How To Raise A Child: How To Give All The Best To Children Using System-vector Psychology

How To Raise A Child: How To Give All The Best To Children Using System-vector Psychology
How To Raise A Child: How To Give All The Best To Children Using System-vector Psychology

How to raise a child: recommendations of practical psychology

What if the child is constantly fighting? What if the child is crying all the time? How to punish a child for stealing? - answers to these and other questions about raising children are revealed by the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan

As soon as the child comes out of infancy, parents have many questions.

  • The kid is constantly fighting. Stubborn, argues with everyone. How to raise a child with this character?
  • The crybaby is growing. Can't give back to anyone. Tantrums and fears for any reason. How to be?
  • The child steals. Can this be punished?
  • The kid is restless, inattentive, does poorly at school. What to do?
  • The child has problems with adaptation in the team. Is fenced off, avoids noisy children's fun. What about him?

These and many other questions about the upbringing of children are revealed by the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan. The exact recommendations for you in our article.

Raising a nimble and restless child

The child is inattentive: it flew into one ear - flew into the other. To sit still for more than five minutes is a painful hard labor for him. His body continues to move even while sitting: the child jerks his leg, twirls objects in his hands, rattles his fingers. Parents are concerned: how to raise and educate such a child? How do you teach him to focus on school?

In Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology, such children are defined as carriers of the skin vector. Knowing the psychological characteristics of a child, it is not difficult to create optimal conditions for development for him.

Child properties and needs What not to do
The dermal child is assigned high physical activity. This requires implementation in sports or dance sections. The Swedish wall of the house is also useful. Such a child should not be allowed to constantly lead a sedentary lifestyle. Otherwise, everything in the house is "upside down", and the child may develop obsessive movements.
The skin is a particularly sensitive area for these children. Useful massages, stroking, water procedures, playing with sand and cereals, modeling. Do not skimp on hugs: a skin child needs them more than others. Any physical punishment inflicts severe trauma on skin children. Masochism, theft and prostitution are just a short list of the consequences.
A child with a skin vector is characterized by ambition, a desire for leadership, a desire to be the first. This can be done in competitive games and sports. Encourage these natural tendencies of the baby. Avoid even hinting to the child that “nothing will come of him,” “he will grow up as a janitor,” etc. Verbal humiliation affects him no less strongly and traumatically than physical punishment. It is for this reason that a failure scenario is formed.

Raising a child with a skin vector so that he is successful in school is real. Build on your baby's strengths. For example, when choosing games for children that develop attention and memory, give preference to outdoor games.

It is very important from an early age to accustom the skin child to the regimen and daily routine, but it is important to do this through the principle of pleasure. Then he will not have problems with "laxity". He will grow organized and able to organize others.

How to bring up a "kopushu", stubborn and grumpy

A child with an anal vector has its own psychological characteristics. He is slow, diligent, attentive to details. The strengths of such a child are excellent memory, analytical mind. However, educational mistakes lead to the fact that a child with an anal vector turns into a pathological "bunch" and stubborn. Over time, his negative states can develop into aggression. How can you avoid this?

Child properties and needs What not to do
A baby with an anal vector takes longer than other babies. This also applies to studying and mastering everyday skills. Just give him more time - he is determined to do everything "perfectly", the best. Praise him for his efforts. If such a child is rushed and urged on, giving him unflattering characteristics, the result will be the opposite of what is desired. He will "get stuck" even more, enter into a stupor. Stubbornness and aggression may arise.
It is important for a child with an anal vector to finish the action begun. Give him this opportunity in playing and studying - and he will grow focused on quality and results.

You should not cut off such a child if he has not finished the job. When he is constantly interrupted in speech, stuttering can occur.

Potty use is a special psychological moment for a child with an anal vector.

A child with an anal vector gravitates towards calm, sedentary activities. When choosing games for children that develop memory or other skills, give preference to didactic aids and board games.

The child is a crybaby. What to do?

Tantrums, multiple fears, excessive shyness or tearfulness - such negative states are experienced only by a child with a visual vector. Its emotional range requires skillful development from an early age.

Child properties and needs What not to do
The innate fear that a visual child is endowed with should develop, with proper development, into deep empathy for people. To do this, you need to develop the sensual sphere of the baby. Useful tales of empathy and compassion, participation in all feasible help to the weak (old grandmother, sick friend). You shouldn't scare your baby, even in jest. Harm to its development and fairy tales with a "cannibalistic" plot, where someone eats someone. In this case, the child becomes fearful, whiny. With an inability to sympathize with others, he grows hysterical, requiring compassion only for himself.
Reading classical literature, music school, theater club - this is what is useful for a sensual child. Without the opportunity to express his huge range of feelings, the child grows up to be capricious, demonstratively attracting attention to himself with tantrums.

Visual children are susceptible to color and light, early mastery of geometric shapes and shades. Drawing, games for emotional development are useful for them.

A child "out of this world": problems with adaptation

Immersed in himself, the child asks non-childish questions - about the structure of the world and the Universe, about the meaning of people's lives. It is hard for him to withstand noisy companies, he seeks solitude. Such is the small owner of the sound vector. What development conditions does he need?

Child properties and needs What not to do
A small sound engineer has a particularly sensitive ear, often an ear for music. Talk to him calmly and quietly. Quarrels and scandals, noises, bad meanings of words spoken by his mother in his address are unacceptable - the child receives psychotrauma, leading to developmental disabilities and mental illness.
Background classical music is helpful. Studying at a music school. Loud and heavy music, construction and strong household noises are excluded. The child may become withdrawn, have difficulties in learning (for example, stop perceiving learning by ear).
Socialization in a team is very important, although it is difficult for a small sound engineer at first. At first, you can bring your baby to the team for a short time. Increase your stay time gradually. You should not force him to be like other children - he does not like the noisy games of his peers too much.

In order to raise a child as a happy and fulfilled person, one needs, of course, deeper knowledge that cannot be given in one article. Detailed information awaits you at the free online training on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan:
