita's first lover, recalling her husband's betrayal. But again, this was not the main reason. She needed a drive from emotions, and with the advent of other men, her life finally took on color.

Cyril's brother Anton tells Asya that she has no shame. And this is so. This is how the nature of the skin-visual woman manifests itself. Seducing, flirting, blinking eyes is her essence, her desire. And this is her state of "war", where she belongs to everyone and no one. She has a different nature - her sexuality was given to her not for procreation, but for her own survival. Desired means saved.

Fear the woman seducing

Why, in this case, betrayal turned out to be so destructive for the fate of all participants in this love pentagon? Let's turn again to the ancient flock, whose life is described by the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan.

When the army returned home, the skin-visual woman also returned with it. Men took up their peaceful affairs, loved their women, and they gave birth to children. But if the most seductive, but not giving birth, woman of the flock - skin-visual - did not hide her active pheromones, continuing to flirt and “blow off the heads” of men, the measured life of the flock was disrupted.

Men only did what they followed her and hummed "Give!", Forgetting about their women. Women stopped giving birth, and this meant the death of the pack. The consequences of the behavior of a skin-visual woman in a state of "war" in peacetime are destructive. Trouble - and more!

So Asya, unbridled in her passion, desire to seduce, becomes the cause of a series of tragic events. Slava is beaten and disfigured. Vadim quits his business and resorts to violence several times, completely losing his head. Nikita chokes off alcohol and crashes the car. Cyril runs from one lover to another, waving a pistol, also drunk.

Why didn't Dasha cheat on her husband?

There is another interesting line in the film - the relationship between Dasha and her husband Yura. Dasha is also the owner of the cutaneous-visual ligament of vectors. Her properties are not very developed - she is not too smart, and her life revolves around her husband and her own person: hairstyles, manicures, shops, overseas vacations.

"Treason". Who is looking for a relationship on the side?
"Treason". Who is looking for a relationship on the side?

Yura is the owner of a realized skin vector, a wealthy and successful businessman. In addition to the fact that he loves Dasha, he is also flattered that she is a beautiful skin-visual woman. And as the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan tells us, a beautiful skin-visual woman is a “ranked female”, a woman who has always been chosen as a mate by the urethral leader.

The leatherworker, as a rule, is jealous of the status of the leader, because for all his leadership talents, he is still lower in rank. But such a woman next to him makes him feel at the top of the power hierarchy. This is what every owner of the skin vector secretly dreams of.

But Dasha is bored. Her life is not diverse, which is why, upon meeting Asya, she is eager to revive her routine existence. Throughout the film, she tries to cheat on her husband, but still doesn't. Why? It seems that Dasha also has the prerequisites for treason.

The fact is that she finds the realization of her emotional potential at home, with her husband. Their relationship is reminiscent of life on a volcano. Constant scandals and attempts to divorce are interspersed with violent sex and declarations of love. Dasha throws out her emotions in domestic showdowns with beating dishes and shouting to the whole neighborhood, and the desires of the skin vector are satisfied with wealth.

Man is the pleasure principle. And if he does not find an opportunity to fulfill his potential positively, he does it in any way possible. Including those - not very beautiful. People get used to emotional swings and even get a kind of fulfillment from this.

If not treason, then what?

The film suggests that cheating is bad. We see quite definitely what Asya's frivolous and consumerist attitude towards her husband and other men led to. Everyone suffers - both Asya herself and all her entourage. And nevertheless, when the whole truth about her unsightly double life comes to the surface, and she gives her word not to appear again in the lives of her men, she … immediately leaves with Nikita.

Will she stop there? Did she learn from the situation in which she almost lost her life? Hardly. Without awareness, there is no way to change the life scenario.

If she does not have an understanding of how to realize her potential, we can assume that with Nikita her life can go along the previously rolled track: emotional swings from fear to euphoria. When her feelings for Nikita are exhausted, she will look for something new.

Asya works as an interior designer. But Vadim, being her boss, says that she is not a very good designer. And rightly so - what is a designer without an anal vector? And work with the material environment is the implementation of the visual vector at the lower level, which is not enough for her level of temperament and development. She is clearly interested in people, emotional connections, vivid relationships. Her request is bigger.

"Treason". Love or flirt?
"Treason". Love or flirt?

For a skin-visual woman, in this case, there is only one way out - to create a truly deep emotional connection with her man, which will give her a sense of security, and realize her rich emotional potential in work. Then there will be no temptation to change men again. Such women become wonderful actresses, educators, nurses, public relations specialists, advertisers. They do not need to change partners, swing in tantrums or euphoria, they are capable of deep and lasting feelings for their husband, girlfriends and children, they just need to know how they are born.

You can learn a remedy for cheating and a recipe for a long happy family life from Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology at the training. Register for free online classes right now using the link.
