Program for the development of children with autism based on the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan
Presentation at the International Conference in Taganrog
In February 2016, at the A. P. Chekhov Taganrog Institute, the III International Conference "Continuity between preschool and primary education in the context of the implementation of the federal state educational standard" was held, within which the section "Experience in designing a single inclusive (integrated) educational environment" … A series of reports were made at the section, based on the concept of system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.
The head of the section, Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of the Department of General Pedagogy, Head of the "Special Child" laboratory, A. V. Vinevskaya presented a developmental program for children with autism "Little Bird". In the printed version, the review of the program was published in the article “On the Question of the Methods Based on the Paradigm of System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan: Presentation of the Small Bird Program for Children with Autism” in the journal Ceteris Paribus. 2016. No. 1-2. S. 40-48.
The proposed program received positive reviews from the candidate of pedagogical sciences Lopatkin E. V. and the doctor of pedagogical sciences Grebenshchikov G. F., was certified in the system of voluntary certification of educational-methodical and scientific publications in the field of general education. The certificate of conformity indicates that the program meets the methodological, pedagogical, ergonomic requirements set forth in the ND MTB RAO 3 - 2006 “Educational and material base of a general educational institution. Part III. Pedagogical and ergonomic requirements for teaching aids . GRNTI - 14.29.09: Methods of teaching and upbringing in special schools and preschool institutions for children with developmental disabilities. FGOS DO, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 1155 of October 17, 2013.
In her speech at the conference, E. Astreinova, psychologist at the Otrada Orthodox family center in Donetsk, summarized her own experience of working with the families of autistic children and noted the importance of Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology both for diagnosing autism and for building the correct route development of an autistic child.
One of the results of the implementation of the program is the upcoming opening of an experimental site in a special school in Taganrog; lectures for teachers and parents on the content of the program are also planned.
Scientific work in this direction continues. A number of scientific articles have been written (one of them: "Practical application of the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan for the sensory integration of children with autism spectrum disorders"), work is underway on a book on autism, which will describe a systematic approach to studying the causes of autism and working with autists.
Summing up, we can say that traditional methods give an insufficient effect in the process of correctional and pedagogical interaction with children with various developmental disorders. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan makes it possible to target and use suitable methods of interaction with children with developmental disorders, bypassing a long period of "grinding" and random selection of possible effective corrective methods and means.
As for working with children specifically, thanks to the new knowledge about a person - the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan - it is possible to build a promising trajectory for the integration of a child with autism, relying on knowledge about the characteristics of each vector.