LSD. Get lost in wonderland
Drug use is a desire to change consciousness in any way. For some, drugs are a tribute to fashion, belonging to a certain subculture or group of creative bohemians - lovers of club life, open-airs and parties. Many people use drugs, but initially it is the sound people who set the tone …
Why wasn't I born in the days of Jim Morrison and Aldous Huxley? I would dance barefoot on the grass to the hypnotic rhythms of the Jefferson Airplane, celebrating freedom of spirit and equality. There is no gray life, no narrow perception - there is only music as a part of human life! Where is now this paradise that cannot be recreated?
This thought came to me when I was sitting in my room, my gaze buried in the wall, feeling how I was covered by another attack of despair and emptiness. I made an effort to get the pipe ready. Breathe in. Thoughts gradually floated. I smoked weed, hashish, wilted, I used other stuff from time to time, but it didn't help. LSD was my plan B, which I was waiting for and at the same time afraid.
I knew about bed trips and how people go crazy on LSD or accidentally go out the window, but other drugs only stifled the pain that came back three times after. I looked at LSD with interest. I wanted freedom. To see a different reality, to understand … What is the meaning of life? Why do we live? Where am I going? In the emptiness of the room, Jim's voice came from the speakers - Tried to run, Tried to hide, Break on through to the other side, Break on through to the other side …
Not everyone has the desire to know the meaning of life. This is the desire of a person with a sound vector. It is so strong that it seems to press from the inside. The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan will tell you about who these people are and what LSD is in the opening of consciousness.
How LSD changed the world
It all started on April 19, 1943. On that day, the Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann put himself on the experience and discovered to the world a substance that became the No. 1 drug in America in the 60s. It was d-lysergic acid diethylamide, or LSD for short, probably the most insidious drug to deceive mankind.
Meanwhile, the news of a unique substance that opens doors to "magical worlds" spread like an epidemic throughout the United States. Its effect, causing vivid hallucinations and images, first of all created a stir among the intellectual elite. Famous musicians, actors, writers and artists broadcast their mystical experiences and the positive influence of LSD on their creativity.
The massive spread of the drug was the beginning of the development of the psychedelic subculture, and the hippie movement became a symbol of a cultural explosion in art, music and fashion.
In the light of liberal ideas, together with LSD, America experienced a new birth in culture and society. Martin Luther King's civil rights movement, the wave of feminism, the sexual revolution, the summer of love, rock festivals in Monterey, the legendary Woodstock and the fight against the Vietnam War. It was a real revolt of the young against the social prohibitions and puritanical thinking of the older generation.

"… The fifties were repressive in every sense, it was such a miserable, stupid, dishonest period in history, when everyone tried to pretend to be some kind of norm that does not exist in nature, prohibitions were imposed on everyone …" (Robert Forte, author of the book "Timothy Leary: The Temptation of the Future").
Medicine or drug?
In early 1950s medicine, LSD was not considered a drug, but rather a revolutionary new cure for mental illness. Under the license of the Sandoz company, LSD was produced by large pharmaceutical companies around the world, which positioned this substance as a way to treat depression, mental illness, and a method to combat alcohol, heroin and cocaine addiction. Informally, LSD was called the “chemical key” that opens the door to the human psyche.
The drug LSD owes its incredible popularity among the masses to two doctors from Harvard University - Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert. While studying at the university the effect of plant hallucinogens on the psyche, Timothy Leary was already fascinated by the idea of spreading LSD as a divine gift for knowing oneself. Together with Alpert, he conducted experiments on his students, turning into massive LSD parties, for which both were expelled from the university.
Leary proclaimed himself a "chemical messiah" and organized a religious movement under the slogan that became the main dogma of hippie culture: "Turn on, tune in, disappear!" (English - turn on, tune in, drop out!). He urged young people to give up work, education and start actively expanding their consciousness with the help of LSD.
The "Father of LSD" himself, Dr. Albert Hoffman, called his creation "medicine for the soul", which can be used exclusively for medical purposes in the field of psychiatry and psychoanalysis.
In his opinion, with the help of a new perception of reality, a person will be able to overcome a spiritual crisis. However, he quickly realized the magnitude of the tragedy of the uncontrolled use of LSD, which became a harmful drug, not a medicine. He wrote about his concerns later, but this did not have much effect. LSD has already become part of the subculture of that time, periodically pushing the "flower children" into the abyss of nothingness and fear.
And your consciousness will leave you …
In the mid-60s, the number of cases of mental disorders in America rose sharply. About 6,000 special centers provided emergency assistance to people who were using LSD.
In his LSD “travels,” a person loses the ability to perceive time and space normally. Life, like death, ceases to be meaningful. The categories "good" - "bad", conscience, duty, love, social relations completely lose their significance. In the stream of momentary images and bizarre visions, it is impossible to understand, conceive or plan at least some thought.

LSD induces a complex spectrum of aesthetic experiences, often of a mystically religious nature. The mechanism of LSD action is not fully understood. The drug triggers a certain biochemical, neurophysiological and mental mechanism that causes a feeling of a total change in reality, falling into another world - derealization.
To an observer, a person under the influence of hallucinogens looks very strange. He walks aimlessly with bulging eyes, peering into any surrounding thing. In this state, he is extremely suggestible, laughs for no reason and is completely unaware of reality. The boundaries of normal perception of human values are erased, and feelings are dulled to the level of reproduction.
The effect of LSD largely depends on the mental state of the person. Instead of euphoria and waking flights, a so-called bad trip can often occur. During such a "trip", there are acute hallucinations of a frightening nature, turning into panic and hysterical reactions.
Hallucinations of this type resemble attacks of manic psychosis with a feeling of absolute hopelessness, the only way out of which a person sees only in suicide.
Leaving LSD underground
On the crest of the mass euphoria from LSD, the narcologists came to realize their mistake. In the newspapers of that time, news and reports of the accidental death of young people under the influence of drugs began to appear almost every day.
The police arrested entire communities of drug addicts, and the conservative public was shaking with fear. The final straw was a series of brutal murders by members of the mystical sect of Charles Manson called "Family", who practiced daily high doses of LSD and sexual perversion. LSD was discontinued and banned even in medical research.
Despite these events, interest in changing consciousness did not fade away, but passed into the category of experiments with plant hallucinogens or cheap substitutes, which sometimes led to overdoses due to poor-quality composition. The death from drugs of the idols of youth - Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin and Jimi Hendrix did not frighten the fans of the "acid", but, on the contrary, created a kind of aura of martyrdom, drawing even more attention to this way of life.
Drug use is a desire to change consciousness in any way. For some, drugs are a tribute to fashion, belonging to a certain subculture or group of creative bohemians - lovers of club life, open-airs and parties. Many people use drugs, but initially it is the sound people who set the tone.
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains the desire to change consciousness by a special device of the psyche of people with a sound vector.
Who are we?
Each person has desires that determine his life choices. Such desires are due to the presence of vectors, which are manifested by innate properties and values.

For some in life it is important to achieve material success, for others - to start a family and have children. And only the sound vector wants to know what cannot be achieved in the physical world. Money, fame, respect, work, family are secondary interests in comparison with the main desire to understand - "what is the meaning of life?"
The sound vector gives a person an abstract understanding of reality and a feeling of some kind of isolation from others. From an early age, he wants to reveal the structure of this world, to understand what is behind each process. People with a sound vector cannot “live like everyone else”. Their inner desire is beyond the material categories.
Such a large mental volume cannot be filled with ordinary things. This is manifested by a vague sense of dissatisfaction with life. It's like a black hole inside. There is no particular emotion or joy, everything seems empty. Where is the exit?
Why sound people aren't afraid of drugs
Once at a party - either a friend gave a treat, or for company - the sound engineer tries a drug. Hashish, amphetamine, LSD or ecstasy … It makes no difference under what circumstances and what kind of drug it is. The only difference is in the effect and the degree of damage they do.
Drugs change the state of consciousness at the physiological level and create the illusion of fullness in the sound vector. It seems that under drugs life is more interesting, brighter and the person himself too. They give a sense of some truth received from the Universe itself, freedom from inner fears and embarrassment.
A person with a sound vector is always inside his experiences. Unconsciously he perceives only his own "I". After a "good arrival" or "trip", it seems that he sensed or saw things hidden from ordinary people.
And let after a temporary euphoria appear hypertrophied states of despair, anxiety, severe depression and suicidal thoughts. The desire to relieve pain from this life outweighs the scales of common sense. That is why, no matter how many people die from drugs every day, it does not matter for a sound engineer.
Fear and Loathing in Wonderland
The sound vector is the desire to think, to concentrate, to delve into the very essence, to concentrate the stream of thoughts. Therefore, the natural fear of the sound vector is the loss of control over consciousness, the fear of going crazy.
The biggest danger from LSD taking is the unpredictability of its psychic effects. A high dose can, after the first test, lead to irreversible severe mental illness or accidental death.
LSD for the sound engineer is like playing Russian roulette. Spin the revolver drum and wait for the bullet to shoot you in the head. Such "experience" does not expand consciousness, but locks it in the insane vacuum of its own distorted experiences.
How to understand the meaning without drugs
You can expand your consciousness without drugs. This is the path that begins with awareness of your psyche. The sound vector contains the largest volume of desire, which constantly requires an answer to the question - "What is the meaning of my life?" The depth of suffering from the inability to understand this metaphysical form is much higher than that of other people.
Every day, sound engineers take their lives, die from drugs, drown in depression, sleeping pills and alcohol, go crazy and commit mass murder. It is they who join the ranks of the sectarians and themselves become chemical messiahs for the mass of people. In our time, the sound engineer has nothing to fill himself with. Music, philosophy, ideas, technologies have exhausted themselves and do not provide sufficient satisfaction from life. Bad conditions cover such people in waves.
In order not to burn out in the hell of their own experiences, the sound engineer needs to think, to concentrate. Its direct task is to reveal the plan, the general matrix of the psychic.

Concentration by means of LSD is for an audiophile the same as driving extremely intoxicated at a speed of 120 in the opposite direction. The probability of crashing is 99%. The same thing happens with the psyche. LSD does not give the sound vector fulfillment and fulfillment, but, on the contrary, deprives a person of control over the thought process. While under the influence of this drug, the sound engineer risks with a very high degree of probability of going crazy and forever lost in the wonderland.
Revealing his nature step by step, the sound engineer gets pleasure - without restrictions and harm to life. The training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan helps to understand one's states and find answers to questions.