Love censorship: afraid to express my feelings
The feeling of life for visual people consists in changing emotional states, experiencing vivid feelings. Such a storm is simply impossible to keep inside, so they express feelings openly, sincerely and with full dedication. It doesn't matter if we are talking about a specific person, a group of people or humanity as a whole. This is their realization, through which the most important life principle is realized - receiving pleasure.
What prevents us from being happy where there are all the conditions for this?
Love is a priceless gift.
This is the only thing that we can
give, and yet it remains with you
Lev Tolstoy
Hello my lovely
I was looking forward to the moment when I could again express to you all my accumulated tenderness. Very little time has passed since the last letter, and my love again breaks from the inside, demanding to declare myself.
I am not able to cope with her, because she is bigger and stronger than me. But I remember how timid and timid she was when we first met you. Today I am completely in her power, she has taken possession of me, and there is nothing more desirable than this captivity.
Do you know how much I love you? There are no words to convey even a fraction of that incredible longing in the heart that arises when you just look at me. If it was possible to stop life in this moment forever, then I would immediately agree. You and me forever … Then I would know for sure that you will never leave me …
I am now eternally indebted to heaven for a chance meeting that turned my insipid life into a holiday. You are infinitely dear to me, and I will do everything so that nothing darkens our happiness. I often imagine myself pressing my lips to your hand, stroking your cheek and saying that I cannot imagine life without you. I can only dream, but that's enough for me, love, believe me. And these letters also save me. They take on all the pain of unspoken words, and I temporarily do not feel the sadness that binds my soul.

Honey, I'm so afraid of losing you. That is why you will never know about my true feelings. Once I paid dearly for this unforgivable mistake. This was my first love, and I, being stupid and naive, decided to confess my love to him first. He just laughed at me and advised me never to do that again. Since then I have never seen him, but I have perfectly learned this lesson.
I swear I don't need anything from you, you just be and let me be with you. Like now, when I sit quietly next to you and watch you sleep. Do you know that sometimes I spend all night like this? And it seems like an instant - so fleeting and cruel time. But this is my time, because I can look at you like that, uncontrollably, without masking the depth of feelings in my eyes.
You are my treasure. I finish writing and continue to guard your sleep. And in the next letter I will tell you what I thought about the day we first met.
Always yours, N
Neither myself nor people
Such love is a real blessing. Feel a person with all facets of his soul and feel the slightest fluctuations in his mood. Strive to make him happy and experience even greater happiness from this. Reflect on your life through care and responsibility for another.
Those who are fortunate enough to be the object of all-embracing love knows what incredible pleasure it gives and how they want to respond in kind. So why do we deny ourselves and others this pleasure - to confess our love and share it with the one we love? It's like locking yourself in a dark basement with a chest of gold. Let's try to understand the reasons for this phenomenon.
We have one thing in common - we are all different
We are all very different, and our differences are due primarily to mental properties. For example, one is a very reserved and calm person, while the other, on the contrary, is emotional and open. As Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology says, if the human psyche is presented in the form of a certain system, then its integrity is made up of elements - vectors. Each vector is responsible for a specific set of qualities and desires, which makes us the way others perceive us.
Our heroine has a visual vector, which is the concentration of love and kindness. This is a rich palette of all emotions, feelings and experiences known to us. This is the incredible potential for human compassion and empathy. And, of course, the ability to love as deeply, selflessly and heartfelt as it is written about in the best poetry and prose. All love lyrics are the creation of visual people.

Love - I don't want
The feeling of life for visual people consists in changing emotional states, experiencing vivid feelings. Such a storm is simply impossible to keep inside, so they express feelings openly, sincerely and with full dedication. It doesn't matter if we are talking about a specific person, a group of people or humanity as a whole. This is their realization, through which the most important life principle is realized - receiving pleasure.
In our unsent letter, we see this principle being mercilessly violated. And this despite the fact that there is love at its best, and there is an object of love that would gratefully accept such a divine gift and, most likely, would reciprocate. What prevents us from being happy where there are all the conditions for this?
Give just a reason …
Unfortunately, we often become hostages of our own false beliefs, other people's opinions, or bad experiences. Impressive spectators are often prone to self-hypnosis and can easily convince themselves of anything. For this, sometimes a rather insignificant fact, generously flavored with visual exaggeration, is enough, and a serious reason to spoil one's life is ready for active use. Moreover, any form of fear is a purely visual “privilege”, since it is the reverse side of love. In other words, when the viewer's life lacks its meaning - love, or it is directed at himself, he is ready to be afraid for any reason, even for the strangest (yes, phobias are also our everything).
As for the value of the past, the anal vector is especially susceptible to this. Its excellent memory makes any memories unforgettable, literally. Negative events are carefully preserved and carefully used to nurture resentments and complexes. And in tandem with the visual vector it can be not only offensive, but also scary. Laughed at the feelings? We will not show them anymore and by this we will “protect ourselves”.
Intimate with love
As a result, instead of using our properties for their intended purpose - to love and waste love around us - we, confused by false attitudes, hide our best feelings.
What are we risking in this case? Not only do we prevent our feelings from taking place, but also potentially happy relationships have very little chance of becoming such, if at all it is possible to maintain them.
The fact is that the guarantee of a long and harmonious union is an emotional connection. And only a woman can create and maintain it. She tends to be the first to open up to a man, telling him about her feelings and experiences. At some point, he shares something very personal with him, making it clear that he trusts him. For example, some intimate story from childhood. This causes a response desire, and the man is included in that special, intimate communication that binds them in addition to physical attraction. This is love, where the expression of feelings is an important element. Suppressing them can lead to undesirable consequences in the form of numerous fears, tantrums, alienation and other problems in the relationship. When, in the end, two unfortunate, essentially lonely people live nearby.
This does not mean that a woman should always confess her love first. But she can show with a look, a smile, trust, an interest in a man's life that she is not indifferent to him. The language of love is multifaceted and understandable without words to people who are attracted to each other.
Knowledge is the power of love
Do you want a fulfilling, happy relationship? Share your emotions, confess your love, feel the feelings of your loved one and enjoy life. Is it easy to say? There is nothing easier when we know not only our characteristics and true desires, but also our chosen one. And this is not a call to blindly accept him for who he is, but an offer to look deeper into the very essence and understand why he is exactly like that. It's like realizing the essence of natural phenomena and ceasing to be offended by the sun, because it does not shine 24 hours a day. This will create additional ground for trust and complete understanding. Add to this sensuality and emotionality - and it is yours forever.

How to learn to understand yourself and him? To get started, listen to free online lectures (registration by link), which will be enough to look into your eyes and say with confidence: "You know I love you."