Autism Treatment In Children: How To Define Autism In A Child, How To Treat Autism In Children - Help With A Real Result

Autism Treatment In Children: How To Define Autism In A Child, How To Treat Autism In Children - Help With A Real Result
Autism Treatment In Children: How To Define Autism In A Child, How To Treat Autism In Children - Help With A Real Result

Treatment for autism in children

The main problem of most parents is a lack of understanding of the global cause of the development of autism. Genetic prerequisites or vaccinations? Disrupted metabolism or organic pathology? Each specialist names his hypothesis and builds on it a rehabilitation complex of measures. How can you tell if a particular method is right for your child?

Early childhood autism is considered a poorly understood disorder. Because autism has multiple symptoms and signs, different approaches are being sought to treat it. For their part, the parents of an autistic child are looking for something to rely on. They strive to find a verified scheme by which effective treatment of autism is carried out. Is there such a scheme and where to find it? How to cure autism in a child and to what extent is this diagnosis amenable to treatment?

Treating autism in children: common treatments

How to treat autism in a child, if the proposed measures run wild and the parent does not have the special qualifications to make a choice? Treatment of early childhood autism today is a huge list of disparate methods offered by various specialists:

  1. Medication for autism. Usually prescribed by psychiatrists and neuropathologists. Depending on the signs of the disease, these can be antipsychotics, behavior correctors and other drugs. It is important to understand that this is not a real treatment for autism - medication has the effect of partially relieving symptoms.

  2. Biomedical treatment for autism. Assumes a special diet, cleansing the body of heavy metals, taking various dietary supplements. This method of treating autism in children is based on the premise that, in addition to multiple developmental disorders, such a child also has multiple disorders in metabolism, digestion, etc.
  3. Psychological and pedagogical correction (behavioral ABA therapy, training programs "RMO", "Game time" and others). Here we are not talking about the treatment of autism in a child, but about changing his condition as a result of corrective measures.
  4. Electrical stimulation of the brain. It is more often used in cases when the symptoms of autism are secondary and treatment of the main diagnosis is required (organic damage to the central nervous system, cerebrovascular accident, traumatic brain injury, atypical autism).
  5. Physiotherapy methods (such as osteopathy, manual therapy). Used as helper methods.
  6. Treatment of autism with homeopathy. Homeopathy is also considered an adjunct method.
  7. Alternative ways to correct autism: dolphin therapy, hippotherapy, art therapy, music therapy.
  8. Sometimes the parents of an autistic child make attempts to independently treat the child with folk remedies. Alternative treatment for dubious "grandmothers" is ineffective at best. At worst, herbs and other folk remedies without specialist control can provoke vomiting, dizziness and other negative symptoms.

Where to start and how to treat autism in your child, if even trying different methods in different combinations can take years? Most parents run into a blank wall in their attempts to determine whether this or that method is suitable for the child. What to opt for? Which of the ways to combine and how?

treatment of autism in children
treatment of autism in children

Autism in Children: Symptoms and Treatment with an Integrated Approach

A number of clinics in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Israel and not only offer comprehensive treatment for autism. Based on the fact that autism has multiple symptoms of disorders, the treatment of a child is carried out at once by several specialists. Usually this:

  • psychiatrist
  • psychologist
  • neurologist
  • correctional teacher

Sometimes endocrinologists, neurophysiologists and other specialists are involved in the treatment. An integrated approach allows you to take into account more nuances in the rehabilitation of the child and high-quality diagnostics, and removes the need for parents to run around the specialists on their own or look for dubious alternative treatment.

However, clinics in Moscow or Israel, where autism spectrum diseases are treated, are not financially available to every family. Even occasional follow-up and treatment, such as with a biomedical specialist, often brings families to the brink of absolute poverty. But what can't you do for the health of your own child? And we try one technique after another, hoping to find something that will still help.

New in Autism Treatment: Accurate Diagnosis - Effective Rehabilitation

The main problem of most parents is a lack of understanding of the global cause of the development of autism. Genetic prerequisites or vaccinations? Disrupted metabolism or organic pathology? Each specialist names his hypothesis and builds on it a rehabilitation complex of measures. We grab onto one or the other technique, where RDA is treated: what if it fits? But without an accurate understanding of the nature of the disease itself, the question of how to cure autism in a child continues to remain unanswered.

Accurate diagnosis of autistic conditions is disclosed in the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan. This scientific knowledge makes it possible to single out the main factor that provokes autism spectrum disorders: trauma in the sound vector of the child's psyche.

The sound vector gives the child introversion, immersion in his thoughts. From an early age, the little boy is a little "out of this world": he avoids noisy children's games, is interested in the structure of the world in adults, sometimes he starts talking later than other peers.

The ear is its most sensitive area. Screaming, quarrels, loud music, high-pitched conversations can be traumatic effects. The poor internal state of the mother also directly affects the state of the child. Such a child unconsciously captures the offensive meanings of speech, they also cause him mental trauma. Then the child seeks to isolate himself from the world around him, not to hear it, up to the loss of learning. Even household noises become painful, he closes his ears and reacts with grimaces.

The training "System-vector psychology" gives an exact way of how to define autism in a child, shows the border between norm and pathology in the sound vector. But this is just the beginning. Effective treatment of autism requires an accurate knowledge of all mental characteristics and properties assigned to the child by nature. This allows you to select guaranteed accurate corrective measures, and not use the "blind poke" method.

How to do it?

Childhood Autism: Systemic Treatment

Sound ecology for every autistic child is based on the following rules:

  • You should speak with your child quietly but clearly.
  • Eliminate household noises.
  • Quiet, background classical music is helpful.

The correction of autism and its various symptoms depends on the other vectors of the child, for example:

  • Autistic people with cutaneous vector show hyperactivity, motor stereotypes. Massages, games with sand and water, and construction will be successful rehabilitation measures.
  • Autists with an anal vector show stubbornness, aggression, "ritualism." It is necessary to create a predictable atmosphere for the child, step-by-step accustoming to new things.

At the training of Yuri Burlan, a deep understanding of the nature of autism occurs, an understanding of how to define autism in a child and distinguish it from the natural "oddities" inherent in any sound specialist comes. A systematic approach allows parents to thoroughly learn the mental characteristics of their child, to choose the exact methods of rehabilitation. Here's what parents say when a child has been diagnosed with autism:

You can find out more at the free online training on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. Register here.
