How to do today what you want to postpone for tomorrow
This can concern anything, even the decision to change your life for the better is not enforced, because the time is not right / we have no time / first we need to pay off the loan. And when, in fact, to live and enjoy life?
"Today I will definitely do it!" - with this thought, we start a new day in anticipation of the finally completed business. Although you can finish what you started once, but with us - the horse did not roll, for which we do not stop condemning ourselves as usual.
There is a case, it must be done. But to do it, you need to get together and start. Now, if we start, then we cannot be stopped, we will certainly bring it to the end, in one sitting, the main thing is to start. But this is where the real mysticism begins. On the way to the accomplishment of the urgent, but not one day postponed, even more urgent and important matters arise!
Great things await us
We sincerely wish to fulfill what does not allow us to live in peace simply by the fact of our existence and, God forbid, by the deadline. To begin with, we prepare mentally: now, literally in 5 minutes, we'll just make sure that nothing and no one will interfere with us. You need to check the social networks, maybe someone wrote - you need to answer that, otherwise they will be distracted at the most inopportune moment.
Hmm, how strange, like we talked to a couple of people, and an hour has passed. By the way, what day is it? Saturday! So we have a big wash every Saturday! This must be done without fail, the tradition must not be violated in any case!
Great, the laundry is over. It remains to go to the store - roll a ball in the house - and take a walk with the dog - the time will come for an evening walk just in time. And after that you can get down to business.
Food in the refrigerator, the dog is happy with what we have there over time? Hour. An hour before the Saturday screening of the movie we had been waiting for and wanting to see. Even a friend will come to keep company and bring her signature pies.
Better tomorrow than never
On the one hand, there is still a whole hour, but on the other, what can be done in this unfortunate hour ?! First, it takes time to get ready for the process - you can't start with a bunch of bugs! And we love that the workplace and related elements were perfect. Secondly, while we get together and start, a friend will come, and we do not like to be interrupted so much … It is better not to start at all, otherwise the mood will deteriorate, and we will not finish the job.
Resolved! We will definitely do it tomorrow! And it even felt somehow pleasant in my soul - we are so thorough and responsible, we want to do it not just anyhow, but on our conscience, and you cannot imagine a better day than tomorrow.
Needless to say, when tomorrow turns into today, history will repeat itself? Every day we promise ourselves to do something important, but inevitably put it off, finding a million reasons for this. We blame ourselves for this, get angry and put it off anyway. This can concern anything, even the decision to change your life for the better is not enforced, because the time is not right / we have no time / first we need to pay off the loan. And when, in fact, to live and enjoy life? Let's find out with the help of Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology, where does the desire to postpone for later come from and how it is treated.

Oh what a bliss to know that you are perfect
For all chronic procrastinators, there are two news: good and bad. Let's start, as always, with a good one.
You are a wonderful person. You are loved - your family at home and your boss at work. The family, because you are completely and completely devoted to it, and the boss, because you are a specialist in your field, reliable and conscientious.
And this is not the whole list of positive qualities of a person with an anal vector. But if you focus specifically on the performance of work, deeds, tasks, then in terms of quality, result - he has no equal.
Perseverance, excellent memory, analytical mind are integral parts of the human psyche with the anal vector, which makes him a high-class professional. And even if he does his work slowly, which so annoys people with a skin vector, but, without a doubt, the work will be done one hundred percent. He is the one who brings the work started to the end. The main thing is to start.
But perfection is conditional
The bad news is that not all people with the anal vector are at their best. Otherwise, a good part of humanity would be composed entirely of highly qualified specialists with an impeccable reputation.
Why not?
In order to be the best of the best, two conditions are necessary: the optimal development of the vector and the implementation of its properties in society.
The vectors were given to us not for personal use, for our joy, but for implementation for the benefit of society. We get joy when we observe the results of our activities performed using the given properties. Society (for example, represented by the employer) encourages our efforts morally in the form of praise or recognition and materially - wages. And then we get satisfaction from our realization.
But if realization is mostly the result of our own choices, then development is different. The stage of development falls on the first years of our life up to adolescence, and here everything depends on our close environment - family and teachers.
Life-long delay
A child with an anal vector is every parent's dream. The most obedient and calm, he can sit for hours, collect a puzzle or tinker with his own hands. Moreover, he is a bundle of desire to learn. At school, there are no problems with him, just a solid reason for pride.
Even Freud argued that any child goes through the anal phase of development - potty training. Thanks to Systemic Vector Psychology, we know that this process is especially important only for children with an anal vector, since it affects the formation of their psyche.
During the act of defecation, his erogenous zone is initiated in the same way as, for example, in a dermal child with gentle stroking of the skin. At the same time, a child with an anal vector experiences relief, satisfaction from cleansing and bringing the process to the end.

If at this moment you rush it, pluck it from the pot, then an involuntary reaction occurs - compression of the sphincter and, as a result, stool retention. With such delays, the act of defecation causes pain, and the child begins to postpone, delay the moment of onset of pain. The principle of receiving pleasure from postponement is formed: the child unconsciously receives satisfaction not from cleansing, but from postponing and delaying the moment of onset of pain. In other words, in order to receive pleasure, one must not act, but postpone. This is how the fear of starting and the pleasure of delay with which we live our whole life is formed.
It is naturally difficult for a person with an anal vector to start doing something, his psyche is turned to the past, this gives him a state of comfort. The future is a stressor, so it is not proactive. He often needs support to take the first step. In the case of procrastination or delayed life syndrome, the inability to start becomes pathological. He is scared to start, as in childhood it is scary to go to the toilet after a week of constipation.
We are going to make repairs for several years and promise to screw in the bulb for a whole month. And once again putting off the matter, without realizing it, we experience pleasure disguised as shame or guilt. As the owner of a skin vector with a scenario of failure, he receives a vague satisfaction from losses, although he strives for success with all his might.
Today is yesterday's tomorrow
However, nothing can compare with the pleasure of realizing the properties of the anal vector - such as the flawless execution of the case and its perfect completion. But is it possible to get rid of the mechanism of unconscious receiving pleasure from postponement, which was formed at a tender age?
At the training System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, this happens naturally. During the training, we discover the cause-and-effect relationships that underlie any action, any action, which explains why we live this way and not another. As a result of awareness, the principle of pleasure is gradually changing - we regain our natural ability to act and pleasure from achievements. The participants of the training talk about how they managed to get rid of the delayed life syndrome:
You can change your procrastination habit only by understanding the unconscious processes that drive us. As a result, we get life at our complete disposal, here and now, without the slightest desire to postpone this fascinating lesson for later.