How To Become A Good Leader. Part 2. Realities Of A Leader's Life

How To Become A Good Leader. Part 2. Realities Of A Leader's Life
How To Become A Good Leader. Part 2. Realities Of A Leader's Life

How to Become a Good Leader. Part 2. Realities of a leader's life

How to figure out who to entrust the management of the department? Who will be hired as an expert, and who will have to establish public relations? All these questions can be answered without error if you have knowledge of the vectors of the mental …

How to Become a Good Leader. Part 1. What kind of soldier wants to be a general

We spend a significant part of our life at work. That is why it is important that the work is pleasant and enjoyable. The realization of abilities for the benefit of others gives a person the greatest pleasure, but only if he is in his place. Of course, each person himself determines the choice of work, but a lot depends on the leader.

He should initially form the team so that each person in it is in his place. How to figure out who to entrust the management of the department? Who will be hired as an expert, and who will have to establish public relations? All these questions can be answered without error if you have knowledge of the vectors of the mental.

However, it is not enough to type the command correctly. We still need to make it work effectively. To unite the team in one common aspiration. And this is also the daily concern of the leader.

One for all and all for one

The time of lone geniuses is passing away. Now everything is decided by collective labor and collective effort. The creation of connections between people within the team - workers and human - is a vital necessity. And for this, all means are good, starting from joint discussion of work issues, brainstorming and ending with common holidays and cultural events. Most people are still, like thousands of years ago, united by a common meal. And this, too, cannot be neglected.

When a person is comfortable at work, he works well. Creation of conditions for each team member is also a concern of the leader. Knowledge of the psychological needs of their subordinates will be invaluable here as well. So, the owner of the sound vector, solving complex intellectual problems, should be placed in a separate quiet room. But a sociable spectator, on the contrary, will feel good only among people.

The first is more productive in the evening, the second in the morning. Everyone can be offered a convenient schedule. We have already said that it does not matter how people organize their work, the main thing is the result.

The system of rewards and punishments will also be different for everyone. And money is not always the best reward. A person with an anal vector will be grateful for the praise and kind word of his professionalism. The skin man will appreciate the care for his health when he is presented with a gym membership. The needs of the visual person will be met during the collective excursion. Communication, beautiful places, new experiences - this is what always pleases him.

Good picture manager
Good picture manager

Myth # 2: boss status is money, travel and new opportunities

Some people think that being a leader is a new level of opportunities for themselves personally. This is a high level of income, and therefore a higher level of consumption - houses, apartments, vacations in the Maldives. Sometimes people want to be leaders in order to earn more. Sometimes people are attracted to power, as they understand it: the feeling of being a master, who does nothing himself, but only distributes instructions.

However, the opposite is true. The leader is not a king, but a servant of the people. This is, first of all, a great responsibility for people and for the result of the case, which should benefit people. Last but not least, it is a personal benefit as a bonus for good leadership.

The realities of a manager's work - a high level of responsibility and stress

The leader is when they come to you and say: "Give!" And it is necessary to give - information, an answer to a question, a solution to the situation, the resources necessary for work. Moreover, this "give" never ends. This is natural: a leader, as one who stands higher in the hierarchy, must provide employees with optimal conditions so that their work is safe, so that they can be productive in their work. With the correct organization of work, the goals set for the collective are achieved and each participant in the process receives for this well-deserved material well-being, a sense of satisfaction and confidence in the future. And only in this case your employees will be loyal and focused on full involvement in the work.

For the owner of the urethral vector, such a situation of constant return due to shortages is natural, because it is inherent in its nature. He is meant to be a giver leader. For others, however, such a life is associated with high levels of stress.

The leader must be extremely resilient to stress. But due to ignorance of himself, he often cannot adapt even a little stress, makes the wrong steps. For example, the presence of a visual vector can force decisions to be made based on a feeling of pity, which negatively affects the common cause. In the presence of an anal vector, a person may suffer from the need to make “unfair” decisions. He will want to divide everything in half - work, responsibility. To prioritize friendships and family ties to the detriment of business efficiency.

As we have said, the presence of an anal-cutaneous combination of vectors can be the key to very effective leadership, or it can be a source of big problems. For example, fear of taking responsibility, conservatism, delaying deadlines. That is, the existing skin potential and the desire to act effectively will all the time run into vague internal resistance. To prevent this from happening, you need to understand yourself well and use your potential correctly.

Team management picture
Team management picture

The work of a leader is also the ability to resolve numerous conflicts, both within the team and with clients. And here a high level of stress resistance is also required, which gives the recognition of human vectors. Understanding why a person conflicts, what he is actually dissatisfied with (often not at all what he claims), looking not through himself, but through eight observation points (eight vectors, eight systems of values, desires and groups of properties) allows any conflict approach in a balanced and calm manner, unravel any, the most difficult situations.

Knowledge about the human psyche raises any leader to a completely new level of management, responsibility, and increases stress resistance. There is a clear understanding of what you are doing, why and how. About this - hundreds of reviews from those who have completed the training of Yuri Burlan "System-vector psychology".

Making a difficult choice - to be or not to be a leader - is now easier when there is accurate, effective knowledge about the mental person. You can start getting to know him right now at the free introductory online training "System Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan.
