Alcoholism is surmountable. Between relief and addiction
Alcohol as it is is neither evil nor good, it becomes a disaster when a person tries to compensate for his suffering, moving away from real steps to solving his problems, losing the ability to think constructively. There are no fewer unresolved issues, and the temporary feeling of relief is just an illusion.
- Do you drink? - I will not refuse
Alcoholism is an acute social problem. The destruction of adequate personal adaptation in society, conflicts in families, high mortality associated with alcohol abuse - this sad list of consequences can be continued on more than one page.
Alcohol as it is is neither evil nor good, it becomes a disaster when a person tries to compensate for his suffering, moving away from real steps to solving his problems, losing the ability to think constructively. The number of unresolved issues does not diminish, problems become more complicated against the background of emotional and physical dependence on alcoholic beverages, and a temporary feeling of relief is only an illusion.

What is behind this phenomenon? What can be seen with a systemic view?
Let's take a look at a few key points here.
The cause of alcoholism can be sexual and / or social frustration, and there are vector features here.
Alcohol and sexual frustration
Alcohol affects the same areas of the brain as sex. That is why you can observe how people get drunk because of sexual frustration, trying to compensate for earthly shortages and suffering with alcohol.
First of all, these are anal people. They have a great libido, and at the same time, the peculiarities of their character and the modern contradictory skin landscape create difficult conditions for their realization, both social and sexual.
The anal man is monogamous by nature. Problems arise when the woman he wants in every possible way avoids sexual contact. His desire is huge, at the same time he cannot redirect it to another woman. He sighs, annoys with his harassment, takes offense, reproaches, breaks down, yells at everyone, takes revenge in a small way, masturbates with grief, but suffers … Sexual hunger, accumulating, provokes sadistic manifestations and alcoholism.
A serious obstacle on the way to the realization of an anal person is resentment and its consequences (resentment against the mother, against the first woman, against the state, government, the world in general - the variations are diverse). In a feeling of total "underdal", he loses the ability to move, getting stuck in the past. So he finds himself on the sidelines of life: not able to sufficiently realize himself socially, he often remains without a woman … and in most cases alcoholism awaits him too - the psychologist will not be able to find reasons for him. After all, we are used to running around with our grievances, not even suspecting their destructive impact.
An anal man, offended by a woman, feels like "all women - you know who …", and it is difficult for him to find sexual satisfaction with such initial attitudes. Here, the prerequisites for the pedaling of male friendship arise, the basis of which is libidinal, tied to the dual, undifferentiated libido of anal men. Analists offended by women unite in an anal brotherhood. Together they go to a bathhouse, sometimes to a strip club, ride bikes, drink beer, and express solidarity with each other towards women. The dirty humor with the constant, obsessive mention of the back seat and excrement also speaks of sexual frustration in the anal vector.
In these conditions, there is a tendency to alcoholism. Cursing life, women and the state, suffering anal men drink from day to day, losing their human appearance and dramatically reducing their ability to get out of this state. And it seems that there is no way out of this vicious circle …
Because of sexual and social frustration, urethral people also drink too much. Moreover, unlike the owners of all other vectors, they drink too quickly, not knowing the measure in anything, unable to limit themselves, they constantly go up.
Alcoholism and visual-action thinking
In recent decades, there has been an acute issue of indiscriminate drunkenness in the villages. It can be systematically seen that muscle people, which form the basis of the rural population, are drinking too much. An example of excessive alcohol consumption is given to them by unrealized skinners.
With the advent of skin time, the center of life moved to cities. The village is dying out, and the vector composition of its inhabitants has also changed. The basis, as before, is made up of muscles. Anal people without a top, being the owners of the house, the land, raising children, observing traditions, perfectly realize themselves in the village.
Skin people - those of them who are more or less developed - leave for cities in search of greater opportunities: the city is complementary to them both in the rhythm of life and in values. In the villages, there are archetypal leather workers who, due to their underdevelopment, could not leave for the city and could not find their place in the village.
What happens to an archetypal unrealized skinner (regardless of where he lives)? Due to his underdevelopment, the desire to steal is strongly expressed in him, at the same time, the fear of punishment stops his archetypal manifestations. The state of stress of unrealized desire to steal, on the one hand, and social frustration, on the other hand, become the cause of alcoholism.

Skin drunks, drunken drunkards, podzabornye, will never refuse to drink with someone "for free", inciting others to this simple matter. The worst thing they do is set an example for muscle people. After all, the muscle is a part of WE, he is led and does not have his own opinion, where everything, there he is. Skinners, who have always been and are the personification of limiting the primary urge for themselves and others (primarily for the muscles), cease to perform this function (that is, the developed ones left the village, but the undeveloped ones remained and set a negative example).
For a muscle, an example of an intoxicated skin is fatal. After drinking, on a par with the skinny ones, beyond any measure, as a result of disinhibition of the cerebral cortex, primitive instincts awaken in the muscle type, and he takes up the ax. Usually a peaceful and hardworking muscle in a state of alcoholic intoxication can become a murderer, and in the morning, having sober up, not even remember what happened …
The drunken muscles are no longer able to work at full strength and cannot be a strong link in procreation (it is precisely in the muscles that a dozen children are born, and it is on them that demography has been held for centuries).
Thus, the negative example of unrealized, drunken skin-mongers undermines the life of the village for centuries, the realization of the muscular foundation of society, the basis of universal security and fertility.
Why do some people not drink too much?
A completely different relationship with alcohol in the sound vector. With the right approach, he does not get drunk: unlike in other vectors, the sound engineer does not try to compensate for earthly sufferings through alcohol, but unconsciously seeks concentration in him on his internal states.
To understand the motives of a drinking person, you need to understand him, understand the states of his vectors, his subconscious desires. A sound person is never without lower vectors, and together with an offended anality, an archetypal skin vector or an unrealized urethral vector, it is the lower vector that can become the cause of alcoholism. It is very easy to make a mistake when defining a vector without a deep knowledge of the states and three-dimensional vision of a person as a whole.
After Yuri Burlan's training, you can truly understand what alcohol means for a sound engineer and what shortages are washed down with the rest of the vectors. Not only to understand, but also to learn how to fill these gaps in a more effective way.