Loneliness on the net. Love at monitor distance
She can speak with him in her thoughts, consult, be carried away to distant distances. It's more interesting for her to re-read his letters than to go to a cafe with her friends. Only in him there is a depth into which for so long she wanted to plunge, wrap herself up and remain in a cocoon of meanings forever.
“We’ll sign,” he said, hugging her at the airport.
“I hope the empty can of cola will stop bothering you.
“I’m not longing for a can of cola.
They corresponded for four years about the reasons for his melancholy. It seemed to her that she was treating this melancholy, but at the same time forgets about hers. It seemed to her that communication with him was an invaluable treasure, without which she could not survive. Mail does not work! Server, are you out of your mind ?! How to live the night without his letter ?!
Who can fall in love with the written word? For whom is meaning more important than the body? Who suffers from loneliness in the network and can find their happiness there? System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains the deep reasons for virtual relationships and teaches them to transfer them to a happy reality.
And with every word, with every phrase, he became closer to her
Please write me big - very long letters. Haven't you started writing poetry yet? (from correspondence)
They saw each other only once. In another country. Night. Bus. Floating in the window of the city. Meanings penetrating the ears. She had not known such closeness before - the closeness of two souls. When a kiss is only a small tangible part of a common lump of common thoughts. Shivering.
But reality pulled them away to their corners. Everyone back to their own language in their own city.
But in her sensations, there is simply no distance between them. This is just a convention, once invented by stupid people.
She can speak with him in her thoughts, consult, be carried away to distant distances. It's more interesting for her to re-read his letters than to go to a cafe with her friends. Only in him there is a depth into which for so long she wanted to plunge, wrap herself up and remain in a cocoon of meanings forever.
What in general can you talk about with the guys around you in real life if they are only interested in "dancers"?
It is much more pleasant to arrange a nightly virtual concert: she sends him her favorite songs, he sends her his! You can endlessly rummage through the subtlest interweaving of words and sounds!
Who is she, this "girl living in the net, who found love between the lines, between heaven and earth"?

Sound love - when meanings are more important than body heat nearby
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan calls such people soaring in the clouds or on the Internet as owners of a sound vector.
A girl with a sound vector often seems incomprehensible to those around her, sometimes incredible. Someone has enough intelligence and desire to unravel her secrets. Someone, realizing their complete powerlessness in this matter, retreats, although she attracts with her mysterious phrases and intelligent eyes. And what are her eyes looking for in who they are looking at? Whom do they actually notice?
The sound girl is focused on herself and her states. Her gaze seems to slide through the interlocutor. Looking into the eyes, she looks deep into herself. But if suddenly the wave of the one who was involved in communication with her came into contact with her own, she is ready to drown in such long-awaited meanings.
For three nights in a row I fall asleep at 6 in the morning. I wanted to have a virtual tea with you. (from correspondence)
This girl does not crave compliments and beautiful words. Flowers and other trinkets - all this usual superficial entourage - leave for the emotional visual pop-eyed.
The little sound needs meanings - in the ear, in the soul. Explain to her enthusiastically how lightning is formed, or talk about the problems of cognitive linguistics with inspiration. For her, it will be much more significant than compliments on her incomparable smile.
The owner of the sound vector has the gift of a unique abstract intelligence. It is about such people that they say that their main erogenous zone is the brain. If you manage to stimulate it correctly, you will not notice how the sonic device was carried away to other galaxies with you.
“Why do birds suddenly appear everytime you are near? Just like me they long to be close to you - The Cranberries sing in my player, and I sing along. (from correspondence)
When distance is not a hindrance
Blok wanted to read you - about spring without end and without edge, which he greets with the clang of a shield - well, you know … If you want to know how I feel, get this verse and when the greenery appears, go out into the forest or park alone and read (better loudly out loud and with expression - that is, it is better to go alone). PS Don't laugh, I don't do that myself. (from correspondence)
The majority does not understand her, she often considers this very majority to be unable to think, and therefore unworthy of her attention. When another thinker suddenly looms on the horizon, God, how her ears rejoice. To understand that someone, besides her, lives not by clothes, seas and louboutins, but by IDEAS! Yes, she is ready to listen to this for hours. It can be done orally, or in writing. After all, it is in writing that sound people usually express themselves.
This is how their way of interacting with the world works - they listen, concentrate, process information through the prism of their gifted mind, and give out new unique meanings already in writing. That is why love by correspondence is most often a relationship between sound musicians. The main thing for them is to feel each other on the same ideological wave. And then the correspondence can last for years. Although the body no longer remembers, or maybe never knew what it was like to hug it.
With words in virtual space, he gives her much more meaningful for her - meanings. His letters are re-read, put into new puzzles, taken to distant nooks, fascinate with new spaces. She lives for them. It becomes more important than those who are around, and even more important than work, study, coursework.
Inventing how to surprise and puzzle him, making him think about her, becomes the most important thing. After all, she perfectly understands that he is drawn to her because the dummies in the environment do not give him what she gives - the opportunity to think together.

Meanings with meanings, but touching not only the soul
I really miss you and want to see and touch you: you are real or is it just a mirage.
How many different letters have I written to you during this time! In my head, in a dream, in an SMS without an addressee, sitting on my knees on a windowsill in a thunderstorm. The sky does not cry, no, it somehow screams in its own way. And I am even a little jealous - it can express so much, just throwing out everything that has accumulated. You told me everything by saying nothing. So now you want you … to be near? Probably not. Then we would both feel something else, not the sky and its cry. I would like you to also sit on the windowsill, feel drops on your face, on your hands, the smell of wet asphalt, hear the thunder and catch lightning on yourself, and also feel me, how I feel you now. Or so it seems to me. But it “seems” so fragile and expensive. (from correspondence)
Feeling your partner, savoring your own storms of emotions, imagining, dreaming, composing your novel on the Internet - all these are the aspirations of another vector - the visual one. People with a visual vector consider love to be their meaning of life and do everything to make this feeling replete with bright colors in them.
The sound-visual bunch of vectors plays an entertaining thing with those living in the network. Visually, they receive such desired leaps of emotions, and their intensity only increases from the impossibility of expressing them in physical reality. Sounds like they don't need it - they get the coveted meanings in the written word and also share them. Perfectly settled?
But the desires of the body, even in the most exalted person, still exist and require attention. This means that the desire to be physically with the object of love has not been canceled. Libido demands to "feel".
Augmented reality relationships
In our time, the Internet has become an additional reality, where relationships filled with meanings and deepest emotions arise, only you need to be able to bring the love that has arisen in virtual spaces into a real plane in time in order to feel and tactilely all the power of the already created depth of mutual understanding.
According to the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, this is exactly what pair relations are moving towards. Previously, when creating a pair, we were guided mainly by animal smells. But the volume of the human psyche is growing and requires a partner who is suitable not only for animal attraction, but also for the call of the soul. The most picky in this regard, of course, are the sound people.
They (especially girls) need meanings for happiness in a couple. They can assess the semantic potential of a partner in correspondence. And when the intellectual connection has already been created, then there is every chance that in the real plane the partners will suit each other.
We are gradually more and more detached from the animal (relationship based on smells) and come to the priority of the conscious (relationship based on meanings). Moreover, more always includes less. So in this case - kinship of souls also implies tremendous pleasure from the closeness of bodies.
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan gives a unique ability to learn to understand a person using a couple of words. By the phrase in the chat, you will already understand exactly what kind of person he is, what his priorities are, what your life together will be like, and not lose yourself in an illusory, but such a tempting invention about him.
Sound mind in search of meaning
Come on, I will call you … I will call you … I will call you … IOLANTA! Oh how !!! Like? In my opinion, a lovely airy name, and it suits you very much. Do you want
Your letters are my nourishment. And since he has given wings to the airy Iolanta, do not lower her to the ground. (from correspondence)
The sound mind is the seeking mind. He is looking for the laws on which this world is based. Previously, for sound implementation, it was enough to scientifically reveal the foundations of the world order. And it just so happened that the minds of sound engineers in male guise basically created brilliant breakthroughs in science and technology, in linguistics and programming, in philosophy and human cognition. And what about a sound girl?
Her desire for spiritual search is no less - this time. Two - with the increased volume of the psyche in modern conditions and for men, the usual ways of realization do not fill the sound lack of comprehending the meaning in full.
This means that not only does the girl need to embark on the path of disclosure herself. We also need to look for new ways, because the old ones have worked out.

Sound transfer: when it makes sense
It so happens that the starving mind of the sound girl sometimes decides to "take a shortcut." And instead of revealing the meaning, she finds a man on whom she loops all her inner search (read the article "Asexual love").
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan calls this phenomenon a sound transfer.
It would seem, is it really bad to experience such special sensations? However, this will not help the girl in her sonic lack of meaning.
The volume of the psyche grows with each generation in the entire human species, both in men and women. And a modern woman has all the resources to realize her own lump of abstract sound intelligence.
It's great when in this search she goes hand in hand with the sonic man, not making a sound transfer to him, but creating with him a full sound relationship, when partners include each other.
And the girl should not forget about her own efforts in revealing the meanings. Otherwise, her lack of realization will not allow her or her partner to be truly happy.
What if you're not alone in your loneliness?
A sound engineer of either sex wants to change his internal states, for this he can "get drunk" with drugs, yoga, trips to Tibet or "drowning" in something else. But all these tricks over their consciousness lead to a dead end. There is only one way out - your own way of knowing your psyche and the psyche of another.
Understanding the psyche of another and ourselves from the depths of the unconscious, we cease to feel lonely in this world. This feeling creates balance first within oneself, then at the level of the couple, and then at the level of society.
"Soon our voices should become one or one must leave." (Jim Morrison)
So that the search for the disclosure of meaning does not run into a dead end, a person with a sound vector must move out of concentration on his inner states to focus on something else. Where the other is not only someone alone, but also humanity as a whole, in the unity of its mental.
The mechanism of switching from “no one understands me” to “I understand others” becomes understandable and quite feasible with the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan. Allow your sonic potential to unfold to the fullest, let yourself enjoy a conscious, happy relationship as a couple and forget about loneliness.
Here are just a few reviews from people who have managed to build fulfilling, happy and meaningful relationships:
For a free nightly online training on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan, register using the link.