How to become a strong personality
It is not at all difficult to answer the question of how to become stronger in spirit. You just need to understand the peculiarities of our mentality and the given qualities of our own character, then implement them for the joy of ourselves and for the benefit of others. This is the recipe for absolute happiness that does not depend on anything …
Any film, any song, any story always tells about them, they strive for them, they are remembered, respected, admired, they are welcome everywhere. Often they are socially successful, self-realized in society, loved ones, rich. All of these are strong-minded people. Therefore, one who knows how to become a strong person undoubtedly knows the recipe for happiness.
What is strength?
We are all interested in learning how to become stronger, but everyone invests in it something of their own. By definition from physics, force is a measure of impact. If we draw an analogy, then a strong person is one who can influence the world more and, accordingly, withstand a greater impact from the world. The world can be influenced in different ways. Obviously, the time of animal strength has passed, now it is not necessary to be strong physically. Machines and technologies are replacing the muscles of steel. Artificial intelligence is already partially replacing human intelligence.
Perhaps there is only one force that today is still impossible to reproduce mechanically - this is the strength of character, the strength of the spirit. Strength of mind is an indicator by which we can rank, determine our place in society. Therefore, many are so eager to learn how to become stronger in spirit. At the same time, everyone formulates their question differently, based on why they want to become stronger. Let's understand this diversity with the help of the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan.
Different desires, one goal
Some of us, even in adulthood, are a little into tears, because we feel small and lost in a big evil world, where there is so much ugly. Such a person cannot stand up for himself even in elementary everyday situations, he is afraid all the time: the darkness, flu epidemics, bad omens, generally afraid of life. Delicate flower - they will speak, they will trample, the animals! How to live with a visual vector?
Especially sensitive and worried - men and women with the visual cutaneous ligament of vectors. They can be overcome by fears, phobias, panic attacks and bouts of hypochondria. These psychological problems seriously complicate life - it is not surprising that the question comes to mind how to become stronger in spirit and stop living in the captivity of fear.
Too soft and kind owner of the anal-visual ligament of vectors can find it difficult to say to himself "must!", it's hard to say no to others. He finds it difficult to formulate his position clearly and make a decision, doubts, hesitates. He may also be insecure. He is engaged in self-digging and finds more and more flaws in himself. Fears that those around him are using and not appreciated. Such a person often takes his natural patience and loyalty for being too gentle and seeks to learn how to become tougher in character. But is the rigidity equal to the force?

A person with an anal vector may feel uncomfortable in the modern world. All his values and desires are opposite to modern trends. For him, the main thing is loyalty, camaraderie, family and children. He is in awe of the past. Any business is carried out accurately, carefully, regardless of how long it will take to achieve a perfect result. And the world dictates its own terms: earn - quickly! - and don't hold on to the past …
For a person with a skin vector, becoming a strong personality means becoming successful, rich. It is possible to achieve what everyone dreams of: a little more discipline, a little more economy and self-restraint - and the goal will be achieved. Time is money, life is on schedule. Only the strongest are able to withstand the rhythm of this race.
At first glance, wanting to be strong, we strive for completely different qualities of character, and it seems that the recipe in each case will be unique. But what if, for a start, push off from what unites us all?
Individual aspirations of a person (we will talk about them below) are determined by his psyche. All personal characteristics develop, according to system-vector psychology, based on mentality. In Russia, it is unique - urethral-muscular.
Mentality. Strength of the Spirit as a Mental Assignment
To understand how to become strong for a Russian person, you need to understand what strength is in our mentality, what qualities a strong person has in our mind.
When we are asked who such strong personalities are, we unconsciously recall the same examples: heroes of the Great Patriotic War, astronauts, scientists, writers, athletes, doctors. Each of these people had their own unique path and character, but one thing unites them - each did something significant for society and did it selflessly.
Our mentality is special, it disposes us to live with the thought of others, to put the interests of society above our own. Thanks to these features, our grandparents won the Great Patriotic War, rebuilt the country after the war devastation. It was inconvenient for them to live solely for their own sake, they shared the last piece of bread with a friend, put all their energy into building a bright future. And they were happier than we are today, despite all the hardships.
In our grandparents, from childhood, they developed such a quality as a disinterested desire to give, because the whole society was perceived as their own, and not just the small world of one person or one family. This education gave a huge number of heroes in wartime, and in peacetime - the same number of people who fully realized their natural talents: writers, scientists, designers, builders and farmers. As a result, high rates of state development.

A strong person in our mentality is one who feels the whole society as his own, which means he is able to sacrifice his own interests not only for the sake of his close circle, but also for the sake of strangers, strangers or society as a whole. Do you remember how in S. Ya. Marshak's children's poem "The Story of an Unknown Hero"?
“Suddenly he saw -
In the window
someone was rushing
In smoke and fire.
people crowded on the panel.
People in alarm
looked under the roof:
There, out of the window
Through the fiery smoke
Hands of the
Stretched out to them.
Free of charge one minute
Without wasting, the
guy rushed
From the platform of the tram …"
You might think that things are not right now. Times have changed, we are all selfish, and strong personalities are gone. However, the mentality cannot be crossed out. We also have this, but without realizing these impulses, we do not experience full pleasure from life.
A striking example of a strong, disinterested, selfless person is the mayor of Yekaterinburg Yevgeny Roizman, who spares no time, effort or personal funds for his city. The City Without Drugs Foundation, which he founded with his own money, contributed to a significant decrease in the level of drug addiction in Yekaterinburg. During the time that he worked as mayor, the city was transformed. 6.5 thousand buildings were restored, parks were restored, the illumination of the city improved, the problem with kindergartens was practically solved. The doors of his reception room were always open to vulnerable people - the elderly, single mothers, sick people. Of course, Evgeny Roizman is an ambiguous personality, but for the inhabitants of the Urals he is a real hero, a confident, strong-willed person, open to everyone who needs help.
However, strong personalities are not only famous people in high positions. In April 2017, a terrorist attack took place in the St. Petersburg metro. The city was paralyzed, ground transportation could not cope. Thousands of people unselfishly gave a lift to those who were far from home in personal cars until late at night. Nobody organized them, just at the same time the same thought forms appeared in everyone's consciousness: to help those who are in need now.
How to be strong in spirit if you are not Roizman?
Not everyone lives with the daily force of pressure from the outside world, like Evgeny Roizman, not everyone influences this world so strongly in their position. But any person becomes a strong personality when he fully realizes the qualities of his psyche set by nature for the benefit of others, and it is then that he feels himself the happiest. Sounds easy to do for others what you do best.
But on the way to this "easy" goal there are such obstacles as laziness, apathy inherent in most of us, and most importantly - complete ignorance of ourselves (which, by the way, is one of the main reasons for laziness and apathy). But if all these obstacles are overcome, then the reward will be a feeling of their endless strength, self-sufficiency, ability to change the world, respect and love of loved ones and, possibly, even nationwide fame.
How does this happen? When you open your psyche at the training System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan, you begin to understand yourself, your potential and all other people, this radically changes your feeling of life and awakens from hibernation to an active and happy life.
So, when a weak, gentle, impressionable, finely feeling owner of the skin-visual ligament of vectors begins to live not only with his own, but also someone else's emotions, feels someone else's pain as his own, his fears, hysteria, emotional dependencies disappear. These are the strongest and most courageous people, like the actress Chulpan Khamatova, who has dedicated herself to helping children with cancer.
If an indecisive, over-caring lady who does not know how to defend her interests, wondering how to become a strong woman, realizes who she really is, she begins to develop her individual characteristics, goes where she can realize herself for everyone. She becomes a strong person, attentive to others, able to defend their interests in any situation.
The owner of the anal vector seeks to gain respect from others. He can feel like a successful, strong personality if he becomes an expert, an irreplaceable professional, whose experience and encyclopedic erudition will help to raise a new generation of specialists who are in love with their work.

When an ambitious and mentally flexible owner of the skin vector realizes himself for society, he soars up the career ladder to the very top. There he gets everything that his soul desires - both high status and material security.
When a sound person begins to realize himself for the good of everyone, he turns, for example, into a scientist, designer Sergei Korolev. Without the strong-willed decisions of this person, our country could never have become an advanced military space power.
It is not at all difficult to answer the question of how to become stronger in spirit. You just need to understand the peculiarities of our mentality and the given qualities of our own character, then implement them for the joy of ourselves and for the benefit of others. This is the recipe for absolute happiness that does not depend on anything.
You can learn everything about how to become stronger in spirit at the training System-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. Register now using the link.