Not In One Spirit. The Personal Life Of A Sound Engineer - Why And How?

Not In One Spirit. The Personal Life Of A Sound Engineer - Why And How?
Not In One Spirit. The Personal Life Of A Sound Engineer - Why And How?

Not in one spirit. The personal life of a sound engineer - why and how?

The sound vector is really dominant, and a suppressed fully or partially sexual desire, a sluggish interest in creating a relationship is a clear sign of insufficient realization of sound desires, focus on oneself and one's states. “Go to a monastery”, literally or figuratively, is one of the most unfavorable scenarios for most sound professionals. But it is harder for them to build relationships than others. How to be?

The dominant asexual sound vector affects the personal life of sound people to such an extent that many are already beginning to get lost and doubt - do I need a relationship at all? On the one hand, the sound needs will always prevail over any others, on the other hand, there are no single-vector sound engineers and “any other” needs have not been canceled. In addition, the possibility of implementation in the sound vector depends very much on the implementation in personal relationships. Especially for men, but also for women.

“To go to a monastery”, literally or figuratively, is one of the most unfavorable scenarios for most sound professionals. But it is harder for them to build relationships than others. How to be? Let's sort it out in order.

No attraction - and no need

Many modern owners of the sound vector think so. The sound shortages are too strong today, the world shakes too much from ignorance of oneself, serious topics and disclosures are too beckoning. Against this background, family chores, relationships, sex seem petty, unimportant, even in some way animals. “Whether it’s the meaning of human existence, this is really important! It is not for nothing that the sound vector is asexual and dominant."

Is it so? Or are they delusions of our abstract intellect?

The sound vector is really dominant, and a suppressed fully or partially sexual desire, a sluggish interest in creating relationships is a clear sign of insufficient realization of sound desires, focus on oneself and one's states. Otherwise, the desires of other vectors, the desire for visual sensory connections, closer communication, earthly desires to create a couple, a family, and have a child would not be suppressed. After all, these desires are inherent in any person, in itself the presence of a sound vector does not cancel them.

From self-centeredness to sound realization. Pair relationships to help

The disclosure of meanings and sound growth goes through concentration on another person, through the disclosure of his desires, the unconscious. When the sound engineer overcomes self-focus, self-centeredness for the sake of more, for the sake of genuine interest in another. After all, only by revealing another, we know ourselves, and the world, and our place in the world with distinction.

Not a single picture
Not a single picture

On the one hand, only through this action can we get out of the state of sound deficiencies - to fill the sound desire, which means not only to feel the meaning of life, but also the joy of paired relationships.

On the other hand, in a pair relationship it is easier to cancel our little self, because attraction to another person helps us. He is pleasant, attracted to him, he seems interesting. In the first days, weeks, months of relationships, when we are attracted, passionate, we are not so picky about shortcomings, we do not even notice them. It is easier for us to make contact, to think about something else, and not about ourselves.

And the more we reveal each other, the deeper we understand. The more his desires become mine, the thinner the border between He and She, the more often We appear, the more we reveal another person, and therefore both ourselves and the plan, the more fully we see the answer to the question “What is the meaning of life? … In nuances, in colors. Deep and deeper.

Soundman without a woman is like a car without fuel

It is very difficult for a sonic man to advance in his sonic tasks without a woman (like any other man). He is the engine - she is his desire. And the sound woman gives him not just fuel, not just desire, but a sound request to comprehend the First Cause, the Creator, and infinity. Because she also wants to comprehend the secrets of the universe. Realization in a pair is no less important for a woman.

The relationship between a man and a woman is a projection of the Creator and Creation, the forces of receiving and giving. Sex is not only a physical act of intercourse. It is intimacy, trust, connection of feelings before and after. The union of souls begins with like-mindedness in a couple, with a confidential conversation, with an understanding of the other, with a sensual and intellectual connection. When you can talk for hours, when you can be silent and listen to the breathing of another. Any couple can be infinitely happy in their relationship. And the sound people bring their volume and depth to this happiness.

Read the stories of those who were able to overcome internal barriers and reveal the meaning and joy of pairing:

Personal life of a sound engineer picture
Personal life of a sound engineer picture

New sound meanings about sensory and sound connection, about the kinship of souls, about the features of the male and female psyche are revealed at the training System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan.
