Vladimir Vysotsky. Part 2. Youth: on the Bolshoi Karetny
Young Vysotsky enthusiastically read and memorized the best creations of sound geniuses of Russian literature, the traditions and spirit of which forever entered his works: "Fussy Horses", "Bathhouse", "Bird Gamayun", "Ballad of Love" and many others …
Part 1. Childhood: house on First Meshchanskaya at the end
Where are your seventeen years old?
On Bolshoy Karetny.
Where are your seventeen troubles?
On Bolshoy Karetny.
Where is your black pistol?
On Bolshoy Karetny.
Where are you not today?
On Bolshoy Karetny.
Having moved to his father on Bolshaya Karetny, Volodya Vysotsky was perceived by the new court as a stranger. He was beaten. In response, a company with the First Meshchanskaya came. The flocks stood against each other, crowded together a little for order. Vysotsky could not "hit a man in the face" since childhood. Nevertheless, he was recognized on Karetny. Such relationships between courtyards were the rule in post-war Moscow. The street ranks the teenagers severely. "Snotty ostrozhniki" often "joined" wall to wall. More often before the first blood, sometimes before the arrival of the police:
Everything: from us to almost one-year-olds - the
Interpretation was led to the blood.
The post-war period dictated to the children their own conditions of survival. The classes were oversized who did not attend school during the war years. They set the tone, imitated them, admired them, feared both students and teachers. The men's school after the war (boys and girls studied separately until 1954) was the most brutal training in survival in extreme conditions:
There are 712 schools in Moscow, 315 of them are male, I left the 203rd, To move to this school.
There are exactly
one hundred and one hundred teachers, of which POLSTA are masculine, Here are 1800 children
AND 325 freaks. [one]

Class 5 "E" of the 186th male high school took the newcomer Vysotsky, as it should be, with hostility. An open gaze (understand - impudent), all in a foreign (look, dude!), The boy stood out sharply against the background of his classmates dressed in altered and redesigned. Thrown by someone "American!" - it didn’t take root, but another nickname stuck tightly, ironic in form (in the light of the boy's small stature), but apt in essence - “Height”. A close circle of classmates also formed, his first flock: Volodya Akimov, Igor Kokhanovsky, Volodya Malyukin, Vadim Mokhov, Arkady Svidersky - among themselves they were all "vasechki". It was easier for the flock to resist the attacks of the repeaters, from whom a dirty trick could be expected at any moment.
Even the teachers could not stand the hooliganism of some of the guys, they ran away. The best remained. They brought up an amazing generation of "children of war" - an unhealthy, dressed in almost universal fatherlessness, the last of the Mohicans who know how to make friends, live and love "for themselves and for that guy." Vladimir Vysotsky also belonged to this generation, whose urethral-sound psychic focused in itself the mental values of the Russian collective psychic to advance them into the future - in a word.
Wonderful Seraph Angel
All this will happen later, but for now, Vysotsky, who was rhyming a lot and carelessly, had yet to "grow" a real sound word, to grow in lack. A significant role in the formation of the desire to search for truth in the word, that is, in the formation of Vysotsky the poet, was played by the skin-visual teacher of the Russian language and literature, the “wonderful angel-seraphim” Vera Petrovna Baryshnikova. From her, the guys learned the names of V. Khlebnikov, I. Severyanin, A. Akhmatova, N. Gumilyov, M. Tsvetaeva, B. Pasternak, I. Babel.

Young Vysotsky enthusiastically read and memorized the best creations of the sound geniuses of Russian literature, the traditions and spirit of which forever entered his works: "Fussy Horses", "Bathhouse", "Bird Gamayun", "Ballad of Love" and many others. Largely thanks to V. P. Baryshnikova, 17-year-old Vysotsky will not only graduate from school at 4 and 5, but also realize the seriousness of his destiny as a poet. It is no coincidence that in the satirical School Poem, written by the end of the school, of the twenty Onegin stanzas, only V. P. Baryshnikova are devoted to the most sincere, heartfelt lines:
But the Lord happens to be just, And now for a dumb demon, Straight from Beijing, a
wonderful angel-seraphim flies !
But … we did not get along in an argument,
And here she was halfway, I wanted to leave us, But we realized: enough fooling around!
We all began to learn the subject, Well, we worship her.
She, perhaps, is softer than others
All the time she treated us, And we, I confess, did not really
listen to all her words, When she explained to us
Or read something.
Seeing the character in her gentleness, Simple and good-natured disposition, We all strove for it, having got
(What happens to us often) in trouble.
She with a sympathetic soul
Will always cover us with herself [2].
I grew up under the influence not of my parents, but of friends (V. Vysotsky)
There was practically no control over the young Vysotsky. "Aunt Zhenechka" spent a long time in Kiev with Semyon Vladimirovich, who served there. “Aunt Lidika,” Evgenia Stepanovna’s younger sister, invited to look after the boy, could easily have been convinced of anything. The mother on Meshchanskaya developed a relationship with the hated Volodya Bantosh, whom the "flock" was even going to beat.
Not the last role in the life of Vladimir Vysotsky was played by his older comrades, first of all Anatoly Utevsky and Levon Kocharyan, with whom the senior student Vysotsky often stayed up until the morning, and sometimes he lived. He could take any book from the vast library of the criminalist professor B. S. Utevsky, he took a lively part in the student life of his son Anatoly, who, while doing practice at Petrovka, invited Vysotsky and his comrades to witness. Among the guests of the Utevskys was A. Tarkovsky and the most senior 25-year-old V. Shukshin of all at that time.
Homeless, in fact, Vysotsky seriously risked getting into the most inveterate company. Samoteka, Central Market, Meshchanskie, Rizhsky station with an abundance of criminals engaged in theft and petty robbery, were the most suitable landscape for turning the pack into a gang, and its leader into a leader. The exciting, adventurous life of a Moscow teenager in the post-war period was supposed to be "one of our own" with the "thieves", to know by name, and even in the face of local "authorities". Otherwise, a weakling, tyuta. There were no such ones among Vysotsky's "whiskers".

But Vysota did not slide down, “he lived and survived” in a flock of his own kind - interesting, thinking, developed guys, with whom he was one. The early development of the properties of the psyche, which Volodya received through the efforts of his mother and a galaxy of skin-visual "angels", saved him from falling into the archetype, kept him from falling down with his acquaintance with music and theater and, of course, a drunken sound "cheat" An excellent memory allowed an independent teenager to deal with homework in half an hour, and then the most interesting thing began.
We were looking at life quite independently
Vysotsky had a "pyrotechnic" experience in Germany, where he and the boys searched the forests for unexploded mines and threw them into the fire. The result is burnt eyebrows, a scandal at home, severe punishment and … forward, in search of new risky adventures. A suitable object, a box of shells for a howitzer, was also found in Yakhroma, near Moscow, where the Vasechki went to swim. Volodya tried to dissuade the guys - it was dangerous, but to back down when the “flock”, acutely feeling its being left out by the war, demanded: a dash, Height? Sleep away - no way, only together! We barely managed to lie down behind the hillock. It exploded, the bank began to slowly slide into the river. The urethral test of the willingness to give his life for the flock took place. It was possible to live on. Someone was less fortunate, the guys were torn by shells often in those years.
The news of Stalin's death crushed Moscow. Farewell, according to tradition, took place in the Column Hall of the House of Unions, everywhere there was a cordon and crowds, endless crowds of people. The Vysotsky boys at all costs had to get to the Column, squeeze through the crowd in order to see with their own eyes, to be convinced: forever alive dead. They squeezed through the courtyards and rooftops. They risked more than they realized the risk. The operation was successful twice. My heart was chilling, tears were rising: how is that? What will happen now? The state, which is difficult to understand now, has resulted in awkward, but sincere lines of involvement in the common grief:
I walk amidst the stream of people, Woe has bound my heart …
And so it was. People were crying out loud from the irreparable loss. Nobody knew what would happen next. "Thoughts under the crown" will pound later, and while the Khrushchev thaw came, thousands of repressed and thieves were released. "Thug Fenya" formed the urban courtyard jargon. Eagerly absorbing language Volodya Vysotsky responds with the first thieves' rhymes about the company's adventures in the Karetny center of culture, the Hermitage garden, closest to B.
A woman was sitting next to me, And Garik immediately raised a shmon.
He was hiphipping: Vasek, at least
Let her give her your phone!"

"Vasek" didn't allow it. Ordering five Farewell cocktails (vodka, liqueur, ice, lemon juice, sugar syrup, fruit) with a smart gesture, he takes the Mishka Clubfoot chocolates for a ruble for his friend, albeit a fleeting one. Walk, Height! What? Some muddy tailcoat is glued to one of the "vaska"! Shouldn't you lash the snout? No problem. So, go home, "vasechki", until we meet again in the Hermitage garden, this academy of life.
We are all the same: the whole world is a foreign land to us / Fatherland is Tsarskoe Selo to us (A. Pushkin)
The corridors of puberty could end for young Vysotsky with a wall of thieves' raspberries, but this did not happen. The tunnels of the vector properties of the psyche received the correct development in childhood and were able to bring his uniquet to light - to the necessary environment, which recognized his talent and directed him towards further realization.
A. Utevsky, through his friend, arranged for Vysotsky, a high school student, into the theater circle of VN Bogomolov, who was immediately struck by the amazing sincerity and remarkable charm of "a neglected boy who grew up in the post-war Moscow courtyards." It seemed that he was laughing louder than those whom he amused, portraying either Utesov, or Raikin, or an old woman next door in Pervaya Meshchanskaya, or his "evil genius" Bantosh. And yet there was something that instilled confidence in Bogomolov: Vysotsky should be engaged in theater. He will be able to convey this confidence to the young poet, who once and for all chose the theatrical stage as his tribune.
There will be many disappointments, even despair ahead, but Vysotsky will always be sure of his urethral-sound purpose, which was revealed to him then, in literature lessons, in the theater class, in heated arguments and passionate spree with his comrades. This confidence will give him strength in the seemingly hopeless expectation of his theater, a theater created for him.
In a sense, Bolshoi Karetny became for Vladimir Vysotsky what the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum was for Alexander Pushkin. Here, by the will of fate, he met wonderful talented people who, despite his young age, guessed in him, not only equal to himself, but also able to lead. Here for the first time I felt the urethral inseparability with the flock and learned the attracting power of the sound word, here I began to master the difficult (for the urethral in particular) path of the actor.

A rare observation, an amazing sense of language and genuine involvement in life will allow Vladimir Vysotsky (who did not fight, did not sit, did not shoot) to create poetic masterpieces by which he will be recognized as his own by all, without exception, layers of the population of the USSR. The universal key to human hearts - urethral mercy - will make it its own for each individually and for all together.
In his mature years, Vysotsky mentally will return more than once to Bolshoi Karetny. He will miss that flock, its unconditional devotion, readiness to come at the first call. Friends will go their separate ways. There will be only rare warm meetings and invariable on his part: “Do you need something? Now I can do anything. He will go first. They will forever preserve the memory of him, their Height.
You can learn about other unique properties that the urethral-sound vector ligament endows its owners with at the training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan. Registration for free online lectures at the link:
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List of references:
- Vysotsky. Research and materials. Volume 2. Youth. Page 6
- Ibid. P. 38
- Ibid. P. ten