The matrix. A masterpiece about the world we live in
The secret of this picture lies in its unusual ideas, which arouse keen interest in the audience. Have you ever felt like this world is missing something? Perhaps an understanding of what lies at the heart of everything that happens to us? Why do we do this and not another?
The film "The Matrix" conquered the world at the end of the 20th century. He brought worldwide popularity to his screenwriters and directors, the Wachowski brothers. A previously unprecedented combination of philosophy and action genre appeared before the audience. The film sparked debate in philosophical circles. Many articles have discussed his ideas.
The first film, The Matrix, hit screens in the United States in 1999. Then came two sequels - "The Matrix Reloaded" and "The Matrix Revolution", which became the impetus for the emergence of comics, computer games and anime based on the trilogy. The film received 4 Oscars and 28 other awards, as well as 36 nominations. The trilogy rental brought billions of dollars to its creators.
This trilogy has had a major impact on the global film industry. She does not lose her popularity to this day. Millions of viewers continue to watch it. What is the secret of the huge box office and enduring success of these films? Let's try to figure it out with the help of System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan.
How far from reality is this fantastic idea?
The secret of this picture lies in its unusual ideas, which arouse keen interest in the audience. Have you ever felt like this world is missing something? Perhaps an understanding of what lies at the heart of everything that happens to us? Why do we do this and not another?
It seemed to the protagonist of the film Neo that the world around him was not real enough, that there was something more that could not be seen with the eyes. Neo's conjectures suddenly took shape when he saw a message about the Matrix on his monitor screen. "You're stuck in the Matrix" sounded both scary and interesting.
In the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan there is the concept of "vector", which means a group of certain desires and properties of the human psyche. There are only eight such vectors. One of them is sound. For a person with a sound vector, the idea that the world can be controlled by machines, and people are just in a dream, will surely find a deep response, because his main desire is to know the essence of things and the laws of the universe, to find out what is "there" side of life.
He is little interested in the surrounding material world, all his attention is paid to internal questions about the meaning of life. "Who am I?", "Why am I here?", "What is the meaning of everything?" - that's what really worries him. Once upon a time, in an ancient human flock, he was a night guard and listened to the sounds of the savannah, trying to distinguish the sound of a leopard sneaking up. It was then that he learned to look into the night sky, asking questions far from the bustle of the world.
Neo, as the true owner of the sound vector, also could not sleep at night. He was looking for a man who, he thought, had answers to his tormenting questions about the structure of this world. When he found Morpheus, and he was faced with a choice - to take the red pill and reveal the truth or the blue one and remain in the dark - he did not hesitate for a long time. Of course, like any sound engineer, it was more important for him to know the truth. And Neo learned that all his life he lived in an illusion, but in reality the world was controlled by machines.

Here you can draw a parallel with the knowledge of system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan. She claims that it is not we who live, but that the deep mechanisms of our psyche, hidden from us in our unconscious, live by us.
They determine what we do and how we see the world around us. Isn't it almost like the machines that created the illusory world of the matrix? The only difference is that our internal mechanisms are very precisely arranged and they can never harm us if they are used correctly. But until we reveal how they work, we blindly submit to our unconscious. We live, most often, committing unconscious actions, not fully understanding why we behave this way and not otherwise.
There is no spoon
“There is no spoon,” says one of the children of the soothsayer Pythia to Neo. The matrix is just a veil before our eyes, and therefore even the law of gravity in it can be circumvented. Just as Neo's life completely changed when he discovered the Matrix, so there is no turning back for us when we reveal what is hidden in our unconscious, and a completely different world appears before us. But this new real world does not upset or scare us. On the contrary, we have the opportunity to control our life, to see deep meaning in it, to feel truly happy.
When we reveal what is hidden, the law of gravity in the physical world does not stop working, but we no longer see just material objects, we can look into another person's soul, understand what we cannot see with our eyes.
Remember how Neo saw the world? He saw what the matrix itself is woven from, saw the code, the very essence of the program. He also saw the soul of a person. And in the city of cars everything appeared before him in a bright light. In the same bright light, reality appears before us when we reveal what is hidden. This is the miracle of the intersection of the idea of the film with the new knowledge about the world, which is provided by the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan.
What does it mean to be chosen?
If you are a fan of The Matrix movie, you probably once thought that you would also like to have the same mission as Neo. Or maybe you thought you were special. Perhaps you have been able to experience a sense of your own uniqueness. Or have you once felt that you cannot find your place in this world, as if you do not fit into it. You are not much interested in the material, but the thought that there is something on the other side of the visible, most likely, caused inner delight and awe.

The director of the company where Neo worked also claimed that Neo considered himself special and was not worried about the rules that were written as if not for him. The director also added that all employees of the company feel like they are part of a single whole. But during this conversation, Neo listened to the noise outside the window. Most likely, he did not care much about the director's words, because there was something more important that occupied his mind.
The heroes of the film consider Neo the chosen one. Basically, any sound engineer can feel like the chosen one. But what was he chosen for? People who chose the truth and disconnected from the matrix made it their goal to grant freedom to everyone, despite the fact that not everyone was ready to accept it, as can be seen in the example of Cypher. He was never able to accept reality and tried to seize the opportunity to go back to the prison for reason.
In this regard, it is interesting that not all people in our world are interested in what is beyond the physical world. And those who are not interested are the majority. According to the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, such an interest - the desire to know oneself and discover the laws of the universe - is only among sound specialists, and this is only 5% of the world's population.
It is the sound experts who are faced with the task of revealing the meaning of life and the structure of the universe for all people and thus bring all of humanity into a new phase of development - the spiritual one. Doesn't it sound like the ambition of the crew of the Nebuchadnezzar ship?
Neo is the chosen one, because he is a sound engineer who fulfilled his highest destiny - he revealed the truth to people and gave his life for the salvation of mankind.
One team. Audio communications
The seekers of truth are looking for each other, because only together they can put their plan into practice. All members of the ship's crew are bound by a common goal. Achieving such a global goal is possible only by combining your efforts. You can't do it alone. Here again there is a parallel with systemic knowledge.
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan says that in our world, seven vectors have created their connections (emotional connections, connections between generations, and others), and sound connections, which can be called spiritual, are still in the process of creation. They can be based only on the basis of a deep understanding of another person, feeling him as himself. Only by creating these new connections through the disclosure of what is hidden in our psyche, through the knowledge of ourselves and others, can we come to the society of the future.
It is impossible not to notice how strong the connection between Trinity and Neo is. They love each other and together go along the path of implementing their plan, united by one idea. The owner of the sound vector Trinity was waiting for a meeting with a man equal to her potential. It turned out to be Neo, a sound engineer with a large volume of desire to cognize the truth and the potential to save humanity.
According to the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, a woman with a sound vector needs a sound man, otherwise she will always lack something in a relationship, namely: a subtle, intellectual sound connection. She wants a man to understand her, to share her sound questions, needs, interest in the structure of the universe, in revealing the meaning of life.
Such connections arise in a pair between two sound people, and over time they can understand each other so clearly, as if some line has melted between them, and nothing else separates them from each other. It sounds as incredible as everything fantastic that can be seen in the movie "The Matrix", but, fortunately, our world is not without pleasant surprises. It is possible. This is the relationship of the future.
They are facing each other - Neo and Trinity. Together they made their way to the city of machines and dedicated their lives to saving people. Their love and sound connection will last forever.
When choosing an actor works wonders
I would like to note that Keanu Reeves, who played Neo, was fascinated by the film's script. He, like his hero, is a sound engineer. And all his life he is in a sound search for answers to questions about the meaning of life. Despite the fact that Keanu was included in the list of famous atheists, he spoke more than once about faith in God or other higher powers. He was always interested in metaphysical questions, just as his hero Neo was interested in what is hidden from our eyes, what is wrong with our world. Keanu just thinks that religion is very personal and doesn't talk about its meaning for him. As a true owner of the sound vector, he is almost indifferent to fame, glitter of tinsel and everyday comfort, does not like hype and prefers solitude.
That is why the actor fit so organically into the role of Neo. He seems to be playing himself. As a result, in 2000 he received a number of awards for this role:
- the "Blockbuster EntertainmentAward" award for the best actor in the genre of action;
- “GoldenSlate” award as the best actor;
- MTV Movie Award for Best Actor in a Film.
But it’s not even about the awards. The miracle is that the film is still successful. It should be noted that the eternal questions are brilliantly conveyed by the scriptwriters in a figurative form and are wonderfully presented to the viewer in the acting.

A film for all time
These are the main ideas of the films of the "Matrix" trilogy. It can be assumed that the secret of their popularity and enduring success is not only in the exceptional spectacle, epoch-making of the plots, but also in the fact that they touch upon eternal questions to which people have been looking for answers for millennia. Someone watches these films because of the vivid special effects, and someone asks the same questions as the main character Neo.
But nevertheless, the main fans of science fiction are sound scientists, and, perhaps, they will be interested in the news that in the real world there is an equally exciting adventure - knowing oneself and everything hidden in the human psyche, at trainings in system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. Want to check it out? Sign up for free online lectures at the link: