Systemically About Gray Cardinals

Systemically About Gray Cardinals
Systemically About Gray Cardinals

Systemically about gray cardinals

The most famous image of the cardinal in the post-Soviet space is, of course, Richelieu - thanks to Alexandre Dumas with his "Three Musketeers". According to historians, this hero of Dumas is practically one to one copied from that Richelieu who was in life, but, without a doubt, a lot in the literary image is still fiction …

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan distinguishes people according to their innate properties - vectors. Many myths and legends have been formed around one of the vectors for certain reasons. Not often, but it happens that life collides with those whom the rumor calls the gray cardinals. Moreover, "puppeteers" are found at a variety of posts. Mysterious and powerful. Scary and influential. Shrouded in gloomy glory, but often remain in the shadows. Who are they, the gray cardinals? How to behave with them? What are they for in our life? What makes them so powerful?

The most famous image of the cardinal in the post-Soviet space is, of course, Richelieu - thanks to Alexandre Dumas with his "Three Musketeers". According to historians, this hero of Dumas is practically one to one copied from that Richelieu who was in life, but, without a doubt, a lot in the literary image is still fiction.

It is a pity that at the time of Dumas there was no access to the knowledge that Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology provides - perhaps Richelieu would have turned out to be completely different in the book. Or maybe Dumas would have made a completely different person the main intriguer - Father Joseph, a man in a gray cassock, Richelieu's secret adviser, whom, in fact, is worth thanks for the well-known term. However, this awe-inspiring personality was incomprehensible to the novelist. His name was pronounced in a whisper - it seemed that the chief of the office Richelieu had an omnipresent and all-seeing eye. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan designates such people as endowed with an olfactory vector.

And only thanks to the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, ordinary mortals had the opportunity to look into the unknown inner world of the olfactory, which, undoubtedly, was the mysterious and powerful father Joseph, in the opinion of his contemporaries, surpassed his famous patron in his cunning mind and influence.

Leader's shadow

The classic “gray cardinal” is the shadow of his leader. A shadow weaving intrigues and intrigues. Advisor. Prompter. Puppeteer. A number of flattering and unflattering epithets come to mind. On the one hand, Richelieu as an example of a literary "influential shadow" is indicative - intrigues, traps, squabbles, incitements, persecution of "good" musketeers, intrigues. … However, a real "gray cardinal" will never become an obvious instigator - he knows how not only to stay in shadows, but also masterfully avoid conflicts. Even if he is the real initiator of a conflict situation, he will not be personally involved in it, and one can only guess about his true role.

All actions of the "influential advisor" have a hidden meaning, background, well-defined goals of the intriguing spider. The romantic Dumas in his bestseller explained the cardinal's non-gentlemanly behavior with his tender feelings for Queen Anne, which, in fact, caused the main plot mess. In real life, the “gray cardinals” are driven by other reasons that can be easily revealed by understanding the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan - and in particular, the nature of the olfactory vector.

But let's leave Richelieu for a minute and descend from the literary clouds to the sinful earth. Once a friend told about a chance meeting with the father of his friend, whose place of work is vague, but succinctly denoted by the word "organs". I quote the story verbatim: “I went to her, sat, chatting. Then the front door slammed. She jumped: "Oh, daddy has come!" We leave into the corridor. A stout man stands under a lamp, his face in shadow. I held out my hand to him. He swung in my direction and just shot with his eyes! That was the look! He seemed to see right through me. It already stung under the spoon! And I never shook my hand … I'm not cowardly, but for some reason a chill ran through my skin."

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What kind of look is this? Congenital feature? Trained eye tenacity? The gaze of a hypnotist, worked out to suppress someone else's will? As it turned out later, "dad" made a good career, moving from rank to rank without any obvious patronage. Moreover, in the field where they teach to suspect everyone and everything, including his own reflection in the mirror, he managed to acquire such connections and acquaintances that the minister would envy. At the same time, as his unreasonable daughter chatted in secret, he calmly survived several internal "cleansing", emerging dry from the streams of mud that poured on his colleagues.

Lucky? Or maybe a person has a powerful analytical mind, which, like a computer, calculates all situations in advance? Or professional instinct trained by years of specific work? Or maybe just a good innate intuition? You can guess for a long time and make assumptions, but why? After all, these questions already have an answer that has been proven over the years of successful practice. The answer in two words: the olfactory vector.

What is this vector?

In short, this is a force that, in a social unit (human flock), is capable of balancing the impulses of a leader with its cold serpentine instinct. The living embodiment and bearer of this power is a gray eminence devoid of emotions. A person who is able to see the essence of everyone who is nearby. A person who senses the slightest danger before it becomes a threat. The only one who subconsciously knows how to use the laws of system-vector psychology, being not familiar with it.

The theoretical substantiation of olfactory super-abilities is extremely interesting, but those interested in theory should listen directly to Yuri Burlan, since no one is better than him to explain this complex issue in an exciting and accessible way. And we will return to Richelieu, abandoned by us.

The main question is why he builds his intrigues against everyone's beloved book heroes, handsome and brave fellows, alas, is not revealed in the book. Unrequited love for the queen as the driving force behind book intrigue against a beautiful lady is a great reason to write a novel. But knowing that the characteristic property of the olfactory vector is cold emotionlessness, we understand that Richelieu is not an olfactory person. He's just an ordinary cardinal. A simple man in a cardinal's mantle, endowed with other vectors. The real olfactory person remained behind the scenes. As it happens in life. Oh, if only Dumas knew the basics of system-vector psychology! Perhaps he would have changed the plot of his most popular novel …

In life, the main reason for the olfactory cardinal (as well as the olfactory advisor, boss, president, etc.) is to preserve oneself by preserving the pack. This subtle moment provides a deep understanding of the secret nooks of the olfactory personality. Why he never lives as a hermit. How he manages to see through people. Why is he able to influence the leader. Why doesn't it smell. Why there are no secrets and closed doors for him. What is the secret of his power. Why does he inspire people in awe. Why is he never "involved" in anything? And there are many more why.

To be or not to be. A victim

What does the gray cardinal have to do with us, mere mortals, standing behind the back of the leader, who, it would seem, would never be reached from a sinful earth? The most direct.

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"People are trash for him," says one movie character about his abuser. Speaks impatiently and in vain. But this phrase itself ideally describes the sensations of the olfactory to the human mass. Having no scent of its own, it is endowed with the ability to feel the slightest nuances of human "aromas". And he feels, sensing that people are full of stench. He is able to smell fear. By the elusive emissions of specific unconscious smells, he can unmistakably understand that a person is lying. No, the olfactor does not at all look like any serial sniffer. He dispenses with cheap external effects, drawing his conclusions instantly, on a subconscious level, and not after a demonstrative sniffing.

The olfactory man is not alone in the whole country behind the leader's back. There are not many people with an olfactory vector, but they still meet. Civilization laid down in them the task of preserving the flock - even if for the sake of preserving itself. And therefore, in any human community, they are fairly evenly distributed. Having lived a long life, you can meet more than one "gray cardinal", especially if there is a temptation or the opportunity to "go to power." And even without touching the authorities, you can run into an olfactory person - at least visiting a "friend".

What in general can be opposed to the olfactory? Sherlock Holmes deduction? So the famous detective used to cheat, not relying on his method. Once, sitting with his back to Watson, he began to describe in detail his cane. He was taken aback by such perspicacity, but Mrs. Hudson immediately passed Holmes "with giblets": "He sees your reflection in the coffee pot!" Such tricks do not work with the olfactory person - he instantly senses any catch and falsity. Don't even try to play with him as equals. This is not the case. Without knowledge in the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, such conclusions can be infallibly drawn only by an olfactory person. All others run the risk of being wrong - and very much.

So how do you deal with the owner of the olfactory vector? Is it possible to somehow defend yourself if you suddenly got into his "black list"? And if you can't count on your own strength, then what can you count on? There can be no two answers here: one can count only on systemic knowledge and understanding of the essence of the olfactory vector. The less benefit from you for the flock, the more active and effective the attacks and intrigues from the olfactory will be. A paradoxical, but primitively simple conclusion: be necessary to the pack so that you are not eaten. This simple conclusion is due to the main purpose of the olfactory life, which we mentioned above. No more, no less.

So, if nowhere directly crossed the road to the "gray eminence", then in case of trouble on his part, one should not look for the guilty ones - envious people, spiteful critics, slanderers, etc. - you need to change your own need for the pack (society). Only this is the whole point and only this is the main reason why the olfactory puppeteer gnaws at you with someone else's teeth.

How to find your place in society and understand yourself, learn to determine vectors and their states, is described in lectures on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. You can get started with this science at free introductory online lectures. You will find registration by the link: See you!
