Haste As A Lifestyle. How To Start To Keep Up With Everything

Haste As A Lifestyle. How To Start To Keep Up With Everything
Haste As A Lifestyle. How To Start To Keep Up With Everything

Haste as a lifestyle. How to start to keep up with everything

In a certain state of the skin vector, saving ceases to be rational, such people live in a constant feeling of lack of time. I have to go to my parents - there is no time! I have to do the cleaning - I have no time! Their first feeling in response to any task is that they do not have time for this. The discomfort of wasted time dominates any situation.

Have you noticed in your environment people who are constantly in a hurry somewhere? Things are done as if they are late. Even on vacation, they cannot relax. Everything would be fine, but the state of haste exhausts them and everyone around them.

How to learn to do everything without hassle? How to make sure that there is enough time for everything and stop regretting the "lost" hours and minutes?

From the invisible captivity of lack of time, the training System-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan will help.

Time catchers

The owners of the skin vector may be in a hurry. Their value is the saving of any resources, that is, their rational use. Fine. For this, they are rational and logical, aimed at benefit in everything. They naturally sense the time perfectly, they always know roughly what time it is, wake up a minute before the alarm goes off. They value time, value it. Normally, the desire for economy makes the skin person an excellent organizer of himself and others. Self-discipline and regime help him achieve his most ambitious goals.

But in a certain state of the skin vector, the economy acquires an exaggerated meaning and ceases to be rational, and then a person lives in a constant feeling of lack of time. I have to go to my parents - there is no time! I have to do the cleaning - I have no time! Their first feeling in response to any task is that they do not have time for this. The discomfort of wasted time dominates any situation.

They are in a hurry when they eat, do household chores, read a book to children, or teach a marafet. The thought is spinning in my head: “I’ll hurry up!”, “I have little time,” “do not waste time.” The result of such a rush is that they spilled coffee, scattered cereals, dropped a chair, cut themselves, slipped, fell. In this state, they literally bump into all angles, although it is skin people who are able to be virtuoso in movement and avoiding obstacles.

How to start to keep up with the picture
How to start to keep up with the picture

As a result, in order to do one action, they spend 3 times more nerves and energy, because the tension about the need to save does not release them for a second.

Moreover, everything they do does not bring them the slightest pleasure! They cannot feel the joy of the process and the result itself, because the main thing that worries them is "wasted" time. Rest does not help either: the feeling “I have no time to live” does not allow one to relax even for a minute.

A romantic walk in the park will be overshadowed by a plan of further action: “Which way to go home? Where are there fewer traffic lights to reduce travel time? At this hour, there are traffic jams on the roads … We need a different route … I should have time to stop by the store …

What love and romance when the unconscious shouts: “Don't waste your time! Every minute counts”.

Near such people everything is like on a volcano. They are in a hurry themselves and rush others, they are annoyed by the slowness of others - for them it is a waste of precious time. In everyday life, this can be fraught with serious health problems for their children and life partners, whom they knock out of balance.

Savings with a minus sign

What happens? Instead of planning your time and keeping up with whatever is needed to achieve your goals, the skin person becomes obsessed with time itself. Excessive emphasis on saving time is projected onto any action by the prohibition to spend an extra second. Over-economy becomes an end in itself, and this devalues time itself.

The result is a paradoxical situation - there is no time for anything! "I have no time" becomes a habitual form of refusal … of life. Reaching the point of absurdity in a ban, we lose all the good that time can give us.

How to relieve stress and start being in time

Already at the free online training "System-Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan, you will not only be able to deeply understand what makes you rush, but you will also be able to realize your real inner resources and be able to apply them so that life begins to bring you joy.

Life will no longer be a departing train, on the steps of which you are trying in vain to jump, the feeling of running away time will pass, it will be enough for everything!

How to start everything in time for photos
How to start everything in time for photos

Read about how things change after the training:
