Preparing Children For School, What Is Important To Know About The Psychological Preparation Of The Child

Preparing Children For School, What Is Important To Know About The Psychological Preparation Of The Child
Preparing Children For School, What Is Important To Know About The Psychological Preparation Of The Child

Preparing Children for School: Practical Tips for Loving Parents

We have already become sore with these hackneyed phrases that “all people are different,” and each child requires an individual approach to learning. And in practice, both family and school often fail in this. Any educational measures and successful preparation for training require us to know exactly how the baby's psyche works. How does one child differ from another, why does he have exactly such characteristics, qualities, desires and priorities?

The volume of the academic load that the child has to master during the period of schooling is growing from year to year. Therefore, preparing children for school has become an urgent need, thanks to her, the newly-made student will be able to feel confident and calm.

But it can be difficult for parents to figure out what the school requires, what kind of training a particular skill requires. But there is also the so-called psychological readiness. It is important that children feel a desire to learn and can safely adapt in a group of peers. Only in this case the school will be a joy to them, and not become a long-term hard labor.

Different characters - different approach

We are already sore with these hackneyed phrases that “all people are different,” and each child requires an individual approach to learning. And in practice, both family and school often fail in this. Any educational measures and successful preparation for training require us to know exactly how the baby's psyche works. How does one child differ from another, why does he have exactly such characteristics, qualities, desires and priorities.

As Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology explains, any person, be it an adult or a toddler, has its own set of innate features and qualities, called vectors. They determine our desires and aspirations, our abilities. Without accurate knowledge of this, our attempts to prepare for learning can be not only fruitless, but also detrimental.

Students are different, the requirements are the same

On the other hand, the school puts forward standardized requirements for the child. Adapting to learning requires training in the following areas:

  • preparing the child's fine motor skills for writing;
  • reading and counting skills, the simplest arithmetic operations;
  • a sufficient level of development of speech and imaginative thinking (the ability to compose a story from a picture, retell a text);
  • a sufficient supply of knowledge about the world around (seasons, plants and animals, human professions, etc.);
  • psychological readiness for the format of teaching provided by the school (a sufficient level of development of attention, thinking and memory, the ability to adapt in a team and follow general requirements).

Is it possible to successfully prepare a preschooler for such a learning format, while taking into account his innate abilities? System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan says that this is possible. Any preschooler can master this standardized list of skills, but the preparation of each child must take into account the peculiarities of his psyche.

preparing children for school
preparing children for school

How to teach a fidget

Particularly concerned about the preparation of children for school are those parents whose child is nimble and agile, with difficulty concentrating on the material being studied. He prefers active games and sports, but it can be difficult to seat him at the table. How to be? After all, the school will require perseverance and attention from him.

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains that such a dexterous and agile, competitive and striving for leadership tomboy is the owner of the skin vector.

By nature, he is given good abilities in design, he has flexible logical thinking. Usually, a skin child easily masters the skills of arithmetic and counting.

Special games for the quickest

These innate properties can be relied on to make it easier for your baby to learn the necessary preschool program. Try to present any educational information to him in the form of an outdoor game. For example, you can study numbers with the help of "classics" drawn on the asphalt.

Learning to read from a routine can be turned into solving some kind of fascinating puzzle; a skin child is more likely to solve a problem problem than to read aloud monotonously.

Numerous designers with small details, origami crafts or volumetric 3D puzzles will help prepare the skin fidget's hand for writing.

Construction is a natural ability that such a child possesses, it will certainly bring him joy.

The development of imaginative thinking and speech, which the school requires, is also much easier to convey to the skin baby in active play. Such a kid will be able to look at a picture for only a few seconds, but it is possible to recreate a story from it in active action, playing this story in motion.

In the development of skin fidgets, discipline, an adequate system of prohibitions and restrictions, and a daily routine are important. This approach will be able to further provide him with the necessary perseverance that the school requires.

Best student

A child with an anal vector has a completely different psyche by nature. Potentially, he is the best student, to learn and accumulate knowledge is his natural desire. School can become for him the most beloved and desired place if the parent follows the systemic recommendations for raising and educating such a kid.

The anal child is slow and inactive. It takes him more time to process information, since he analyzes it at the input, organizes it in his head, arranging it into “neural boxes”.

Without knowledge of Yuri Burlan's systemic vector psychology, we often make the same mistake: we try to rush and urge such a slow kid.

Slow stubborn - looking for a special approach

“Well, how much more will you dig! Come quickly!" - the parent urges, and thus causes great damage. Over time, such an interruption in the thought processes of a slow baby leads to the fact that he generally begins to "fall into a stupor", "get stuck" even when answering the simplest question. In addition, by resisting this action, the anal child begins to become stubborn, and may later refuse to study for this very reason.

Give such a baby more time to think, do not interrupt him. It is better to organize training in a calm atmosphere at the table or sitting on the couch.

"Leader of the Redskins" or "Rescuers, forward!"

Among the children's collective, there is a small percentage (about 5%) of children with a urethral vector. These are the natural leaders of the children's "pack". They do not perceive prohibitions and restrictions at all, therefore it is useless to force them to do anything. They need a different approach.

Trying to "break" urethral children is a crime against society, since they are our future. Striving into the unknown, future discoverers, making brilliant breakthroughs - this is how Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology describes them.


It is possible to prepare such a “little leader” for what the school requires, relying on his natural property - responsibility for the flock. Let the phrase “Vasya, we cannot cope without you in any way” will become the key phrase in your appeal to him. Calculate how many sweets and apples you need to take for everyone on a picnic. Organize a game to "rescue" mom or friend, during which he must complete all sorts of educational tasks.

Figurative and abstract thinking

Every preschooler can develop a sufficient level of figurative and abstract thinking that school requires. But there are children for whom such abilities are natural.

As Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology explains, a child with a visual vector possesses the ability to think imaginatively, and a genius owner of abstract thinking is a sound engineer.

It is advisable for kids with a visual vector to read fairy tales for empathy and compassion, because they are by nature very sensitive and emotional.

Learning skills for them can be weaved into compassionate play - for example, when a visual child plays the role of a nurse or doctor.

From an early age, children with a sound vector are interested in questions about how the world works and where it all came from. In the future, he may become a genius scientist, but this requires the development of his properties from an early age.

The training load for them can be given based on this natural interest of the sound engineer: together draw a map of the starry sky or count the number of bones in the human skeleton on an anatomical atlas.

School is a joy

Classes in the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan will allow you to accurately determine the natural structure of your baby's psyche, because a modern person is the owner of 3-5 vectors at once. Many of our listeners left feedback on how deeply they learned to understand their child.

With this knowledge, you can not only choose the most optimal preschool program for your child. You will have the opportunity to see from the inside the psyche and the state of each teacher and educator whom you trust your child. Indeed, due to being busy at work, modern parents often have to delegate authority to develop the necessary skills to specialists in a kindergarten or an early development club.

Provide your child with the most optimal conditions for development, and school will be a joy for him.

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