Valentine's Day is a lifetime. Happiness to give love
The romantic flair of falling in love, the joy of first meetings, the first timid glances, casual touches, the happiness of the first intimacy … We are overwhelmed with emotions, we are waiting for something incredible. We look forward to the development of events. We are inspired by a new feeling that is being born. An incredible energy is bubbling inside and it seems that you can move mountains.
What is love and how to maintain the romance of a relationship for many years?
Many couples go through the exciting preparations for Valentine's Day every year. We are looking forward to the holiday of all lovers with trepidation, looking forward to, preparing, planning something. We carefully choose a gift for our soul mate. We make surprises. We try to be romantic. Or maybe it is for this day that we are preparing something very special, unforgettable for our soul mate. Something that happens only once in a lifetime.
And of course, on Valentine's Day, we remember the romantic story of this holiday.
A blind choice of fate
The tradition of celebrating Valentine's Day originated in early Christian Rome. In earlier historical times, among many tribes and in various ancient states, there were fertility holidays with the honor of a certain deity, designed to improve the demographic situation.
So, in ancient Rome, on February 14, the so-called Lupercalia was held in honor of the patroness of women, marriage and motherhood - Juno. The Romans believed in fate, in chance. It was the case that decided with whom the woman would share the bed. On this day, all unmarried women wrote their names on parchment and collected them in a basket. And single men pulled out the names of young Roman women and formed couples with these girls. This kind of rituals were adopted among many pagan peoples.
Even in Ancient Russia, we know an analogue of this holiday - the day of Ivan Kupala, when all the prohibitions on love relationships between unmarried girls and guys were removed. A man and a woman jumped over the fire, holding hands, and if they managed not to open their hands, this predicted they would soon get married.
However, the marriage traditions of the pagan tribes were based on carnal attraction. A chance night spent together. Meanwhile, Valentine's Day is surrounded by an aura of romance and sublime feelings. He is portrayed as a triumph of that visual love for which one is not afraid to die. We send each other quivering messages, give hearts and flowers.
How did Valentine's Day come about in its present form?

Let's turn to the legend
During its existence, the holiday has acquired many legends and romantic stories about sacrificial love. According to one version, Valentine was a Roman priest. In the 3rd century AD, the Roman emperor Julius Claudius II forbade military personnel to marry. From the point of view of Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology, such a ban looks rational. After all, a soldier can resignedly give his life only if he did not get to know the woman, which means that he did not feel the fullness and joy of life in full. A man who has come to know a woman is already reluctant to go to war. However, Valentine still combined the soldiers by the bonds of legal marriage with their chosen ones.
Priest Valentin, like many pastors, undoubtedly possessed an anal-visual ligament of vectors. His developed visual vector showed himself to help everyone in need. He helped lovers, reconciled them when they quarreled. His visual heart could not allow those who love each other to suffer alone or could not recognize their union before God and people.
Valentine was sentenced to death for breaking the law. In prison, he met a beautiful girl, the daughter of a warden, she felt his kindness, his huge loving heart, in which there was a place to help so many people. She fell in love with Valentine. In dermal Rome, the law was above all. On February 14, Valentine was executed, however, before his death, he wrote a declaration of love to his beloved.
Subsequently, as a Christian martyr, Valentine was canonized by the Catholic Church. And in 496, the Pope declared February 14 as Valentine's Day. Over time, Valentine's Day began to be celebrated all over the world. We are waiting for this holiday to confess our feelings to our soul mate, to tell the closest person how important he is to us, how dear. On this day, we remember how we met a loved one, how our relationship developed. We dream …
The thrill of first encounters - the birth of feelings
A romantic flair of falling in love, the joy of first meetings, the first timid glances, accidental touches, the happiness of the first intimacy … We are overwhelmed with emotions, we are waiting for something incredible. We look forward to the development of events. We are inspired by a new feeling that is being born. An incredible energy is bubbling inside and it seems that you can move mountains. Such is love, which is based on physical attraction to a partner.
We experience the strongest attraction for the first few months, and sometimes years of relationship, and then gradually the acuteness of love and erotic experiences is smoothed out. The partner becomes habitual.
In a series of everyday life, we sometimes do not notice how we move away from each other. And only some special occasion, for example, Valentine's Day, can make us remember the fervor of the first meetings and suddenly desperately want to return to the very beginning of the relationship and relive everything anew. With the same passion.

We begin to grumble that romance has disappeared from our lives, that relationships have become insipid and boring. We make claims to the partner, we expect something from him that is not clear. Little things start to annoy us. The partner seems to be slow. Or, on the contrary, he is in too much of a hurry. I didn't wash the cup after myself. I put the slippers on unevenly. All this by no means strengthens our relationship. Irritation builds up, resentments against a partner appear, which we silently hide inside.
When the old feelings have weakened somewhat, there is a need to understand: what is love?
Happiness to love
To love is to live the life of the one you love.
L. N. Tolstoy
A very small amount of hope is enough
to bring love to life.
In two or three days, hope may disappear;
yet love has already been born.
No one has yet managed to give a voluminous, comprehensive definition of love. Love gives a sensual fulfillment of life, which cannot be fully expressed in words.
However, it is the lack of understanding of what love is that prepares us for a lot of traps on the way to revealing each other, on the way to real intimacy. We confuse infatuation, falling in love and love, we mix these concepts, we do not understand how deep our feelings are.
Attraction passes, love cools down. Household irritation is added. A man with an anal vector may be annoyed that a skin woman is fussing, and a woman will think that it is he who slows down. A woman with an anal vector is not satisfied that a skin man pays little attention to her, and a skin man will be irritated that a woman distracts him from work.
And we run the risk of passing by the all-consuming feeling of true love, never seeing its depth. We sometimes want to receive proof of feelings from a partner, we want to be loved, we demand that we take care of ourselves, forgetting that true love is a complete surrender of ourselves to a partner.
This means not thinking about your desires, but thinking about his desires. It means trying to give it pleasure, not trying to get it for yourself. And only when in a pair each of the partners prioritizes each other's desires, the couple reveals the cosmic pleasure from intimacy, from relationships, from just being there.
The couple is certainly strengthened by common interests. Spend more time together. But this is not entertainment. Share your experiences, impressions, make joint plans. Trusting communication with each other will help you open the inner world of your partner, and then together you will be like two interpenetrating realities that are inseparable from each other.
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains that it is a deep emotional connection with a partner that helps to move towards each other, becoming closer with each new day. This depth of your closeness will help you not only celebrate Valentine's Day unforgettably, but live with love every day of your life.
This is evidenced by thousands of results of people who have undergone training:
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